So, you may recall last week we laid down a step-by-step tutorial for building custom box planers (that tutorial is here), and promised we’d be back to share how we added the geometric trim work! It looks tricky, but it really isn’t… especially with the right tools! When we ripped down our 1x4’s (because we needed 1x3’s) to build the planters, we saved the 1x1 strips of wood to you as ... [ Read More ]
Build your own Planter Boxes!
With the weather finally warming up enough to step outside, we’ve been hankerin’ to whip up some outdoor projects to give our sad exterior a pick-me-up and just generally make it feel more like home. Having built the pergola last year, we knew that come spring we would jump into it again. Evennnnnntually we need to put patio paver stones under the pergola (and extend it out even further), but that ... [ Read More ]
Meaningful Mother’s Day Gift Idea
I’m not really one to think too much about holidays and seasonal décor. You won’t find me bedazzling any Easter eggs or making a 4th of July American Flag out of pallet wood. But one holiday that I do like to put some thought into is Mother’s (and Father’s) Day. It just seems like such a special time to honor our parents and the sacrifices they’ve made for us. Since Mother’s Day isn’t ... [ Read More ]
Wooden Kilim Wall Art
With the weather warming up slowly but surely, our mind-wheels have been turning with plans for our veggie garden, tuning up the lawnmower, and thinking about some small landscaping projects. BUT... the ground is still frozen. And the wind has been INSANE. Like blow-you-over-insane. So I’ve been thinking a little more logically about making some small changes right around our actual front door. ... [ Read More ]
The Dollhouse {Part 1}
Good morning beautiful people! I’m happy today for the following reasons: It’s FRIDAY! My cold is almost gone The weekend is tomorrow I own the movie Frozen We are approaching the weekend It is gloriously sunny and warm enough to frolic about It’s FRIDAY! Are you as jubilant as I? Do you need a warm hug? Do you want to build a snowman? I KNOW! Let’s see how long we can ... [ Read More ]
Build a Custom Frame out of Trim Pieces!
Good Tuesday to you! How’s your eternal winter treating you? Did you catch that Frozen reference? I think when I posted about our epic comforter fail in our bedroom, it reminded me how neglected that room has been since then... and I’ve found myself adding little things to warm it up! We had this foam-core print of the girls from their newborn photoshoot with the fabulous Molly Long, and ... [ Read More ]
‘Drip Tray’ for Muddy or Wet Shoes
Y’all. We have an epic problem. And I don’t use the word epic flippantly and without consequence like most of the universe. Do you see that? Melty, muddy snow. *hold me* We don’t have the good fortune of having a mudroom. Apparently 114 years ago, architects weren’t concerning themselves with mudrooms. (or linen closets, coat closets, or pantry’s... just sayin’) This is where we ... [ Read More ]
DIY Industrial Christmas Tree Ornament
You may have guessed from our last post that we’re definitely in the holiday spirit! So when Lowes challenged us to create a DIY ornament... it felt fitting that it should have an serious industrial feel, while still being festive and cheerful! So today we’re going to show you how to create your own little industrial tree ornament using very basic hardware and wood! All we ... [ Read More ]
Creating Silhouette Art using a Scroll Saw
I’ve been spending a lot of time with my scroll saw lately. It gives me a lot of time to think about other creative things I could be making with my scroll saw. I ask myself questions like: WHY not cut shapes other than states? and WHY not do a reverse silhouette instead? Groundbreaking, I know. I decided to play around with some ideas, and started with cutting a 1” pine board down to 8x10 ... [ Read More ]
Herringbone Patchwork Accent Wall {REVEAL!}
So sorry to leave you hanging yesterday. We had some last minute finishing touches to take care of before ‘after’ pictures were ready. But I was bound and determined to at least get a start on that blog post! So I’ll start right where we left off! A pattern within a pattern: We’ve used stencils from Royal Design Studio before (and love how durable their stencils are), so we were thrilled ... [ Read More ]