Thanks SO MUCH for such an amazing response for our new Etsy Shop (SyWoodInk)!! We had so many lovely comments, and even a handful of sales! This is such a fun endeavor for me, and you guys make it even more fun with your encouragement!
On to the topic at hand…
So, there’s a room in our house that doesn’t get seen very often. It started out as our music-studio-slash-office. Then it became a catch-all room because it’s conveniently located right off the living room, and stuff just gets tossed in there. Mostly my crafty stuff, and toys that the girls don’t play with. It’s embarrassing really. Most people have a junk drawer. We have a JUNK ROOM.
I try not to think about it, because disorganization makes me have a panic attack (not a joke). All I really need are some shelves… which I’ve suggested to Nick on occasion. But he likes to tackle ONE ROOM AT A TIME. And the ‘studio’ isn’t even on his radar.
Unfortunately, that’s not how my mind operates. I’d be a terrible interior designer, because I design as I go… instead of dreaming up an entire mood board for a completed beautiful room. I’m more prone to wait till I have inspiration for one part of the room. Then once that’s completed, I stand back and decide what would look good with that certain thing. And if inspiration isn’t striking in that particular room, I’m ready to move along to a room that I do have some ideas for.
Do you follow?
My point here is that inspiration STRUCK. in the form of THIS:
Be still my wildly beating heart.
Here’s the story… Nancy learnt of our blog last summer when we were featured on the front page of our local newspaper with the burnpile buffet. (Something I’m still super embarrassed about, but am able to admit at this point).
She cut out the article and saved it, because she knew she would have some furniture we might be interested in eventually. And now, 8 months later, her husband is retiring from his Dentistry Practice, the heavens opened up and gifted us with the most amazing piece of lead-paint-encrusted-solidly-built-organizer’s-paradise (which is a dental cabinet!!!)
Needless to say… I SAID YES.
I think you know where I’m going with this.
After that sucker gets stripped of all it’s lead-based nastiness, and dressed in somthin’ purrrty, girlfriend is going in my CRAFT STUDIO! Everything will have a place. There will be sweet sweet organization exploding all over that little awkward room.
We had to take it out of the dental office in pieces… because it was sort of attached to the wall. But that’s ok because I’m thinking about rearranging things anyway. And of course building a butcher block counter for it! So far, I’ve lovingly removed all the hardware… which took all afternoon with there being 28 drawers, and screws that have been in place since 1920.
So, when I’m not actively using the scroll saw these days, I’ll be getting down and dirty with some stripper.
Like paint stripper. For furniture? Ya know?
Doesn’t make ME not hate the dentist, but I can’t wait to see what you do with it.
Man! I love that piece. The more drawers the better. I also find great satisfaction in organizing. I’ve always wanted to own a card catalogue or something like it. So fun. Looking forward to seeing it all done up! Enjoy.
What a cool find! And very neat that the lady saved the article and specifically thought to give it to you, knowing you would have a good home for it and would appreciate it! Can’t wait to see what becomes of it!
That. Is. AAAHHHMMAAAZING!!! Reminds me of something an apothecary would use. You are a lucky girl! I cannot wait to see what you turn it into. Be careful stripping that thing!
I am soooooo jealous for your score and I am also jealous that you have a perfect place to put them! I can’t wait for the finished product. Then we will all be REALLY JEALOUS!
Honestly, I WISH we were “One room at a time”-ers. We’re not. Neither of us. Hence, why there are no finished rooms in the house, but several almost finished rooms. Le sigh.
That I’m realllllllllllllllly looking forward to seeing what you whip up out of that dental cabinet. Hip hip!
My man likes to do things one room at a time too… so I just go right ahead and do whatever I want while he’s not home 🙂 hahah.
those cabinet are FAHBULOUS and I can’t wait to see how it looks!
I love it- I love things like this, and apothecary cabinets. I always get so mad when they do the fake drawers (so it looks like there are dozens when there are really only 3 or 4.) Very jealous.
Totally jealous, but we know how giddy we can all get over a nasty old (score!) piece of junk!
Oh my word!! Awesome piece!! I have always wanted a piece from either a post office or dentist. Lucky, lucky find…
(& you will keep the original hardware?? 🙂
DEFINITELY keeping the old hardware… love it!
Rock on! I love that, my desntist is soooo not that cool. Neither is his wife 😉 Cannot wait to see what you do with the junk room. I’ll hire you to do mine? Please?
YAY! You have a junk room too? Makes me feel a lot better!
That is awesome! You lucky duck!!
That is fabulous and I am so jealous. My husband is a one room at a time too- it drives me CRAZY.
I’m glad I’m not alone! How do you cope? 🙂