In my circle of mommy friends, I often hear them lament about how intrusive and violating it is when a stranger (or even friend or family member) touches their pregnant belly out in public. I get it, but personally I’m more inclined to freak out on a stranger if they try to put their filthy germ-infested mits on my already-born baby. But to each their own! My whole life, whenever I would see a ... [ Read More ]
Bad news and good news…
I try to sneak in cute pictures of the girls in my posts, thus staying away from ‘camera dumps’ of my adorable offspring. But some pictures just don’t fit with the theme of a post… and are too cute not to be seen! Plus, I still do think of this little blog as a diary of sorts. A few days ago, the girls were running with the kittens, and Della face-planted on the concrete. There was a LOT of ... [ Read More ]
Kinda Pregnant
Yesterday seems like a dream. In the morning we scurried to finish up some projects, get laundry done, and head to Des Moines to get knocked up. The nurses started defrosting our two microscopic children first thing in the morning. It’s a process that takes several hours, and we were told we would ONLY be notified if both embryos didn’t ‘make it’. But you know I was calling and inquiring all ... [ Read More ]
Why you should never take for granted when a child hands you a dandelion
There was a day many years ago that I was spending the afternoon outside with a friend and her little girl. I distinctly remember her rolling her eyes when her toddler kept bringing her dandelions. I can still feel that ache in my heart that I had when I would have given anything for a child to call me Mommy and bring me dandelions. As silly as it sounds, that’s something I’ve carried with me over ... [ Read More ]
The Mother of all Mom-Days
Yesterday was a bittersweet day for me. Mother’s Day is a day filled with mixed emotions… teetering between being overjoy that I have the honor of being a mommy, and pain for those who desperately want to be a mommy, or recently lost their mommy… or worst lost a child. It plagued me the entire day. What did I do to deserve this incredible blessing… TIMES TWO! The girls were clueless about what ... [ Read More ]
The girls have been going through a ‘I CAN’T’ stage. They don’t even try. Yesterday they could put their shoes on. Today, they’re a pile of pathetic tears… conveying to us the impossibility of our request. Sometimes it’s really laughable. Like saying they CAN’T reach their cup on the counter when their hand is basically already holding it. They CAN’T find their baby doll even though they had it ... [ Read More ]
Dear Embryos
It’s starting to get real y’all. We only have one backsplash left to paint before things get serious. If you’ve been following along on our journey for a little while, you know that our twins were a result of IVF. You also know that we have been saving for ‘round 2’ which will be a frozen embryo transfer. We’re getting so close to our financial goal, and my anxiety level is through the roof. We ... [ Read More ]
Baby Fever
If the topics that I blogged about were what was actually pressing on my heart, I’d be talking a lot more about the baby-fever I’ve been experiencing. I’m careful not to go into it too often, because I try not to get too deep on you with any frequency. And I want to be sensitive to my ‘fertility friends’. We’ve been keeping our readers up to date on the status of our ‘baby fund’ on Facebook and ... [ Read More ]
Three years ago…
I’ve been sitting here for an hour trying to form a sentence. Three years ago I was a broken, empty shell-of-a-person. I had endured years of feeling inadequate as a woman. Pain that can’t be explained. I was reading through some old posts of mine, and came across one that so perfectly explains what I’m feeling. So I’m going to share this post with you again... because maybe MAYBE somebody needs ... [ Read More ]
On THIS Mother’s Day
I don’t talk about infertility a lot anymore, but that’s not because it doesn’t weigh heavily upon my heart. I began to realize that my empathy wasn’t allowing me to fully enjoy my two remarkable blessings with my whole being. I choose to allow myself a healthy heartache… without living in the past. My family deserves that. For the past year, I’ve been thinking about how I would write ... [ Read More ]