We’ve been fighting snot, sore throats, and ear infections ‘round these parts… so not a lot of creativity has been happening. Just livin’ life and such. Tis the season to be contagious!
Last weekend, I did a live broadcast on Periscope ( our handle is @SawdustEmbryos sharing my Shading with Stain Technique, including a step-by-step demonstration! Lots of you showed up and we had a great time! Yeah?!
I’ve been getting lots of requests to do a repeat from those that couldn’t make it (since Periscope auto deletes videos 24 hours after the broadcast). If there’s enough interest, I can definitely do another! Leave a comment on this post and I’ll send you an email if/when I schedule the next one!
Here’s how my ‘demonstration example’ turned out!
During the broadcast, we decided to give away this plaque to one of our viewers that shared the broadcast… and we randomly picked: THE PAINTED BOX <—Giveaway Winner!
Congrats! Email us at sawdustandembryos@gmail.com with your mailing address!
We encouraged those watching our broadcast to stain along with me if they want… and check out Jodine’s work! Allll the heart eyes!
I snagged another plain oak table on the local FB For Sale page. I think it’s actually the EXACT same style table as the last table I stained! I’ve been stripping and sanding it when I have time here and there. Cypress keeps me company while I’m sanding (not stripping! FUMEY!)
I’m not sure what design I’m going to stain yet, but I’m thinking I’m going to stick with neutrals and natural wood tones for this one. That Sunflower really did me in on color for awhile.
In other news, we had the awesome pleasure of having Molly Long take the girls’ 4-year pic (along with some of the whole fam!) recently. We haven’t gotten them back yet, but when we do… I’ll be sure to share! Her photography is ALWAYS AMAZING! It doesn’t hurt when the light is like this:
She always posts sneak peeks on her Facebook page, so I have my eyes peeled over there. You should follow her too! Who doesn’t love beautiful photos in their newsfeed? NOBODY. That’s who.
Well I’m off to bake 2 dozen chocolate chip muffins for a mommy group I’m going to this morning. That is… if they last long enough to make it to their destination!
Have a FAB Thursday. 🙂
Can you also post the videos to You Tube for permanent viewing on demand? The last Periscope video wouldn’t load for me.
‘contagious’ & ‘mommy group’? Eeeuw ! lol
I missed your live broadcast. I would like to be notified if you do it again thanks.
Would love to watch a demo. I was not available during the last demo.
I missed it Saturday and I would love it if you would do it again. I was in DSM celebrating my 2 year old granddaughters birthday so sorry, but she takes priority! So you have my vote to do it again! And I can’t wait to see your families pictures. Molly Long’s previous pictures have all been amazing!
Your staining projects are amazing! I might have to check out periscope I hear it’s pretty neat.
I love your staining posts even though I am not attempting this yet. Hey-btw, you can save your Periscope videos to your device if you want to. Here is a link to a pretty easy tutorial on how to do it. Hope this helps because your audience demands it! https://help.periscope.tv/customer/portal/articles/2017803-how-do-i-save-my-broadcast-to-my-device- Can’t wait to see those pics of your girlies!
Good info! Thanks Beth! I’m going to look into it now!