Yesterday was a bittersweet day for me. Mother’s Day is a day filled with mixed emotions… teetering between being overjoy that I have the honor of being a mommy, and pain for those who desperately want to be a mommy, or recently lost their mommy… or worst lost a child. It plagued me the entire day. What did I do to deserve this incredible blessing… TIMES TWO!
The girls were clueless about what a special day it was, but Nick was super sweet and made me feel like a princess all day. We went out for ice cream, and he checked some things off my ‘Honey-Do List’ that he really didn’t want to do. (more on this later in the week)
And he made me this amazing little decorative box that spells ‘MOM’ with a letter on each side of the cube. And there’s a little wooden heart suspended in the center. INCREDIBLE.
Nick likes to call it the ‘Mother of all boxes’… heh heh. Get it? This idea could also be used for Father’s Day using the letters DAD instead of MOM. Brilliant!
We had a little BBQ to celebrate my own Mother and the incredible sacrifices she’s made for me and all my siblings over the years.
And to top off a perfect Mother’s Day, I got to be reminded of the potential to be a mommy again soon… by being stabbed with a needle and injected with Lupron at exactly 2:30 in the morning.
The Lupron shot will go on for 3 weeks before adding the hormone patch, and ultimately the Progesterone shot… which is the real deal. We’re talking a two-inch needle y’all. It’s all feeling very real. And I’m protecting my heart by trying not to think about it and let it consume my days. Thanks so much for following along and supporting us on this journey to become parents again! For even more behind-the-scenes info, be sure to follow us on Instagram!
Just started following your blog and love it! Good luck with all of the meds! My husband and I are in the 2 week wait of our first FET. Fresh cycle was a chemical pregnancy. Doing estradiol and progesterone now. I have to do the progesterone shot myself one day this week because of being out of town. Should be interested. I’m already stressing!:)
Thanks for commenting Lynne! It sounds like we have a lot in common. 🙂 I’m so proud of you for doing those progesterone shots yourself… I just don’t know if I could do it! GOOOD LUCK!
I’ve read quite a few posts this year with people acknowledging how emotionally mixed up Mother Day can be. It’s very supportive to just see others noting that it’s not easy for everyone and that some people are have a tough time. I’ve just had my second mothers day without my own mum (not getting any easier yet) but my kids still want to make it nice for me which is so lovely.
That box is very beautiful, I’ve never seen anything like it – really lovely.
And finally ( I know I have a tendency to ramble on) I love seeing your family pictures, is that your Mum with the kids?
I had all the same thoughts on Mother’s Day. My really good friend gave birth to her first baby on mother’s day last year, and his heart stopped during labor. It was all I could think about all day. I cried so much. My heart always hurts for those who I know endure the day quietly and painfully.
Your compassion is contagious. And I am praying so so hard for you while you gear up for the next IVF round. I think about you every day!
Love love love that box!!!! And I didn’t realize you were starting this journey again! Prayers going up for Any nervousness, anxiety, hormone stuff, and that it all works exactly how it’s supposed to for another miracle! Or miracles…the first time!! It was extremely hard I thought the first time, can’t imagine doing it again. Of course I also said that about adopting and we did that a second time too:) much love to you and your family!!
Love the mom box! Are you going to sell a dad’s box in your store for father’s day : )
Hmmmmm! That’s a good question! I’ll have to ask the hubs his thoughts on that. 🙂
Love the Mom box! Being a mother is an amazing gift that I too am grateful to have received.
I have been there and done all that as well, I HATED the shots! I had to give the progesterone one to myself and it was soooo hard! We had twins, boy and girl, our first time (however our little girl went to be with the Lord 8 days after she was born). It took me almost 3 years to try again…. We now have another beautiful little boy! I will be praying for you during this time as I know it is hard and stressful and exciting all at the same time!
Ugh! I don’t know how you could give yourself the shots. I just can’t bring myself to do it. And luckily Nick is willing. 🙂 I’m so sorry for the loss of your little girl… I just can’t imagine. I’m so glad that you’ve been blessed with two beautiful little boys. And thanks for your prayers!
love the mom box!!please give us more details on how to make it! thanks.
Thanks Vickie! We’ll see what we can do!
Go lupron!