I try to sneak in cute pictures of the girls in my posts, thus staying away from ‘camera dumps’ of my adorable offspring. But some pictures just don’t fit with the theme of a post… and are too cute not to be seen! Plus, I still do think of this little blog as a diary of sorts.
A few days ago, the girls were running with the kittens, and Della face-planted on the concrete. There was a LOT of blood and tears, and all she wanted was to be comforted by her sister.
When the blood cleared and the weeping subsided, we realized that she might be missing a tooth… then we found this at the scene of the crime.
I was more than a little devastated. How could her WHOLE TOOTH COME OUT? And what do we do now? How did this happen to my cautious, non-risk-taking child?
After chatting it up with the Dentist (while he was at his daughters softball game), we were reassured that this happens… and it’s fairly common among young children because their bones are softer and allows the whole tooth to come out instead of breaking off at the root (which is much worse).
This little child doesn’t even know her tooth is gone.
Her tooth is literally gone from her mouth for the next 6 years when her adult tooth comes in.
I’m not much of a cry-er, but that night I cried for hours.
And that’s when I knew I was pregnant.
I admit, I took a home pregnancy test on Sunday… and didn’t tell you all because it’s one thing for ME to be let down (if for some reason it’s a false positive)… but it’s entirely different to have to rescind such information from the world at large. Because I’ve found that, based on my email inbox right now, a LOT of you are invested in our fertility story. Which is both weird and amazing.
It’s true! My blood test this morning confirmed it! I could just weep. Oh wait! I AM weeping!
Ok but here’s the thing… there’s a little dark cloud following me around, because I know that this news is painful for some of you to hear. ‘Why does SHE get to have 2 successful tries and I have NOTHING?’ These are the things that keep me awake at night. WHY does it work for some, and not for others? WHY can’t we all just get pregnant after a wild night of sex? WHY do some have miscarriages, still-birth’s, or lose a child too soon?
It sucks, and I don’t have any answers. And I understand if you need to be mad at me for a bit. I implore you to continue fighting.
I started following your blog as a little home DIYing project started and you had just gotten pregnant with the twins. I followed all their orange chair Friday photos and then when I moved cross-country, my blogging dropped off.
I (very) randomly stumbled upon your blog against via pinterest and a) the twins are just precious! and b) I am so excited you were able to have another (beautiful) little girl! xoxo
Awwww thank you! And welcome back! We’ve been doing the weekly chair pics (different chair though) with baby Cypress as well. I just update the same post each week… here’s the link if you wanna see her cuteness! 😉 https://realitydaydream.com/2015/03/cypresss-weekly-photo-project.html
We’re so lucky!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I just recently discovered your blog and am so excited to start reading it!! We found out the same day as you that we are pregnant! I’m due March 2 😀 This wonderful baby will be our first and we are SO EXCITED!! I’m loving your blog already and definitely feel a preggo connection 🙂 I hope you’re feeling better and loving life!
YAY! Congratulations! Our due date is Marsh 1st, so we’re pretty much on EXACTLY the same track. I just started feeling the baby move last Sunday, and now feel him/her ALL THE TIME. Have you felt yours yet? Will you find out the gender? I’m so excited for you!
Thank you!! I’m so excited for you too!! We have been feeling her move for about 4-6 weeks now. She kicks HARD! I think I’ve got a soccer/football player on my hands! We found out her gender at 15 weeks. There are quite a few places around here where you can pay to have the gender revealed early. I just couldn’t wait. We had our 20-week ultrasound with our doctor last week too and confirmed. We’re having a little girl! I’m sorry your doc has such terrible ultrasound equipment!! That’s super stinky. I hope you guys get to find out soon!!
Hi Beth!
I stumbled across your website when I saw a link on how you organized your nursery. After getting inspired by your lovely nursery, I started reading your posts and came across this one. I was very touched by your story. My husband and I have lost a baby so hearing about how you actively think about those who are dealing with baby struggles is very sweet. That being said, please don’t feel guilty about being pregnant! Babies are such a Huge blessing. Life comes with its struggles but the celebration of a new life is so very important. I am so happy to hear that you and your husband have been blessed with a family. I pray that God continues to bless you and your sweet family.
HI Rachel, thanks for taking the time to write such a sweet comment. I’m so sorry for your loss. We do indeed feel verrrrry blessed, but our hearts continue to ache for those that are still struggling.
Poor little girl! 🙁
I am following you blog from the very beginings and have following your journeys!
I am very 😀 for you all and I send you much <3 from Portugal!
Please do not feel bad for being pregnat! You inspire others with your story, to keep trying!
Kisses from Portugal!
Thank you Jesus.
I haven’t visited your blog in months but was just thinking about you. We were in the same boat for awhile, we did IVF as well. Congratulations!!! What a miracle!
Awesome! I read your blog both for the project inspiration, upcycling ideas, AND the infertility inspiration. Come for the projects…stay for the therapy! We are having our 1st baby (after 10.5 years together) in December. I think you should always be happy for someone so lucky. It never made me feel better to hate on someone having a baby when I didn’t have one (though I think people do hesitate to share good news sometimes for risk of hurting someone’s feelings). Good Luck!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So excited for you and your family. You are so understanding and open with your story – you inspire me. 🙂
YAY! Congrats!!
My oldest lost his tooth early too due to an accident. Everything is fine with him and I am sure you will find the same with your daughter.
Congrats, on your baby news. I checked you guys out morning, like daily the newspaper. You guys inspire lives.
every morning lol
Such wonderful news! God has truly blessed you and Nick. I’m thrilled for your whole family! Vikki in VA.
A HUGE congratulations to you and your precious family! I love it that you said you knew you were pregnant when you couldn’t stop crying. That is so my story. I didn’t have many pregnancy side-effects (besides the obvious enormous bump), but I cried uncontrollably. The good news is that most of the crying was from laughter. 🙂 Take good care of yourself, girl. Can’t wait to “meet” the little one. 😉
I keep checking everyday to see when it would say positive!!!! I am SOOOOOO happy for you guys! Please don’t let your joy be rained on by the thought of someone else not getting the same news. Relish in the moment! Congratulations!
Thank you, Jesus, for anawered prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyday we have been praying for all of you and anxiously awaiting the good news!
We are soooooo excited and will be looking forward to all your updates.
Give our little cherub Della a hug! Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt more seriously and she will have a good, healthy tooth to take it’s place in a few years! : )
I was so hoping when I saw the title of your blog that the good news was A BABY! So, so very happy for you! I’m praying for a wonderful pregnancy and beautiful baby! Big big hugs to the girls and Nick!
Yeah!!! Congratulations! Praying for a wonderful healthy nine months and a beautiful healthy baby at the end.
I’m crying for you!! Best wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy 🙂
Just kidding 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS! It’s so exciting to hear that there’s a new baby on the way.
Congratulations on the additional blessing that will join your sweet family! I am So happy for ya’ll!! My daughter fell in the shower when she was two and knocked her front tooth completely out. I was so sad! We called her dentist and he was at Church of all places. She had the cutest toothless smile until she was about 6 years old when it finally started to grow back. That is when she naturally lost her other front tooth.
Yaaaayyy!!! I’m so happy for you all! Enjoy your happiness, you deserve it.
AAAHHHHHHH!!! Yay, so happy for you guys! Try not to ponder those questions too much, you will drive yourself crazy. Best of luck to you!
Congratulations!! That is so exciting! Can’t wait to hear more about your progress!
Congratulations!! As someone waiting for a second miracle, don’t feel guilty!! No need for dark clouds!! I haven’t stopped thinking about you guys since the transfer. I’m so very excited and happy for you and your family. I can’t wait to read the updates. I will keep you in my prayers!!! Xo
No dark clouds – no guilt! HOORAY! I’m so happy for you!
I pray God’s richest Blessings upon you and your family.
Congratulations sweetie…I’m crying for you!!!!!
I’m so thrilled for you… I’ve had you and this whole process on my mind and m so so happy for u… Ur story n u give me Hope!!! God bless u guys !!!!
May I say that it is also both weird and amazing to be the observer and encourager of a stranger’s fertility journey?! I started following your blog awhile back for your DIY projects and ended up feeling really invested in how this pregnancy journey of yours turned out. I, too, have been thinking of your family over the past few days and am SO happy to see this post! Congratulations to all of you!
OMGosh Bethany & Nick !! I am so excited for you and your adorable little girls. I hope you’re feeling well and doing well. The only thing that I am not excited about is the fact that I won’t be doing your ultrasounds and visiting with you every month. I so enjoyed getting to know you two with your twin pregnancy. Is it one this time or is it too early to tell ?? I love following you on your blog. You both are so very talented and wonderful parents. Looking forward to this pregnancy through face book and here. Congratulations to all of you, I miss you <3
Thank you Lori! We will sooooo miss you at our ultrasounds! If you owned a machine, we could just come to your house! 🙂 This time they only put one embryo in, so it will be a singleton… unless the little guy SPLITS! Who knows?! I’m 4 weeks along right now, and we have a 6-week ultrasound in two weeks. I hope we can hear the heartbeat!
That is so nice of you to be sensitive to others in your time of joy. Congratulations! How wonderful! May you have a healthy and full pregnancy and a healthy and full-term baby!
*tears of joy* Congratulations!!
This is amazing news – hooray! So happy for your growing family. Congratulations!
OH!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for all of you!
Sorry about the tooth. It looks like an adult tooth! I hope at some point we will get to see a picture of the sweetie without it. pam
I’m so thankful and happy for you. And it is precious that you are so mindful of others who sometimes don’t get good news. I think that is part of the ‘why’ it worked. Bless you and bless your babies…all of them. And I hope the tooth fairy was really good to one hurt little girl… love
I feel kind of like an overly invested stalker…but I am SO ecstatic for you guys that I let out a whoop which scared my dogs. True story. Anyway…congratulations! We are currently on our own road to a hopeful baby and I am FAR from mad at you…you guys are part of the hopeful stories that keep us fighting. Thank you for sharing yourselves and your lives and your hope with us all so that we too, can hope. Keeping you all in our prayers : )
I knew it from the silence!!!!!!
YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Congratulations Bethany and Nick!!!!! That singelton will be a breeze especially with help from those wonderful big sisters 🙂 So thrilled for you!! (Prayers totally work)
MY BIG HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! I was sending you all kinds of prayers and good vibes 🙂 I am so, so thrilled for you all. You give me hope that if we ever decide to do a FET that they can be successful on the first try! Thanks for sharing your experience with all your readers!
Fellow Iowan!!!! Whoo hoo! Congratulations
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!!! Prayers and positive thoughts for an amazing pregnancy!!
Oh my god! I am crying for you I am so happy!
WHOO-HOO!!! Congrats! Been thinking of your family so much the last two weeks, so happy for you all!
HUGE congratulations!! Hoping things continue going well for you. I have checked your blog SO many times over the last couple days hoping to see some news, and now I have tears in my eyes I’m so happy for you, and my husband wonders how I could be so excited for someone I don’t even truly know!! lol Thank you for sharing this with us all. 🙂
Best news I’ve heard in a long time! :-))))))
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for your little family to be growing! We had many conversations at work about this before the girls and I know your heart breaks for those who long to have babies. But make sure that you have more happy thoughts about your good fortune. You are so blessed!
Yay!!! A huge congrats from Ames, IA.
Such great news!!!! So happy for you!!
Oooouff! Felt like I’d been holding my breath…since the 12th! So happy for all of you. It was just meant to be. And about your feeling bad for others, I was in those shoes after I had my babies: I had to get my tubes tied because we couldn’t afford to have any more (had 3 in 2 yrs) and I was uber fertile! I kept thinking of all those people who wanted babies and couldn’t have them and here I was ending my baby making days. So do not let ANYTHING tarnish the joy you are feeling right now. And, you need to tell us how tall those girls of yours are. Did you know that at 18 mo a girl is half her adult age? (18 for girls and 24 for boys, I think) Aren’t you curious? I know I am. Well, congratulations and take really good care of yourself.
YAY!!!!! I got the biggest smile and almost squealed out loud!
So sorry about Della’s face-plant . Congratulations on the good news of the little one 🙂
I’m so happy to hear your news!
hip hip hooray! you took a test (and didn’t tell me;) I’m so happy for you!!
I have never been so happy for Someone I have never met. Your story of heartache and successes are so inspiring. My heart is so happy for you and you family!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!
Thank you for remembering those who continue to struggle with infertility. I’ve never been mad at anyone for sharing this kind of happy news and I am always happy for them but I must admit that there are times when it’s followed up with the types of questions you ended your post with (I’m sure you’ve been in that same position). It’s a mixed bag – happiness for the person who is expecting and sadness/grief for myself and my husband. But don’t be afraid to share your happy news. You should be excited about this and enjoy it!
Congratulations! That is such great news! My daughter fell off of a stool not too long ago and the stool came back and hit her in the mouth. She didn’t lose her tooth, but it turned brown. I cried too, but now I hardly notice it.
Yayayayayay!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!
No, you don’t know me, but I have been praying for you and your family. I first started reading your blog because I’m interested in carpentry and home improvement projects, I stayed because I also battled with infertility and I was praying that you would have more good fortune beside your two wonderful daughters. I am pleased as punch to hear your wonderful news!!! Don’t feel bad that your prayers came true while some of ours didn’t….God simply had another plan for us, which isn’t to say it doesn’t hurt, but we learn to appreciate our other blessings. I am incredibly thankful that your dreams are coming true for you and your family! May you continue to be blessed in every way!!!
I am beside myself with excitement for you! Congratulations times 1000!
As someone who reads your blog and is dealing with recurrent loss, it makes me amazingly happy to hear that you are pregnant. I feel so bad every time that someone doesn’t share a pregnancy because they don’t want to hurt the feelings of the poor girl that can’t.carry a child. Please embrace this blessed time in your life and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it.
So happy for you! Sorry about that little tooth though 🙁
I am a long time reader and have never commented but I just had to today. I, like so many others, have been following you and your family as you went on this journey. You have given hope to so many through your openness and honesty. I am blessed with three wonderful children and did not have to struggle to conceive but have watched many loved ones go through this painful process. Witnessing their joy when they welcomed their children into the world was amazing. Thanks for sharing this with us all—it truly made my day! Blessings!
Wonderful news!!! My child lost a whole baby tooth, a front tooth, and was gap toothed until the adult one came in. I cried, too, but we got used to it!
Oh my goodness! I am so giddy for you and since Nick and I are kind of related {cousins}, I’m excited to have another addition to the family. Maybe so excited that I might need to plan a family reunion or something 😉
Poor Della! Mouth injuries are the worst {lots of blood and worry}. I’m sure it won’t be the last, she just wanted to be the first to break you in.
Congrats again, I’m anxious to hear more about your growing family!
The biggest of hugs!!!!!!!! May God bless your pregnancy!!!!
I have only commented twice to your blog, but this time I HAD to comment!
My first reaction to this particular post was: ‘oh, poor baby, she fell and lost her tooth’ (commonly happens – but when it is YOUR baby, it is so traumatic!).
My second reaction to your pregnancy news: was to tear up, get a huge smile, say ‘thank you Jesus for giving this gift of life to this family’!
I am just so very happy for you all!!! I wish both embryos had been able to implant, but, you have been blessed indeed!
Rejoicing for you!!
I am from ireland…and I have bern waiting for yor news…I sm thrilled for you all. Live long and prosper with your little family xxxx blessings majella
YAY!!! So happy for you , Nick and your girls.
We don’t have all the answers now but I am confident that someday we will. Enjoy the moment, Praise God for it and continue to pray for all of your sisters who struggle. You of all people can relate to their sadness and I am sure many of them are rejoicing with you now.
Hallelujah, The SyWassinks are Pregnant!!!! 🙂
CCCCCOONNNGGRRRAATTTTSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you. Rest and pamper yourself.
Many congrats on your news! So excited for you. I understand too, considering we had the same successful IVF outcome. It’s hard for others who’re trying to see you graduate with a diploma of sorts. It’s tough all the way around. Take it easy and enjoy the ride. ❤️
What a miracle! However it came about, it is to be celebrated and cherished, and I am thrilled for you. Funny, on the day you posted about taking the test, I knew you were pregnant. Kinda nice to be right, even in my world, where you don’t know me. Remember, this isn’t a contest, for others to be comparing their tries to yours, it is a life worked for, and loved. Happy new baby to you all!!
So happy for your family!!!! Can’t wait to hear more details – Due Date? When an/or if you will find out the gender.
Yaaaay!!! Congrats girly!! So very excited for you!!! You are such an amazing example of hard work and fighting for your dreams. You deserve this! Thank you for sharing with all of us!
You should see my face right now – it has a smile ear to ear plastered on it! I am so very happy for you. I have been praying for your little family to have a new addition and God has answered your prayers. Take care of yourself the next little while which can be hard with two little ones running around! I hope you get a 6’8″ little boy this time!!!!
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you, Nick and your family. 🙂
Yay, yay, yay!! Congrats! Tears of joy for you over here!
Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you guys!
SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I know it sounds stalkerish, but I have checked your blog a thousand times today waiting to hear the news. Praise God that you’re pregnant!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys. Wishing you all the happiness in the world!
Congratulations! Very very happy for you and your family!
I went through this 24 years ago. About the same time my father was diagnosed with cancer. When the pregnancy didn’t take, I realized it was crazy to go through all these medical procedures. I was not ill. My father was. So, we adopted twins from Romania. They were 6 weeks old. They are now loving, healthy, happy, hard working adults. There is another option. We have one biological daughter (natural pregnancy). There is no difference in my love for her and my youngest daughter and son.
Yeah for all of you! So excited to read your journal entry and see this GREAT news!
Oh I am so happy for you!!
Congratulations Bethany! You guys really deserve this! God Bless you and your wonderful family <3
AHHHHH!!!!!! SO very excited for you! I have both tears and goosebumps! I have been anxiously awaiting the news and I’m thrilled for you and your sweet family! Congrats!!!!
YES!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!
I’m not mad at you one bit. I can’t have children. I still cry over it sometimes. It still hurts. But I am overjoyed that you do get to have children. I know how much I suffer, I wouldn’t want that for anyone. I am so happy for you!
I am 67 years old and never had children but that hasn’t kept me from having a full, adventurous, creative and wonderful life…it’s more of a focus on what you can have and not on what you can’t have. As for anyone who would be mad at someone because they are able to have a joyous, wanted addition to their family, perhaps they need to review their own values before even considering having a child and passing on such a mean-spirited attitude.
Bethany! I am so incredibly happy for you, Nick and your girls! – Rachel
I was cringing as I opened up your blog…then I quickly read as fast as I could….then I got goosebumps!!!!!! YAY!!!! She is prego!!!! (Biggest smile ever!!!)
I am soooooo happy for you!! Congrats!!
May God Bless you and your beautiful family!!! XOXO
Congratulations! I’ve been checking back all day!! You also fooled me with the “good and bad news” heading…. I’m so thrilled for you guys! Praise God!
Very big congratulations for this little miracle!! Very wonderful news! Your storm cloud follows me on occasion too. I have often felt like a “traitor” to the infertility community. We adopted our first sweet and wonderful daughter and brought her home from the hospital through private adoption, and two years later, despite being told for years that I would likely not conceive a child, I gave birth to our other sweet and wonderful daughter. It is both bitter and sweet, bitter to remember all the sad feelings and wondering who is feeling them now because of me – and sweet because I love my little blessings so very, very much and I know my life was not meant to be any other way. Congrats again!
I could SERIOUSLY cry at any moment I am so so SO happy for you two!!!!!
Sending SOOOOOOOO much love and happiness your way!!!!
Congratulations!! It is weird indeed, but I have to say I was counting the days to find out if it had been successful! And praying too! All the way from Brazil, in the middle of the craziest holiday packed World Cup.
SO HAPPY FOR YOU! But be careful, you still have to wait till the second trimester right? And sorry about the tooth, poor girl.
OMG! Congrats!!! Reading this post brought tears to my eyes. There’s nothing like that moment when you know. 🙂 For me is was a random and indescribable need for thin mints. 🙂 Congrats, congrats, congrats! Cheers to you and your lovely little family on the newest member to be. 🙂
YAY congrats!!!!!!!! So happy for you all!
Yay!! I was feeling sad that maybe it didn’t work. I hope you can enjoy it and not beat yourself up over the whys. God has a plan, even if it doesn’t ever make any sense to us.
Our daughter lost both her front teeth, after falling and try came out whole. She is finally getting her adult front teeth and it’s so fun to see a change!!
Wahoo! I have goosebumps and am so thrilled for you all! As someone dealing with infertility, this news doesn’t upset me in any way, but instead gives me hope!
My day is made!
Beth! I am so happy for you both! To hear this news on my birthday makes the day even more special! Congratulations on your little peanut and I can’t wait to hear all about this awesome journey for you! Your littles will be wonderful big sisters! You will continue to be in my prayers as your blog help me through my difficult times with fertility….but here I am 38 weeks and ready to welcome our little girl at any point! Thanks for all you and Nick do for your little community! <3
congrats from the netherlands…
Congratulations! What wonderful news!
I am above happy for you! The girls will be so happy to a sibling (or more )to play with and pester! You are so deserving of baby happiness. Not to say others are not by any means!
CONGRATS! that is so awesome! What exciting news!
Also on a side note… I have a friend who’s son lost his front 4 bottom teeth last summer when he fell out of a bunk bed. He will soon be three and will not have those teeth until the adult ones come in… It is quite funny watching him eat certain foods, poor guy!
Well I have to admit I’m not much of one to comment but I have to say that I’ve been waiting on pins and needles all day for your news. I’m so very happy for you! I’m not a crier either and let’s just say I got a little dust in my eye when I read your post. So a huge congratulations and thank you for sharing this wonderful journey with us.
Crying happy tears for you right now and about to email my husband. Congrats!
I don’t think ANYONE has a right to be mad at you. Don’t you ever feel that way!!! So happy for y’all and praying the pregnancy goes well!
AHH! CONGRATULATIONS! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and I am so happy for you! This is so exciting!!!
I am so happy, this makes my day. I completely understand the survivor’s guilt, I think we’ll always have a piece of our hearts feeling that. But just as you said a few weeks ago someone telling you “It ok to NOT be ok”….I am telling you today “It’s ok to BE ok!”. Celebrate this Beth, you are a hard working family who busted ass to follow their dream and you deserve every baby that comes your way. Yayyyyy!!!!
So excited for you – and I have similar feelings of guilt when I tell our miraculous adoption story (got my baby in L&D without going through an agency – when many people wait for years), so I understand exactly where you are coming from. My heart sank when I saw the good and bad news (you are sneaky), and I have been anxioulsy awaiting your results! YIPPPEEE!! So glad you are adding to your precious family and that the results were positive!!
Congratulations! Pregnant. Hooray!
Happy tears for you! Awesome news! 🙂
Yaaaaaaay!!! I have been praying. (Yes, a complete stranger. Well, I’m from Iowa, so does that make me more a neighbor?!) So happy for you!!!
I’m living in Italy, a complete stranger, but have been waiting with baited breath to hear your news. Your blog just pulled me in and I’m just so very happy for all of you!!
that made ME cry!! I couldn’t be happier for you all!!
So darn happy to hear your good news – and the losing a tooth early is fine my eldest did the same thing and it all worked out,she just got an early visit from the tooth fairy 🙂
Aaaaahhhhh I’m so freaking excited for you !!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!