If you guys take anything away from my blog posts each week, I hope it’s that YOU CAN GLEEN INSPIRATION FROM ANYWHERRRRE! When I post a project… even if it’s not your style, skill-level, or you don’t have the tools, I hope at least it gets your creative wheels turning and you start having ideas and noticing things in your everyday life that that trigger project ideas, little crafts, furniture transformations… ETC!
For me, part of the fun of composing a blog post is sharing how I came up with an idea or what inspired me. There’s always a story… and that makes if fun! Right? RIGHT?
The other day I was scrolling through my Instagram feed during nap time, and I saw this photo:
source: aww.sam on Instagram
It’s kinda hard to see, but I completely fell in love with those palm branch cut out panels on the left and right sides of the pic. Do you see them? They’re like a pale mint color?
So after doing some digging (because why not?!) I found that it’s a super fun Palm Beach hotel called The Saguaro with a mid-century vibe. I pretty much want to stay in this hotel asap.
But anyway!
I’ve been wanting to come up with some tall/narrow art pieces to flank the vintage schoolhouse world map that hangs over our credenza currently. And this seemed soooo so so so perfect. Even though we live in Iowa which is about as far as you can possibly get away from the nearest palm tree. Lol?
Per my usual strategy, I printed my inspiration pic and traced the design onto a transparency.
Then, using my old school overhead projector (more projector projects here), I projected my image onto two slabs of plywood that I had cut to size (in this case 4’ x 1.5), and traced with a pencil.
I wanted a border of sorts where I set a boundary for my wild jigging… heh! So I traced the perimeter using the width of a yardstick.
At this point, I could see a yearning in Nick’s eyes. It was like my board was just calling to him to air-guitar.
Let’s move past this now, shall we?
Next, I drew an ‘X’ on all the parts of the boards that need to be cut OUT, so I wouldn’t get confused later, and jig-happy. Then I drilled holes on all the X’s using a drill bit large enough to fit my jigsaw blade in.
Then, using my Ryobi jigsaw, I started jigging out each piece! I just worked on this here and there when I was in the garage with Nick. In all, it probably took me about 3 hours to cut both panels.
It took me awhile to find just the right speed, so some of my cutouts had some fraying edges (this is also because it’s super cheap 1/2” plywood)… but I just hit ‘em with sandpaper and they smoothed out real easy-like.
There were a couple small places where the wood split out a bit, so I filled those with wood putty. Once dry, I took an orbital sander to the face of each panel to smooth everything out and get rid of that ‘fuzzy’ plywood feel.
Then paint! I just used a small roller and this perfect charcoal color and rolled it on… being careful not to press too hard because I didn’t want paint to seep down into the cutouts. I just wanted the surface to be painted.
Nick popped on some comb hooks for me, and I tossed ‘em up on the wall… lickety-split!
I love the texture that it adds to this space, and that offer some contrast to an otherwise light-colored space. The vintage schoolhouse map we found at an estate auction, and the fabric scrap bunting I made with leftover fabric from Cypress’ Quilt that many of you sent fabric for. Do you spot your fabric up there?
I love this space in our dining room, and the way that the charcoal coordinates with the curtains. This room is really starting to feel pulled together!
Be sure to check out all the Wall Art posts I’ve done to reeeally get your creative juices flowing!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Hope you’re feeling inspired, and go do something creative this weekend!
*this post contains affiliate links
Can I ask why is the first/left panel upside down? Any special reasons?
Anyway great inspiration, I would love to do it myself someday.
I just kinda felt like there wasn’t necessarily an ‘up’ and a ‘down’, but now that I look at it, I totally see what you mean. LOL! Oh well 🙂
Yeah, you definitely need a multimedia projector. It would eliminate the need to make a transparency. You get the pic on your laptop, it projects on a wall (or a piece of wood, a dresser, fabric, etc.) and you trace it!
Ain’t nobody got time for alla dat cuttin’! ?
Wow, that looks amazing!
xo Ida
These turned out amazing! What is really amazing is that you got the idea from that picture. My untrained eye only sees the yellow doors. Great job!
I’m always inspired by your home and the incredible use of color!
What a neat project, gives need a lot of ideas for a jigsaw
I so need this tool!
It’s wonderful what you can do with the right tools!
I would love to win this jigsaw. 🙂 So many ideas!
i would love a jig saw! love the way it turned out- so fun! Kate
So many ideas I want to Try and a Jigsaw would be a great place to get them started!
Great idea using overhead projector! Would love to own a Ryobi 6.1 amp variable-speed orbital jigsaw!
Way to jam out there Nick!!!!!
Love the project!!!
I love your creativity and ability to think outside the box. I would love to win the jigsaw to push me forward with my projects!
What fun! I could see this with a different design—like a willow silhouette.
Wow! Your projects never stop amazing me! And how you find the time with 3 littles? We have 2 and can’t find time! Would love more tools for our growing list of projects 🙂
Great job! I would like to do something like that as a headboard….
If I had this jigsaw, my husband would have NO reason to put the kibosh on my projects!! Great work!
That’s awesome! Love that color of grey-it’s so hard to find the *perfect* charcoal!
This looks great, can’t wait to try something similar in our home. 🙂
That would be awesome!
I have so many ideas floating around in my head. Winning would allow them to stop floating and actually be. Love your projects, thank you for the inspiration.
Awesome! Looks like I definitely need to get myself a Ryobi!
It’s beautiful, we love your blog and all the cool projects you both do!
Looks beautiful. I think I do see my fabric- shiny gold.
The Disqus works! (Thank you for getting back to me, Beth). At any rate, getting a jigsaw is sort of the natural next step for those who work with wood and paint. Not sure if my husband would trust me since I am naturally a klutz but my insurance is paid up! Would love to win this baby!
My wife and I would love one of those! Love the inspiration we find on your site!
I so SERIOUSLY want one of these. I just bought an orbital sander so hubby says no more power tools. But if I were to win one………….lol
Wow I would loveione of those. Fingers crossed!
I have always wanted to cut our silhouettes of my family and paint them black and then mount them to a 16×16 stained piece of wood for my gallerywall, I think it would look amazing. I absolutely love your projects❤️
Love your blog and would love to win!
I love all of your projects, thank you for the inspiration!
I hope we win, this will help us as we remodel our Skoolie home & office 😀 <3
They look great! What a fun idea! (Crossing fingers now!!)
I love how your got your inspiration from something completely unrelated! Wish I had some of that creative juices flowing in my brain!
Wow. So cool. Would love to win!
I love all of your projects! We just bought our first house and I’m quickly falling in love with making everything ourselves…a new jigsaw would come in so handy!
Such a creative idea! I just bought my first saw and could definitely up my game with a jig saw!
I would love to have this Ryobi jigsaw it would give me to push I need to try it ! I have several Ryobi tools but have been afraid to buy any type jigsaw because I wasn’t sure if I could learn it.
Oh how I would love a saw for projects in our new home!
I could use that. 🙂
So cooool! My inspiration is at an all time low, but I love you sharing yours. Crossing my fingers! A jigsaw would be great. Thanks for the giveaway!
I agree, the house is looking great! I would love to win this awesome tool!!! Thanks Beth and Nick!
I’m going to have to work on my creativity if I win that saw!! But I do have a nursery to decorate! 😀
This would be a gift for the hubby, he’s the woodworker in the family. I have so many screenshots saved on my phone that I’ve saved for inspiration, glad I’m not the only one who gets inspired by Instagram. 🙂
This would be awesome to win!
I love that! We need a jigsaw! Oh the possibilities!
Oh the fun I could have with that! Love those panels!
After seeing these palm panels, I really need a jigsaw! I love all your work.
Now that is a good project. I always need inspiration on projects.
Love this! Currently working up the courage to attempt a stain design on our table!
Your blog often gives me the umph i need to get a project going! Your ideas also add to my “must do at some point” list!
I’ve used quite a few of your furniture painting tips. Love your blog!
I love all of your work! I get inspired to do more
a comment…. lol (my funny for the day)
You really do inspire me to think and wish, your stain work is awesome!
I love your flowers on furniture idea’s, I’m working on that also, soon I’ll post what I have learned from a most inspiring young couple! I guess your Never to old to learn:) at 61.
Hello guys, I just love all your idea’s, they inspire me so much. The problem is I’m starting to run out of space, so guess what my huby is doing for me??? Building me my very own studio YEA! So now I could get really organized (that’s scary lol) I can’t wait, I can now show all my work an art , most of all the beautiful furniture I have done! Oh and a new ‘tool’ would be soooo used. hint! Thanks for all your sharing. And your giveaway opertunity.
Holy moly! I’m so jealous!
Oh the projects I could do with this jigsaw! Love these palm panels.
You have no idea how many of your projects have inspired my projects! 🙂
Lots of great ideas, lots of wonderful inspiration!
Glad I stumbled upon your staining projects. You have great ideas. Never thought I’d be searching for a overhead projector.
Your projects are wonderful and you are very inspiring ?
You are so creative! Thanks for sharing your ideas with us and thanks for the chance to win!
I love warm weather and anything beach-inspired. It looks great!
All your projects are awesome! I could do SO much more with this handy tool:)
Wow love the palm leaves and the jigsaw. I’m also on the look out for a projector. I’m no good at drawing so it sure would be great to fine a used one. I’ve been looking around at thrift stores and everywhere I see older stuff for sale. Wish me luck on finding one lol. Thanks for the chance to win the saw. Have a blessed day.
I could use a new jigsaw and one of those over head projectors
I’m so ready to get jiggy with it! Would love this saw.
I have so many project ideas and things I would make
with a jigsaw
I love the creative things you do! Simple little things with big impact.
I need this so I can actually make the stuff I get inspired to do!
Wow! That looks really awesome.
Ok, I’m not entering the contest (can’t, I’m from Canada) but something’s bugging me, is the panel of the left upside down?
So inspiring! I have oodles of projects around the house that this would be so helpful for!
My orbital just went kaput and by kaput, I mean overheated and smoked up my kitchen, while using it to prep my cabinets for paint. Oh and while palms aren’t my fav, love LOVE these panels…oh and I’m getting ready to paint my very first backsplash…thanks for all your inspiration! And did I mention, I have my very own daughter, Paisley. She’s 15 and was convinced she was the only Paisley in the world! 🙂
No way!!! I had never heard the name Paisley before my girl, but I just read an article on ‘up and coming baby names’ the other day, and Paisley is the #1 fastest growing in popularity and expected to be the most popular baby name in the next few years. I could JUST CRY! Hopefully people won’t start naming their baby’s Cypress now. 🙂
Ironic because I happened along your blog on a Google search for painted backsplashes. Later on, I was reading throughout your blog and saw Paisley and couldn’t believe it!
Love the woodwork. Would love to be able to do more things like that.
I love the palm inspired art work
My husband would love a jigsaw to tackle some new projects!
Fingers are crossed! My fabric is there too.
You never cease to amaze me.
Those are gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway.
What a great idea! I love the projects you make using the projector!
You are so talented and creative! I did see my fabric in your bunting! It’s crazy how excited I got. Thanks for a chance at the give away!!
i just fell in love with my scroll saw and would love to add to my small collection of tools!
ps you are just so inspiring! i love your work! 🙂
this is my dream tool! and those panels look great!
I love that design! I think I would like to try it with a banana style leaf! 🙂
I positively NEED this to join all of it’s Ryobi brothers and sisters and my house!
I am trying to build my own arsenal of tools, so hubby can have his and I will have mine. Be a feather in my hat if I won this. ; )
Ohhhh the things I could jig up with that saw!!!! L❤️VE the panels!!!
Ahh! I could so use that jig saw! I am constantly borrowing my dads & while he loves me very much & lets me borrow it every time, I think deep down he is thinking “Why doesn’t she just buy one for herself already!”
Thanks for the chance to win! Always love reading about your artsy endeavors! They do often inspire my own! Currently staining our bathroom vanity a darker shade. Wish me luck!
Thank you for restoring my love of carpentry.
This would make a lovely screen for indoors or a beaurtiful outdoor privacy screen for a deck or patio. Thank you for sharing.
You spy beauty in the most mundane things and somehow manage to turn the best parts into other things that are not only pretty, but also functional for you and your family. And you do it all while minding 3 sweet girls? I’m in awe of your creativity, talent, and stamina. Thanks for sharing your work! A joyful summer to you and the family.
Oh the things I could do with a Jigsaw
Beth! Those look awesome! I would love a Jigsaw ! Because, yes, I’m inspired! The whole room is amazing!
This is what we tell our boses at work when we want or need something and i think it applies here as well: you are so smart and pretty. 😉
And if i could i would be handing you a some chocolate as well
Eeeeek. This is so exciting I was JUST researching renting a jigsaw for some projects I have in mind. . . .this would solve EVERYTHING and I would make ALL THE THINGS. We shall see. Oh also I love the palm guys.
Already figuring out the best way to do this on a handmade card. Would look fabulous! Excellent job, love getting to see peeks into your home. Thank so much for sharing it with us!
So cute!!!
Your dining room looks great! I would love to make something like that for my house.
I would LOVE to get one of these and finally tackle some of my “mind” projects I keep thinking about!
Love , love the panels! I need that jigsaw to make some for my guest bedroom re-do. Thanks for the chance to win.
Nice job on those panels!
*sigh…I LOVE these and have a perfect spot for them. I hope you’re happy…yet another “make it so” project for me to do!!! My husband and I were just talking about how much I NEED a jigsaw for the wood projects I want to work on. Well, I was telling him I need it…he just was in the garage working on something else. Dang, I hope I get this one!!
Oooh. This would be a great help to building all my creations!
Beautiful job. I have been wanting to get into more woodworking projects. A jigsaw would come in handy for lots of things.
Very creative! You are very talented and must have loads of patience.
I love how they turned out! Thanks for being so talented and sharing your gift with us!
Need to create some unique & creative wall art for our home. A jigsaw would GREATLY help with that task.
Something still missing from my arsenal of crafting tools!
Ok this is gorgeous! I live in Florida so it would be pretty fitting in my house!! A jigsaw would help make this dream a reality, as well as many other ideas catalogued in my brain. Thanks for the opportunity and inspiration!!
Bethany, I really enjoy the variety of your posts! What a great way to showcase your talents and gifts. ?
This is awesome! I love that you didn’t paint the sides, it adds a lot of depth. I’ve been looking to add a jigsaw to my arsenal, thanks for doing this!
I love the way this project turned out! I may have to give it a whirl.
While I am a senior, what I could do with the jig saw!! Just tried your staining a flower….lots of touch ups needed…I don’t think I’ll ever be as good as you but not bad for my first try! Maybe if I throw some Unicorn Spit stain on it???? Hmmmm
I’d LOVE to make some wall art! I want to start woodworking but now live very far away from my relative’s wonderful, borrow-able tools.
Love your posts!! Fingers crossed 🙂
I love all your projects !!
Wow how awesome would this to be win! I love crafting to my hearts content especially when you can get cheap qood pieces of wood at menards in their bargain bin section(thick board pcs under a $1!). Thanks for this drawing and your creative posts!
i would love a jigsaw 🙂
This Jig Saw would be perfect for the projects my granddaughter and I have wanted to do for her 4H projects!!
Will winning the saw make me as super-talented as you??
Fingers crossed
leaving a comment, and my fingers are crossed 😉
There are so many projects I could do if I had a jigsaw! Love your panels.
Love your panels, and I really need a new jigsaw 🙂
Love the things you do! Would love to have that saw to use for projects we have in our shop Fleur-de-lis in Tama.
You are not going to believe this; I just called the school in town because they are doing an addition and knew they were getting rid of some old stuff. (Hubbie is retired teacher) Anyway, I asked if they had any old wall maps that they were getting rid of. THEY HAD DUMPED THEM ALL RIGHT BEFORE I CALLED AND THEY WERE GONE!!!! I was sooooo bummed!!! I wanted to frame them out as wall art in my basement. I now covet yours and anyone else that has them. Anyway, I love your Kilim Art that you did. I think the colors are just beautiful and the shapes as so interesting; not boring!!! The jigsaw that I am currently using is my father’s who probably got it in the 60’s. So you know, we both could use a new one to share!
With ya on being FAR from Palms here in SD…we bring what we can to us, right? I LOVE this installation! Well done!!
Would love a jigsaw – fingers crossed!
My husband and I just bought our first home last week, and it has a garage! *squee!* We’re both dying to start adding some tools to our arsenal to bring all the projects we have in our heads to life and the jigsaw would be a perfect addition! I love both your and Nick’s blog, they’re so inspiring! I’m really enjoying Nick’s series on joints, I’m a total newbie to woodworking whereas my hubby has some experience, so I’m trying to educate myself on the sly so I can impress him with my knowledge of rabbets and dovetails 🙂
Your creations are always awesome! I’d love to win this and give some projects a try!
They look great on your wall! Very cool. Why did you choose to not paint the sides, to create more depth? I would have defaulted to painting the whole thing without thinking about it – curious about your thought process!
I love #13, inspiring. i am going to have to try this
I have to admit, I wasn’t a huge fan of the inspiration pic, but you made it look SO GOOD! It looks great!
Oh man the things I could do with a jigsaw!!!
Love this new project! You never cease to amaze me with your creations and decoration. I’m always borrowing my Dad’s jigsaw, having one of my own would be AwEsOmE
Would love to have a jigsaw that isn’t 20 years old! Thanks!! 🙂
Would LOVE this! Maybe I can do some decorating at home now. 🙂
I love all your creative ideas, and who wouldn’t love a new jigsaw?
Would love to win! The hubby and I have been dreaming up some projects lately that would be much easier with a jigsaw!
I would love to have a decent jigsaw!
Those look great! I have a big blank wall in my dining room and something like this would be perfect! I am getting married in a few months and a new jigsaw is on the registry – would love to win this one!
super creative! Love it!! It is so fun to see where everyone get their inspiration, thanks for sharing!!
My husband would love a new one of these….almost bought him one for his birthday yesterday……almost 😉
I would love a jigsaw!