Remember how we recently chopped up our bamboo blinds to custom fit them to our windows and saved hundreds of dollars?
Best idea EVER.
After cutting them to size, Nick decided to save the scraps… because we might be able to repurpose them! Haven’t I trained him well?
It was actually his idea to make these into hanging wall art. We brainstormed design ideas, and decided on painting stripes… vertical, horizontal, and diagonal. Each strip of bamboo shade got rolled up in a tight roll, and cut to 12” inches with a miter saw. I took a pic of this, but you know I can’t find it. #typical
Nick cringed… but went along with my plan to ‘just eye’ the taping. I only measure things that reeeeally matter. Each strip got taped off with 1” and 1/4” tape in a very random fashion. I should really coin the phrase ‘purposefully random’, because I say it a lot!
Then we painted them with RustOleum spray paint/primer-in-one. The coverage is so good we only needed to do one coat.
One of the many keys to avoiding seepage under painters tape is to wait a little time so the paint isn’t WET… but still tacky. For spray paint, that’s about 10 minutes.
We took some embroidery floss and wrapped it around the two top corners of bamboo, and tied it in a big loop to hang over a nail.
Who woulda thought that white and wood would give such a graphic punch! I also love the texture they add. And that they were free.
I love using this little corner of the dining room to stage/photograph projects! It has such great light! We started with this Plywood Quote Wall Art, and then this DIY Mid-Century Clock, and now this! I’m still thinking about finding a fun round rug to put under the egg chair. Keep your eye out for a cute one for me!
That is so cool! I always save stuff like that but can never come up with good ideas to re-purpose them.
Very retro! That looks perfect in your little corner!
Cuuute! I love the texture that they add and that they tie in with the blinds. Such a great result for what looks like a small amount of effort. Love seeing your creative ideas come to life!
What an amazing, unique idea – one I would have never though of but I really like it!
Are you kidding me? From staining with berry juice to repurposing strips of bamboo shades; honestly, where do you come up with these ideas? From garbage to artwork – it totally works and well, I might add! You must also have unlimited storage at your place, a thing that I am sorely lacking. I need a barn in my backyard to put stuff in. Do you think the city zoning committee would frown on that?????
Lol Renee! You’re so sweet! If it makes you feel any better, we only have room to hoard things because WE NEVER PARK IN OUR GARAGE. And I think you know what Iowa winters are like. 😉 Ya win some ya lose some!