A few years ago, we installed a clothespin under our kitchen cabinets to hold recipes and keep them out of messy ingredients while cooking... because who likes crusty recipe cards? It served it’s purpose for a good long time! As time has worn on and technology advances, we now need to keep our tablets out of the mess. Amiright? Pulling up a recipe on your iPad and bringing it to the kitchen ... [ Read More ]
Toddler Bed / Mini Fainting Couch {Tufting & Upholstery}
This Fainting Couch Toddler Bed has been SUCH a fun DIY project. If you're just tuning in, check out Part 1 and Part 2 to get you caught up to this point. Today we're tackling the UPHOLSTERY! I’ve had to step outside the box with this project... jumping into carpentry and power tools (with an AMAZING and knowledgeable {and sexy coach). But upholstery is a whole other ballgame. I referred a ... [ Read More ]
End Table Update {Triangle Pattern Insert}
Ok so here’s the thing. Nick’s been known to be a little annoyed with all the various things I ask him to help me with (understandably so). There are basic homeowner/maintenance–type things that I wouldn't even think about that totally need done in addition to all my measly requests. That’s why I love it when I find a project that I know I can pull off unassisted. This keeps me occupied while ... [ Read More ]
Mini Ladder Shelf for Serving & Organization
Happy Monday! How’s that for an oxymoron? Let me tell you how this went... Ring, Ring. Nick: Hey Babe, What’s up? Beth: Hey I’m at Lowes and I have this project that I want to do. Nick: Ok, what is it? Beth: I want to build a small ladder shelf to put food on. What do I need to buy? Nick: ....... Uhhhh. IDK, just buy a bunch of 1x4’s... Yup that is pretty much how ... [ Read More ]
Fainting Couch Toddler Bed Inspiration/Construction {Part 1}
Some of my mommy-friends have small children who climb out of their crib before they’re even a year old. And other less-ambitious children don’t attempt to escape until well into their toddlerhood. My small children have made it to age two, and are still going strong (we’re thanking our lucky stars). But I know that dreaded day is coming, and I often think about that terrifying moment when I wake ... [ Read More ]
State Pride Tour and Collaboration {IOWA!}
If you’ve been around our blog for any amount of time, you know that I love geography and have tons of pride for my home state: IOWA!! Represent! I figured out this amazing way to make new wood look OLD and it basically changed my life. . I've used my 'old wood' to make these barn board signs and these Bracket-Shaped Plaques Since 1x4 pine boards are inexpensive and ... [ Read More ]
‘House Divided’ Broken Bracket Sign
As you know... football season is UPON us. I enjoy a good football game when the *cough* FOOD is right. And if the Chicago Bears are playing, I might even get into it! But you won’t ever see me jump off the couch or anything. I’m a passive football fan. But I will say I enjoy football a lot more now that I understand it (for the most part). My main point here... is that I whipped up a little ... [ Read More ]
DIY Jumbo Jenga {Interiors by Kenz}
GUYS! My amazing/talented/adorable bloggy friend Kenz is here to share her story and a little project with you today! We finally got to meet in person at Haven, and were instantly fast friends. Her blog Interiors by Kenz is hilarious, real... and inspiring! You should be friends with her too! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey Reality Daydream readers! You're the coolest people on the ... [ Read More ]
A Facelift for the Credenza
If you don’t already, you should subscribe to our blog so you get an email every time we publish a new blog post (not more than 2 times a week… TOPS)! You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram so you don’t miss ANY of this madness! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We’re not knocking out furniture projects like we used to... I’m sorry what was that? You’re wondering WHY NOT? Have ... [ Read More ]
Succulent Centerpiece using Birch Logs & Twine!
As you know, I’ve been trying to incorporate plants into my décor a little more. There’s just something cheerful about flowers or green plants in a room. My mom has a seriously green thumb. Her yard is gorgeously landscaped with the most unique combinations of plants, bushes, flowers… UGH. So I drug her with me to Lowes to help me pick out a combination of succulents. Because I’m trendy ... [ Read More ]