I’ve been spending a lot of time with my scroll saw lately. It gives me a lot of time to think about other creative things I could be making with my scroll saw. I ask myself questions like: WHY not cut shapes other than states? and WHY not do a reverse silhouette instead?
Groundbreaking, I know.
I decided to play around with some ideas, and started with cutting a 1” pine board down to 8×10 plaques. Then I routed the edges for decorative purposes. You could totally buy wood plaques at a craft store that already have the routed edges if that’s easier. (just make sure it’s not plywood)
For the sake of this tutorial, I chose a horse silhouette image that I found here.
I printed my horsey friend onto a transparency and projected the image onto my board with an overhead projector. (if you don’t own one, check your local library… they often rent them out for free!)
You could also use carbon paper to transfer your image.
Then I drilled a hole in his foot. POOR LITTLE BUDDY.
Next, I took the blade off my scroll saw and fished it through the hole and put secured the blade back in place! This is the one I use and it’s A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. But if you’re looking for a more mid-range (read: less expensive) then this one is also great quality and handles well! Whatever you do, don’t buy a scroll saw that’s much less than $200. You’ll regret it for sure.
I learned on a RYOBI (which is what I learned on and used for this tutorial) but have since upgraded and couldn’t believe how much better I was just from using a decent scroll saw.
Then you’re off!
Keep both hands on the wood, and just steer it through… keeping the blade on the line. It’s a lot more simple than it looks. And I’m not just saying that because I’ve put in about 150 hours on this sucker.
When you come to places that are tight or come to a point, just let the blade go to the point, and then pull it back and bypass it. You’ll come back and get the other half of all the little points after you cut the bulk of the silhouette.
Once you make your way around the entire image, turn off your scroll saw and pop it out. How satisfying!
Then it’s time to go in there and finish off all those half-peaks.
That’s it! All done! I lightly sanded the edges with 200 grit and slapped on a comb hook on the back for easy hanging!
I left this one as plain wood because of all the tiny cracks and crevices, but on a less detailed piece you could totally paint and/or stain. On this next piece I did, I stained the inside edges with Rustoleum Dark Walnut, and painted the front/sides white. And you can put fabric behind and change it out whenever you want!
And if you want to get really fancy, you can do some people… like Joseph and preggo mother Mary.
UPDATE! I shared a new tutorial on how to apply a scroll saw template HERE!
If you’ve been reading our blog for any amount of time, you know there are TONS of things to do with a scroll saw. Things that are SIMPLE and DOABLE! Here are a few examples!
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And check out ALL our scroll saw tutorials HERE!
*this post contains affiliate links
I really love my scroll saw thank you for awesome ideas and lesson.
I haven’t used a scroll saw before, but I must get one now thanks to you! Thanks for taking your time to write and share such an informative piece.
Thank you so much for sharing this knowledgeable blog for us, it is truly a great informative site. That is very helpful for us.
Thanks, Bethany for a great post
I just a woodworking beginner and I think I should buy a scroll saw now!
The way you used your scroll saw is amazing. Is it easy to start?
Yes! It is quite easy! If you’re just getting started, I recommend the Dremel Moto-Saw! It’s easy to operate and much cheaper than the big beast that I use now. 🙂
Here’s an affiliate link! https://amzn.to/2XEYbvc
I really want to thank you for yet another great informative post, I’m a loyal visitor to this blog and I can’t say how much valuable tips I’ve learned from reading your content. I really appreciate all the hard work you put into this great blog.
Thanks for sharing this post! I’ve just recently started getting into woodworking and this will really help me. I was surprised at how easily you make this art with this scroll saw. That is pretty impressive. Have a nice day.
I just bought a scroll saw. It’s a Ryobi is that not a good saw?
RYOBI has some features that are frustrating, but it should work fine for you! Just be patient with it. 🙂
Your website is charming and informative. Thank you so much for the great ideas ! I am thinking of building some accent lighting into picture frames to highlight paintings that my mother-in-law has done. I have figured out the electronics part, but don’t have much experience or tools for wood working. My question is, do you recommend any particular scroll saw for a beginner ? Thank you.
That sounds like such a fun project idea! I learned on a RYOBI scroll saw, but it was such a piece of junk. I would try to find one in the $300-400 range for a beginner. I have a JET scroll saw now, and it’s AMAZING. But I wouldn’t expect someone to spend that much when you’re just starting out. Things to think about!
Good afternoon, I would like to learn how to make animal figures. You can advise me that I have to buy to be able to do them. Thank you very much
Hi Ivan! All you should need is a board, a scroll saw, and an image of an animal that you want to cut out of the board! <3
I got my first power tool for Christmas this year… a scroll saw! I’m wondering how you get your edges so clean; does it just come down to practice and a steady hand? Thanks for all the great ideas. I can’t wait to give the horse one a try!
Yay for a new scroll saw! Some of it depends on your blade, but even if you have a rough edge when you’re done, just hit it with sandpaper and it will look great! <3
This is AWESOME! I just borrowed a scroll saw from my carpenter father-in-law, so I could try it out for my Etsy shop….and you make it look so do-able! Thanks for all these tips! 🙂
I won the saw! I can’t believe it, I never win anything. Can’t wait to put it to good use.
Thanks so much, and thanks for your great blog. You are such an inspiration.
Thanks for the great giveaway. Btw I LOVE the clock!
What a wonderful giveaway. I have always wanted to try my hand at small scale woodworking and this Ryobi Scroll Saw looks like the type of tool I could handle. It would make an awesome birthday present (Dec. 19th) !!! : ) Thank you for the opportunity.
What a great giveaway! I love your site and a scroll saw is at the top of my Christmas wish list! A few weeks ago I showed my husband your bracket shaped signs and went on and on about how I NEED to make us one!
How do I know if I’ve actually registered into the contest? I want to win this freaking thing! I didn’t get a confirmation e-mail or anything and when I try to login on the rafflecopter site it says the e-mail I used here isn’t on their system…so I’m confused…
Timothy, is there still a +1 button on the Rafflecopter form? It should say ‘DONE’ instead of the +1. It won’t let you enter more than once, so if it’s still letting you enter (by clicking the +1) then you haven’t entered yet.
yep, thanks, it says done! too much eggnog I guess 😛
I do wish I had a scroll saw when I see your scroll saw posts… and think of all the neat Christmas ornaments and puzzles I could make if I had one. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
This would make and awesome gift for my husband or brother. Plus, I would benefit with all the projects I could talk the hubby into. Also, I already have experience with a scroll saw. What an awesome giveaway!!!!
Another power tool to teach my husband how to use!! 🙂
Thank you for the opportunity! It would be my husband’s {aka mine} Christmas present! 🙂
done & done, could be fun!
Done & Done ! I’d LOVE to win this. 🙂
As Dr Suess said, “oh the places you can go”. This is so cool! Pick mr!
Because I work in advertising, I’m sensitive to copyright (we’ve had clients get burned, we get regular lectures about it, etc) I would just like to point out to your readers that the shutterstock image used is one they expect you to buy. Just because it is online, doesn’t mean it is free, and if you are making things to sell your chances go up that you’ll be caught. Something like a horse silhouette, not so much. But for the love of all that is holy, don’t mess with Disney!
A great source for public domain images is Dover Publications’ clip art collections or sites like http://www.clker.com/
Amber, you’re so right! We’re not planning to sell this item for that very reason (and why we don’t sell our work that has NFL logos). Is it ok that I used the image, as long as I’m not making a profit?
I think it is in a grey area because you transformed it (I’m not a copyright lawyer, and the lectures we get are more about stealing pics online and using them in print ads…) but the watermark is usually a red flag. I was doing etched/sandblasted glass for a while and the teacher’s advice for that was basically that “you can probably get away with a lot when you are small potatoes just because you don’t get caught, but hopefully you’ll get good enough/big enough to not want to risk it coming back to haunt you later. Develop good habits early.”
Kristy, I left the promo code blank and it worked just fine. Good luck!
The sign up for the roybi nation says it needs a promo code– what should I put in that field?
I think it’s an optional field… Can you leave it blank?
I cannot believe the precision!!! Great opportunity – thanks!
Thanks Beth – that saw would be awesome! However, I would have to hide it from everyone else in my family!
So exciting! Would love this!!
thank you for the chance to win that awesome saw. I had my doubts about the horse but the end result was AMAZING!!!! Just goes to show ya! 🙂
Such an awesome giveaway! I’m always drooling over your work and would love to have one of these babies to play with.
Thanks for the fantastic inspiration!
Thank for this fantastic giveaway. I have always wanted a scroll saw, but after seeing your amazing reverse silhouette, I want one even more! Have a great weekend.
I signed up..would love this!
Wow Beth you have really become talented with the woodworking tools. Your projects all look great.
Fingers crossed!!!
Love all of your projects! Awesome giveaway 🙂
I signed up – how amazing it would be to be able to do the many things I have wanted to over the years!!!!
I just had my hands on my first RYOBI tool last night – a jig saw at Home Depot Do It Herself workshop – I was super impressed! I love your project – very cool!
I’ve used my dads OLD scrollsaw ,circa 1980, would be fantastic to get one of my own!
woo hoo!
ps- you’re gone from my bloglovin’ again 🙁 weird.
I know dude. I’m super frustrated about those matters. Will you let me know if/when it starts working again?
OOOH! This is so exciting! I’ve been wanting a scroll saw for awhile now.
I never even knew what a scroll saw was before S&E! And, it is the one tool my hubs doesn’t have. I would totally be beside myself if I won my very own!!
I’m already signed up with ryobi nation
Good than you don’t need to do anything! Just click the button in the Rafflecopter form! Good luck 🙂
I would love one of these.. I may actually buy one if I don’t win it. Love the stuff you’ve created!!
Man now I need a router too! Very inspiring.
You never cease to amaze me. You two are too talented. I would love to just tour your home and see all of the wonderful things you’ve done. Thanks for sharing your life with us all.
I’ve been wanting one of these!!!! Thanks for the opportunity.
This is wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity! 🙂
That is SO awesome!!!!! I think I could become very addicted to something like this! ahahaha
Hi i have just found this site, the scroll saw and art work and pyography is my interest, i am quite into scroll saw work.