Happy New Year! How’s your hangover?
We’re old enough that our idea of celebration is SLEEPING. So I’m rockin’ 8 strong hours of snoozage. I don’t do resolutions very often… but this year I resolve to get knocked up at some point. Did you make any resolutions?
I know I’m a little behind everyone else in Bloglandia with my ‘2013 Recap Post’, but better late than never right? I mostly do these recaps for myself anyway… because it’s fun to look back and see what all we accomplished in a year’s time. This blog is like a journal for me… so this roundup post is like a summary of our projects and productivity. (Check out last year’s roundup post here, and the year before that here)
If you’ve been around our blog for awhile, it’ll be a fun little recap! And if you’re new-ish, you might see some fun posts you missed out on!
Here we go (in no particular order)…. click on each pic to be taken to that individual post!
There you have it! Here’s to an amazing new year… filled with new hope and drywall dust!
Deb says
My resolution is also to get knocked up! Currently on 3 months of hormones to boost ovulation and if that doesn’t work on to ICSI. Fingers crossed for both of us!!!
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
Yay Deb! Good luck with your ‘endeavors’ this year! I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!
Renee says
Happy New Year Beth and fam! I enjoy the “Year in Review” things so I can remember what I have forgotten! (Trust me, you will get there someday) Anyway, I was watching Rehab Addict on DYI yesterday (in between Nebraska football game/Iowa football game(boo)) and she was stripping hardware yesterday. I just caught the tailend of that portion of the show where she was talking about putting cabinet hardware layered with paint in the crockpot to strip. Have you heard of doing this and do you know what it involves? It seemed to work really easy. Is this something new or have I been missing out for a few year??? Thanks!!!!
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
Renee, I pinned something on Pinterest along those lines… with removing paint from hardware in a crockpot. I’ve honestly never tried it. I did remove paint once just by letting the hardware soak for an afternoon and scrubbing it with a wire brush. It came off pretty easily! But I’m thinking if it’s oil-based paint, it’s not going to come off so easy.
Robin says
Happy New Year to your sweet family! I’m so glad to have found you on the interwebs, I really enjoy your blog. I know its not all butterflies and rainbows, but you do a great job of being a real mommy, wife and DIYer!
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
Thanks Robin! Happy New Year to you too! it’s true… life is definitely not all butterflies and rainbows, but we’re committed to sharing it ALL here on our blog. We have way too much fun with it! HA! May you have a wonderful year!