I won’t name any names or anything (PAISLEY!), but a certain child of mine does not sleep anywhere but her crib. Don’t get me wrong… she’s a great sleeper. Always has been. Girlfriend has slept through the night since the day she was born. But being dependent on her OWN crib in her OWN nursery can present a problem at certain times. (Say for example, you take a impromptu weekend trip to Colorado).
I mean, it’s so bad that she rarely even sleeps in the car.
I know, at least she’s happy right?
Well, knowing that we have a pretty big trip coming up… with my little brother getting married in Wisconsin soon, we need to figure something out. Because this trip has the potential to be very unpleasant for all parties involved.
And these babes need to be well-rested for the important role they’re playing in this wedding. Check out the pattern for their Flower Girl dresses! SO STINKIN ADORABLE. My mom is sewing them using a Navy Blue satin fabric (to match the bridesmaids dresses!).
Laura (bride!) also asked me to make headbands like these from my Etsy shop in Navy and Mustard using vintage fabric and lace. I’m not sure the crazies will keep the headbands on their heads… they may just end up being little broaches on their dresses.
Speaking of not cooperating, we’re all well aware of how interesting it might be trying to get these girlies to actually WALK DOWN THE ISLE (especially since Delly doesn’t exactly walk yet). Since their cousin Kendall (who turns 2 on Sunday!) is also a Flower Girl, I’m thinking it would be best if Kendall goes first… and instead of dropping rose petals, she could drop Cheerios. That’ll make my girls move for sure.
Wow, I just got totally sidetracked. My whole purpose for writing this post is to explain the ‘Sleeping Therapy’ that we’re inflicting upon Paisley to teach her to sleep places other than her crib…
We started by putting a Pack-and-Play in the nursery right next to the crib. I did this yesterday, and had her take her naps there (Delly sleeps downstairs for naps). It didn’t go very well. She cried some, and then took a very short nap.
THEN, today… I moved the Pack-and-Play into the guest bedroom.
So far so good. She’s sleeping at this very moment.
Next, I’ll move it into our bedroom, the attic, basically all over the house. Musical Pack-and-Play. Does this sound silly? Do you think it will truly help her to nap in our hotel room when we’re in Wisconsin in a few weeks? Any other suggestions for teaching a little tot to be more versatile with the sleeping sitch? Girlfriend does not like change. Which is weird, cause daddy and I love change. We rearrange our house all the time.
IN FACT (here comes another change of topic!)… did you notice on our ‘count-down-timer-thing’ that there are only a few short hours before that darn wall will be removed forever from my life?!?!?! It’s true. And I’m overjoyed.
UPDATE: I lied, our support beams that we ordered came damaged with a huge crack. It’s not sufficient to hold up our entire house. We’ll have to reorder and wait a week at least. HUGE SAD FACE.
I’ll stop there before I take off on a totally new topic. Can you develop ADD in your adulthood?
That picture of Pais is adorable! Both my girls crash anytime they are in the car. Except that one time we made a 3.5 hour roadtrip to my in-laws’ and Macy screamed the last hour back… She may not be sleeping, but at least she’s happy!
I love the pack and play idea in different rooms! wouldn’t have thought of that…
My littlest one also seems ‘off’ when not in her own crib – so I have discovered a ‘trick’ – I put a music soother onto her crib – happens to be a fisher price ocean wonders type thing with a button she can press herself for on/off. Then I take the thing everywhere with me!! In a pack and play I just lay it in the corner – if you have the luck of a proper crib in a hotel room you can attach it as at home…I also take along the same blanket she sleeps with and a sleepsack she sleeps in – in fact I try not to wash the blankie and just take it and wash it on my return – you could even try taking the crib sheet! Just trying to make it as normal as would be at home….
I do find black out curtains in hotels are amazing!! Sometimes they sleep better there than at home:))
Good luck!!
That’s A great idea,trying to get her used to sleeping in different places. I hope it works for you!
Loving all the sleeping suggestions… thanks guys!
LauraLowe, having Kendall pull the girls in a wagon is definitely an option. Although, we’re going to have to rig some restrains of some kind, because they will plummet over the edge in a matter of seconds. We were really hoping they’d be walking good enough by now. Paisley could definitely do it (if she’s in the mood), but Delly is still just walking around furniture. We still have several weeks, so we’ll just have to see what happens!
You’ll all get a play-by-play afterwords, I’m sure. 🙂
Wow! I so apologize for all the typos in my previous post….I am obviously not good using the keyboard on my phone!!
I think your idea is s great idea with moving the pack and play in different rooms. It will also get used to sleeping in it too besides the change of scenery. As far as ADD goes I so few like I an developing it! Lol It has helped me some as far as my furniture reviving by receiving sine custom orders recently. That way I KNOW I have to focus my attention to those pieces instead of what I usually do and walk into my garage aka paint shop any develop a glazed Look because I dont know which piece to start on!
We use a white noise maker. A couple of years a ago we traveled to Ohio when our oldest was 1, it was a life saver for us. He had always had it in his room, so when we traveled it came along with us. Our youngest now has it in his room and once again it came along to Montana and he transitioned nicely. Side note it was nice since I am a light sleeper and hear every little grunt and movement they made.
Hope it works! Girls are still just too cute. Can’t wait to see the wall down, again wish my husband was good with tools! Have a great weekend. Mary in NY
Totally random, but is kendall big enough to pull a wagon? Could the girls sit in the wagon on the way down the aisle? The crowd just might be enough to distract them and keep them seated?
Something that worked for us is I used a light scent of my perfume, I would put it on me, pillows, blankets etc. Just a light touch but it worked. Something about the scent was calming. Good luck!
Hahaha you make me laugh. oh my. I am excited for your renovation. I can’t wait to see pictures. and I don’t have any babies yet but your idea for helping miss paisley sounds great.
I’m glad you’re trying the pack n play thing I think it will work!! YAY for the wall coming down! Can’t wait to see it all done! And yes I’m pretty sure I developed ADD in college and still have it.