My friend Molly (who is a fellow momma) and I were discussing how baby gates are annoying for SO many reasons. They are (and feel free to add to the list):
- clunky and inconvenient
- potential finger-pinchers
- damaging to walls/doorways/banisters
- in the way when they aren’t in use
- in the way when they ARE in use
- inconvenient to pass through
- expensive
- don’t always accommodate any door size
- basically an eyesore in any décor
Unless you’re rich and have something like this.
But even with all these annoying traits, if you have small children, you just can’t get around the need for one (if not several) gates of some sort. We’ve put off getting gates as LONG. AS. HUMANLY. POSSIBLE. And we knew we would need to save our pennies, because safety is mucho-importanto to us. Especially when it comes to the top (and bottom?) of the stairs.
However even the most expensive high-tech gates still fall into almost every single ‘annoying category’ above. And with my girl Delly joining her sister in the ranks of very mobile, I’m getting my share of exercise even without my two mile run. The most common view of my babes is their saggy diapers backsides:
Back to my original story… Molly goes on to say that she heard somewhere that there’s some sort of ‘retractable gate’ invention. All I could think was: WHAT A GENIUS IDEA! But I didn’t allow myself to get too excited, because I knew if there was such a thing… everyone would have one. Right?
After doing a little Googling, I came to discover there IS such a thing. And everyone SHOULD have one.
Reading through their website, I realized it’s all the things I could want a gate to be! Annnnnd… it rolls up into a neat little (almost invisible) roll when not in use! All I could think was… ‘how does every mom NOT know about this? Why aren’t these in every home with children?’ Seriously.
I read on to find that the company is right here in Iowa! Which is a major bonus, since I love to buy local. After contacting them to introduce myself and tell them I’m from Iowa too(!!), they offered to send me one of their gates for free, to review! Holy-heck-YES. Needless to say, I was overjoyed!
This company has managed to come up with a design that corrects every single frustrating factor mentioned above. And… wait for it….
It’s true. The roll pops right off the wall and can be taken to another doorway and snapped on, lickity-split! You can buy as many ‘bracket adapters’ as you need!
When we head upstairs for baths in the evenings, we just grab the roll and head up with the girls, snap it on at the top of the stairs… and let the girls have the run of the second floor!
You can even do this:
My life just got about 10 million times easier.
Hello baby. Can’t get out of there and get into trouble anymore, huh?
I was given a Retract-A-Gate to try and review, but was not compensated or told what to say!
My July 4th memory is playing the dime draglines at the carnival and winning wonderful junk.
I shared you guys on my facebook page! You definetly are my favorite blog!
What a GREAT idea. Leave it to you to research and find such a great product. Our little girl is only 4 months old so not in the mobile stage yet but will be before long! My favorite fourth of july memory before yesterday was watching the fireworks with my family as we lived across the street from the fair grounds where they shot the fireworks off from and loved having a front row seat. However, yesterday I got to watch the fireworks with my husband, my 4 year old and my 4 month old that last year at this time I was 18 months in my journey of battling with infertility. Amazing how much can change in 1 year. I feel so truely blessed!
Most prominent memory: being overheated and heading to the pool for a quick dip – which was eerily quiet… seems everyone was off with family, and I had our HUGE community pool virtually to myself!
Watching the fireworks over the Ohio river in Kentucky
I remember going to Washington D.C. to visit my girlfriend [now wife] who was completing an internship there. It rained so hard that year on the 4th, we were pretty sure they were going to cancel the fireworks. We went back to her place in VA and watched fireworks there, only to find out that they hadn’t canceled the Mall fireworks at all! Bummer, but a great way to spend time with someone you love!
I want one! I have three kids under 4 and can whole heartedly agree with you on every ‘baby gates are annoying’ category. Anyway, one of my fav 4th of July memories was we were doing fireworks (back in the early 90’s) and we did one of those pinwheel things that you had to nail to some sort of structure (who’s idea was that?!!). My dad nailed it to a telephone pole, lit it, it promptly flew off and caught our bush on fire. Good times.
My favorite 4th of July moment just happened. My 2 year old was so scared of all the loud booms and bangs. We decided to head over to a local parking lot that overlooks the city. We sat there eating ice cream in our air conditioned car and just watched all the fireworks light up the sky. She is no longer scared of the booms and gets so excited whenever she hears one.
My favorite 4th memory is kinda silly. Tim and I had just started dating so I tried to impress him by throwing an aerosol can in a big bonfire on the fourth of July. I guess he must have been impressed because he married me 5 months later. 🙂
My favorite 4th memory is watching the fireworks with my family. We had great seats the fireworks were over our heads and every time one went off it set off someones car alarm. Carla
We have gone camping for 16 years over the 4th in Bridgeport, California, nothing like a good old fashioned 4th
I remember building Lego houses with my siblings and then blowing them up with m-80’s!
Also, I shared this post on Facebook. 🙂
My favorite 4th of July is when we had a going away party for my sister when she left for Afghanistan!
My favorite 4th of July was when I was a child. My family would always shoot off fireworks and my uncle would light them with his cigerettes lol. Then he let us light our sparklers with them because we wanted to do it ourselves and my cousin and I snuck a smoke when nobody was looking and thought we were so cool.
I’ve linked this giveaway post on my Facebook page!
My favorite 4th of July memory is going to our local small amusement park and swimming pool. The family would go every year and spend the day swimming and then we’d have a picnic and finish up the day riding the rides. I’ve now continued the tradition with my kids and look forward to it all year.
Thanks for the giveaway! These past few 4ths (not including this year), we’ve been down in NC at a beautiful lake. So lots of boating, swimming, grilling, reading…the works. Great memories!
These gates are a great idea! Thanks for the info!
My favorite 4th of July…last night! Watching our 2 year old see fireworks for the first time, he was amazed and loved the ‘big booms’! Such fun! 🙂
My husband and I started “dating” 9 years ago on 4th of July when he held my hand during the fireworks. 🙂 That’s probably forever going to be my fav. Independence Day memory.
Most of my 4th of July memories involve going to Stone Mountain park in Georgia and watching the fireworks show. Fireworks were always included.
karinaroselee at gmail dot com
Happy late birthday, hope I still made u smile.
My July 4th memory is when my mother in law threw an awesome 4th party for the church at her house, and she had me play flute in a little “band” she put together. Just before walking up to the porch to play I flipped my chair backwords down the hill. All everybody saw were my feet up in the air.
BTW I could really use this gate my little muchkins just push mine down when they want out… kindof defeats the purpose.
I shared this on Facebook, too!
My favorite 4th of July memory is sitting in our wagon with my sisters wrapped in quilts watching our food cook on the grill. Must have been at least 5O degrees cooler than today!
Just left a link on my facebook account… I hope I win!!
Oh my gosh! That is so great – I need one of these asap for my very active one year old boy. Favorite fourth of July memory has got to be fireworks at the local high school. I loved watching those every year.
p.s. happy birthday 🙂
and, i shared on face3book. the end.
my most prominent 4th of july memory was in 2009 when my now husband came up to Ames to watch fireworks with me… and I realized that I was in love with him 🙂
Our fourth of July tradition has always been attending the local parade, barbeque-ing at Grandma’s house, and fireworks at night. Such a fun day!
I hope I win this awesome gate!
PS. Happy birthday tomorrow!
The most prominent 4th of July for me was my first one with my hubby. We sat in the car and watched the fireworks because it was SO HOT outside. Much like this year!
My e-mail address is Can I have an extra entry under my business e-mail address, too? It is
And I also posted this on my Facebook wall. So hopefully that makes THREE entries for me! 😀 Thanks!
My favorite 4th of July memory is one from high school. A bunch of my friends and I would go to our friend’s house every 4th of July after fireworks to have a bonfire and set off our “own” fireworks. This particular year was my first year with a boyfriend (AWWWW!!!) and it just seemed more special and “romantic” that way. I remember it was the most fun year by far…I can’t remember exactly why, but I do remember that we set off some bottle-rockets and one of them almost hit a guy. You just had to be there, but the whole thing was hilarious! I would love to have one of these baby gates for my future babies someday and my current fur-babies!
Oh my goodness, what an amazing, amazing invention! You should see the damage our gate has done to our dining room table. We can’t find a gate large enough to block our kitchen so we have to bungee cord our gate to a table leg and block it with some chairs. Sad, right?!
My favorite memory is camping with my family as a young girl, near a beautiful lake. So excited to start traditions with my son for this fun holiday!
My e-mail is
Happy early birthday!!! I loved spending the 4th at the lake with my extended family and watching firework shows put on by all the kids 🙂
I posted the link on my fb wall.
Okay, these are just AWESOME!
Favorite 4th memory: My family and I always headed to the gulf for family vacation on the 4th. One summer (when I was about 7) my dad and I decided to go down near the water and shoot some fireworks before bed. We lit one fountain and everyone in a nearby outdoor tiki bar cheered for us. I of course was SUPER pumped at their admiration and picked a big one that didn’t have a label. So my dad lit the thing and it began to smoke and smoke… and smoke and the wind carried it RIGHT to the outdoor tiki bar. The patrons were no longer cheering for us, but were shouting at us and we gathered all of our things and ran like the wind back to our condo before the (neverending) smoke cleared. (:
We still laugh about that little adventure to this day.
Thanks for the giveaway!
bradeymav [at]
I posted the link on FB, please give me a second entry!
Posted on Facebook!!!
NEED these gates for my house and stairs!!! My lil one is 6 months and into everything!!!
Favorite 4th: the year I got engaged we spent the 4th with my fam and I LOVE the pic if my husband, from AZ, with all my sisters from Utah and ID, it was so memorable! And I loved showing off my ring!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love your blog!
Posted your link on my Facebook page.
Thanks from Grammy Carla!
Love these gates, this is just what Grammy needs to keep all of her babies safe from the basement stairs. My favorite 4th of July memory was my oldest daughters 1st Fourth. She was born on July 27th so she was almost 1. Just holding her & watching her face light up time after time as she clapped her little hands & squealed for more melted my heart.
Thanks for the heads-up on a great product & for the giveaway!
Grammy Carla
My most prominent memory of 4th of July is the block party in Ruidoso that my grandparents would throw. All of their friends would come, including my first grade teacher, Mrs. Hanes. In fact, that’s how I met her, a year earlier, when I was just in kindergarten!
P.S. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
My grandparents live near the park where they do the fireworks show in my hometown, so every 4th for as long as I can remember we’ve gone over there to grill out and watch the show! It’s always great to spend time with family.
The gate looks awesome and I’d love to try it!!
You’re on my facebook page!
Just posted a link to this page on facebook-
I linked you and your blog to my facebook page!!!!
So far my favorite 4th of July was the one two weeks before our wedding. We went to my parents’ place in Sioux City for Saturday in the Park- this huge music festival they have every summer. Well that particular year the Counting Crows were headlining this FREE music festival- my excitement drove me to pouring some very heavy-handed rum n’ diets and led to the best concert that I can’t really remember …..and followed with the worst 5th of July ever. Haha, thinking about it is such a great memory- but I’m glad we have our baby now to help us make better decisions!
Favorite 4th of July: My first as a mommy. N cut her first tooth on the 4th and our second cut her first on July 1. Happy Birthday too. I can’t believe the girls are almost 1. When the time comes check out We were suggested to look into it and 2.5 after starting our girl is diaper free!!!
This gate would be a lifesaver for us our three children keep us on our toys.
My favorite memory of the fourth is all the festivities that were in my small town. You knew everyone and you could just see how happy everyone was. You saw pride and very proud members of the community. Proud to be apart of the real America. It was a day full of fun and celebration for our great country!
I linked to Facebook!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I NEED this for my porch. What a perfect baby trap. 🙂
My favorite 4th memory was the first year we had a child and took her to see fireworks. She was mesmerized. Now we have 2 and they love them equally as much!
PS Happy Birthday!
just posted on FB. Thanks to my friend Christi for posting it on there.
just posted on FB, which is where I saw it in the first place 🙂
These are awesome!! My favorite 4th memories are just hanging out with the family having a bar b que and watching fireworks. I love me a simple family holiday 🙂
~Also we share a birthday 🙂 Happy Birthday
My go-to 4th of July memory involves the fireworks at Iowa Central Community College and a dead bird where we were about to sit down. No idea how it died, but when my friend and I pointed it out to my grandma, she laughed inexplicably for tens of minutes about it. That was over 20 years ago and Grandma is still naturally awesome. That is probably not a super-patriotic holiday memory, but there ya go.
On a lighter note, Happy Birthday! (Smiling’s my favorite, but I like whispering, too.)
We just decided we need a baby gate. It looks like a great solution. Would love to win it 🙂
When I was a kid I was burnt by a sparker on the 4th of July. I’m STILL afraid of sparklers. Not sure if my son will ever get to try them! haha
Just posted to Facebook !
Thanks again and happy birthday! Can’t believe that your babes are going to be one!!
Favorite memory…pancake breakfast on our courthouse lawn with my little guy (who LOVES pancakes more than anyone i know) every year. Can’t wait for Wednesday to get our pancakes!!
This. Is.amazing.
My favorite memory is the first time I ever held a sparkler. It lit up my life.
I am also posting on facebook, which is where I found out about this, thanks to my friend Amanda H. Sorry Amanda, I’m competing for the prize.
These look interesting. Strong enough for a 4-year-old non-walker (cerebral palsy)? I wonder. They need something to keep him from wandering around at night now that he has learned how to get out of his crib. I would like to win this for the parents of my adorable, but handicapped grandson!
When I was a little girl I saw fireworks that burst out looking like the American flag. I don’t know how they did it, and it’s hard to find anyone who believes it, but it’s true.
My favorite Fourth of July memory was just last year. I was in Florida at the beach and could see fireworks for miles along the coast. I must have witnessed 10 different big firework shows. What made it better was patriotic music in the background. I love what the Fourth stands for. God Bless America!
And I posted this on Facebook!
This is perfect timing! My little one is crawling EVERYWHERE!!! This is the perfect solution for our baby gate woes!
4th of July was the one time I loved my hometown. They brought in a carnival complete with a bingo tent…I LOVE TO PLAY BINGO! If you were looking for me, the bingo tent was the place to start!
This is awesome! I love how big it is! I have a big entry way into my kitchen and it would be amazing to have a gate long enough to block it off. Then I can cook dinner in peace without my 19 month old pulling on my leg.
I think my favorite 4th of July memory was just this last year, 2011. I was nervous about how my daughter would do with the fireworks, but it turned out I didn’t need to be. She loved them! I loved watching her sweet face looking up at the bright flashes of light!
Happy birthday tomorrow 🙂
This gate is amazing!! Most brilliant invention ever!
My most prominent fourth of july memory is when my uncle accidentally set off a bottle rocket and it shot into the neighbor’s open garage. It wasn’t funny at the time, but now it is because no one got hurt and all was okay. 🙂
This is the most rad-action gate I have seen in my life! We are currently using a half piece of dry wall… :-/
My best 4th of July will be this year. I have my pilot’s license, and I am flying my husband and dad to Mt Rushmore for the day. Holla! We flew around last 4th of July to watch fireworks from the air last year, but they looked flat and lame.
Have a happy birthday, beautiful!
July 4 is one of my favorite holidays! I can’t really remember a specific one, but it’s a given that there will be grilled burgers or brats, hanging out with family/friends, and always getting to go watch fireworks! And if we’re lucky and time it right, we get a couple nights of fireworks from the different cities that are close! Should be a fun week! Tonya T.
How cool!!!! My favorite 4th of July memory is watching the fireworks with my family when we lived in Little Rock. We always thought that the fireworks were for sure going to fall all the way back to the ground and burn us.
Super excited that you’re getting to try this out! And that it’s local 🙂
So, this isn’t a most memorable 4th of July, but I hope it will count… when I was 2, I was playing with matches and accidently sat a recliner on fire. My mom told me to never play with fire again and seriously, I’m been a big chicken ever since. So I have always been VERY content to avoid sparklers, those little things that pop when you throw them on the ground, and all other things that involve potentially burning myself or my family’s property 🙂
I have gotten to the point where I’m comfortable with birthday candles… which reminds me… happy birthday!
Favorite 4th of July memory is when I was 9 years old. My dad and uncle were shooting off illegal fireworks in front of our house and the fire truck showed up. My dad had me hide behind the pillar of our house with all of the fireworks! It makes me laugh every time I think about it!
Thanks for the giveaway! The gate looks awesome! I just found your blog and love it!
Favorite memory is my son’s birthday! Born on the 4th. Big party every year!
Happy 30th birthday to YOU!
Last year my son was old enough to help light some of the small fireworks, and we had a great time. He kept telling me -‘Mommy, you need to stay back here where its safe from the fireworks.’ I thought it was cute 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway, and happy happy birthday.
I posted a link on fb. Can’t believe the twins will be one!
Seriously? These are amazing!! Just emailed the link to two of my gal pals who are mothers. 🙂
Most memorable 4th of July moment: Setting up fireworks in the backyard of my Grama’s house with my Uncle who passed away when I was young. And making homemade ice cream every year on the 4th. MIss those days!
And apparently I can’t read directions….so here’s my email address. 🙂
Wow, a hot Happy Birthday to you, Bethany. Neat gate. Lots of fun times taking kids to Independence schools grassy area with popcorn. Wasn’t too close or loud! The year at MHI when Robert was little was a disaster – too close and too loud!
My most memorable 4th of july moment was about 5 years ago, the fam and I were at the local park watching an awesome show when I noticed this cute little girl in pink ruffles (my fav) and a sparkler dancing around. Once the show was over and the lights started to come back on this adorable little one shouts out (and God said let there be light!” Cutest thing I ever saw. 😀
I love this gate, I had a the same idea as this a few years back but I had NO idea how to make it. So glad some one else had the know how.
Happy birthday to you and the girls!!!
That is an awsome idea, we have been through so many gates already I wish I had known about these sooner.
My favorite memory was going to my Gma and Gpa’s Dairy Farm and watching fireworks as a family. We could see the town fireworks from their farm. I have never liked sparklers, I don’t know why but they just scare me.
Also I liked ur page on my FB and Happy Early Birthday to all 3 of you. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday.
My favorite memory is watching the fireworks in Washington DC, on the mall. Amazing show.
Also, shared this on Facebook.
My all-time favorite July 4th memory is of going down to the levee (I grew up on the Mississippi River – in Davenport)and watching the gorgeous fireworks being shot off from a barge in the center of the channel. Each year was more spectacular than the last. It was magical!! Now I hear that they even have a boat parade complete with lights! (I moved away to central Iowa nearly 30 years ago).
I wish I’d known about these gates when my kids were small (obviously they hadn’t been created yet), but these are fantastic! Where can we find them? We recently had a friend’s family move in with us and they have two small daughters (3 and 2). I’d like to get one so that the girls are safe in our two story house. Thanks for letting us know about these lovely gates. What a boon for parents!
My favorite 4th of July memory was the time my wife made me leave a comment on some random blog so that she could win a free baby gate. Oh wait, that was this year. 🙂
Shared on my fb page!
4th of July moment: Our Boxer, Max, and I were playing fetch, with me at the bottom of our yard and he at the top. I threw the ball further down the yard (think hill no one wants to mow) and he made a bee-line for it, straight under my 10 year old legs. Now granted, I’m a tall 10 (probably 5’8″ but needless to say he knocked those gangly, uncoordinated legs out from underneath me and knocked me down flat on my backside and knocked the wind right out of me. Before I could get back up, he was next to me slobbering with that dang ball, ready to do it again!
These gates look pretty sweet! And who doesn’t LOVE FREE!!!
Also, Happy Birthday! Ben and I will catch up to that next decade next year! Enjoy! Happy Birthday early to the girlies as well!!
Happy 4th of July! These gates look awesome, I have a bun in the oven and a 1 year old puppy at home so these would come in handy!
One of my most memorable 4th of July’s would be the year I got sick on the tilt-a-whirl while squished between my 2 friends. :/
First Happy Birthday!
We used to go play at the lake all day cook out & the stretch out on the dock to watch the fireworks! It was always fun 🙂 but a year that really sticks out is when my mom found a puppy who ended up our family dog for17 years! Best 4th ever!
Punkinbritches at Gmail. Com
Shared your link on my facebook page.
These are awesome! I NEED one. Lol.
My favorite 4th of July memory was last year. All of John’s siblings got together for the 4th at John’s aunt and uncle’s in Independence. We knew it was going to be John’s dad’s last 4th and we wanted to do it up big. We enjoyed the parade, had a big BBQ and just enjoyed being together. A lot of memories were made that day. We went back later and enjoyed the fireworks with him. I can still see him holding Kaylie & Jordyn on his lap as they watched the show in the sky.
Happy Birthday Bethany…the 30’s aren’t so bad 🙂
AND-I’ve shared on FB.
You are a ROCKSTAR! I love that after adding your page on facebook, I get instant updates of every new post because it cuts out checking your blog every hour waiting for the new ones. LOVE this gate and want one oh so bad. 🙂
Favorite 4th memory: 2 years ago when my daughter was 3 we took her to her first fireworks ever. At that point in time she pretty much talked and sang NON STOP. Almost always “Old McDonald had a Farm” for hours on end. When the sky lit up with red/white/blue for the first time that night she was instantly quite. Didnt say another peep until we got in the car afterwards. Then she started right where she had left off “with a moo moo here and a…” for the duration of the ride home. BUT that awe in her eyes was priceless and we look forward to it every year. PS: We’re fellow Iowans! From a small town near Iowa City.
We use to do family reunions on the 4th od july at my aunt’s house with a big inground pool. Every year someone would eventually get thrown in the pool. And happy early 30th. I celebrated my 30th bday just a few days ago and it wasn’t that bad. It helps that the hubby is older too 🙂
martiny59 @
Where were these baby gates when my kids were small! Geesh!!! Anyway, my best 4th of July memory is when my family and my best friend’s family went fishing all day and caught just about 100 fish! Of course there were 10 of us and the small got thrown back but we had a get time catching them. That night we had a huge picnic (no fish though) and shot fireworks (yes illegal) when it got dark! We just had a wonderful day!
posted on facebook!/melissa.bauler/posts/407539642616938
mel9920 (at) aol (dot) com
This gate is an awesome Idea!! I love 4th of July’s now with my little girls, the joy on their face from the parades and fireworks are great! HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!!
mel9920 (at) aol (dot) come
My most memorable 4th was sitting in my uncles speed boat on the lake at my grandparents cottage. We were watching the big fireworks display the lake association lights off from an island when all of a sudden there was a flaming figure running for the lake. On of the guys lighting fireworks started on fire and jumped into the lake to extinguish the flames.
That and running around the boat(s) putting out ashes that landed from the fireworks.
I have two under two and this would be awesome!!!
I’ve posted a link to this blog on my FB! 🙂
linked to facebook 🙂
I put this on my Facebook to
One 4th of July my dad and I participated in the ride/run race around Storm Lake, IA. It is an 11 mi. race in which one partner starts off biking and the other running. The biker drops the bike somewhere and the runner picks it up. You leap frog that way until the end. We had a blast training and racing together!
I think that is the coolest gate. I am expecting my first baby in Nov. I hope I win!
These are amazing, and made in Iowa?! Fantastic! I NEED one for my two-year-old and sweet boy on the way in 18 days (give or take!)
Favorite 4th of July memories? Fireworks with my parents when my brother and I were still really young.
Happy 30th Birthday, Beth!!! Hope it’s FANTASTIC!!!
My favorite 4th memory is hanging out with my family and lighting fireworks in the street…everyone does that, right?!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday and to your girls to out daughter just turned one to and she was in the NICU around the same time as your girls and it was really nice to read your blog and see how you handled your situation my favorite 4th moment is for the past few years we have been doing Christmas in July and I get to see all of my family and shoot off “illegal” fireworks
And you’re on my Facebook page too 🙂
Best 4th of July moment: I got to be inside of a firework. No joke. We were in college and took a summer trip to a guy’s Texas hometown of about 500 people. These country kids do whatever they want, including setting off giant fireworks in their driveway. We’re not talking Roman Candles or anything like that, we’re talking the big, stadium, high in the sky kind of 4th of July fireworks we all know and love. One of the boys would light the firework, we’d all stand back towards the edge of the driveway and watch it shoot high into the sky and burst into a hundred colorful sparks. Of course, one of the boys lit a nice big green one a little too haphazardly, causing it to fall over as he ran away. Instead of shooting straight up into the starlit country sky, it shot outwards towards the outskirts of the driveway where we were all standing. Green sparks flew past my head, under my scrambling feet and in front of my eyes until I found shelter in a nearby pickup truck bed. Terrifying, exhilarating, and totally stupid. But best 4th of July ever.
Happy birthday 🙂 Your girls are adorable!
We did the same thing every year for the 4th of July when I was growing up–a huge bbq at our house with family & friends. I can’t wait til my kids are old enough to enjoy the fireworks and all the festivities 🙂
I’m so bummed that I never knew about this gate before! We have multiple ugly gates in our house, and this looks so much better!
My favorite memory growing up for the 4th is going to our town parade. Watching the fire trucks go buy and catching candy!
My favorite 4th of July was in 1988 when our 3rd son was born, which happens to be my birthday also!
Now our 1st grandchild is due on July 1st, crazy but true! I have already begun to think about child proofing our home and the gates look far superior to the plastic tension gates found in stores. Also, that they retract almost out of sight is a big plus.
My favorite Fourth of July memory was actually last year – so it’s still fresh! It was the first year my daughter wasn’t afraid of fireworks so she got to enjoy them (and so did we!); plus we saw a local parade and went to a carnival. It was so much fun watching her enjoy being a kid…that’s what makes these moments so special!
These gates look amazing…I hope I win! We don’t have a bun in the oven yet (I miscarried last month) but are trying again! Either way, it would prevent our two year old from jumping off the stairs and hurting herself…she tries to fly or something!
PS Happy Birthday, to you and your little ones!!
I definitely posted a link to this post on my Facebook! Too awesome NOT to share!!!
Oh. my. gosh. These people are GENIUSES!!! Why didn’t I think of this?! hahahaha
My best 4th of July memories are probably the ones done right at home. My neighborhood puts on a HUGE fireworks display every year (except last year because of the drought…BOO) and I remember one year, they had a ginormous firework in the shape of the States. (like a map shape) It was awesome!! I did get sparklers in the face on year…and breathed in a bunch of smoke. Yukko.
I would not say I have just one 4 of July that sticks out in my mind! instead each and every time I had the opportunity to be at my Great Grandma Talbots house for the 4 of July comes to mind! From playing in the fire engine hose water to the dinkey little parade that Lewiston Utah loves they we the best! It meant that we were around our family and I could never ask for more!
I liked this question because the more I thought about it, the more happy 4th of July memories I thought of. 🙂 I have always loved the fireworks whether pulled off on the side of the road with my family when I was little or sitting on the roof of my friend’s house when I was older or snuggling up with my hubby now. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy happy birthday!
My best 4th of July memory: It was 4th of July, 2008 and my (now) husband and I had JUST started dating (like 2 months previously). My parents were out of town camping so I went to see fireworks with my boyfriend (feels so weird calling him that!) and his family at the Urbandale Park. Afterwards we went to my house and did sparklers in the front yard, which was a tradition in my family but not his. So, we started our very 1st tradition together that 4th of July that our own growing family will continue 🙂
My favorite 4th of July memories are going to the family lake house every year and watching fireworks out on the dock. So much fun!
I just posted to Facebook as well!! You can add me if you want! Meagan Frank Blan!
Every 4th of July we go to a nearby town and park along side the road, set up lawn cairs in the back of the truck and watch fireworks. I am so excited to take our little girl (9 Months) to watch the fireworks for the first time. I think my favorite memory of the 4th will be made this year.
Same as your little ones, mine is a GO GETTER. Little lady has a ton of toys but she would rather play in my sewing room. As much as I would love to teach her to sew, she is too young and handsy. This gate would be a perfect fit.
Omigosh! We have been talking baby gates for weeks as our 6 month old twin girls are gearing up to crawl! Their poor little knees are all red from trying so hard! I would LOVE to have this gate!
I don’t have one particular 4th of July memory, it’s more like ALL of them from my childhood. On of our local parks has a Freedom Festival every year that includes a parade, carnival and a HUGE fireworks show. We would go to the parade, collect as much candy as we could, then pick out a spot at the park to picnic. We met up with all our extended family and friends and spend the day playing catch, frisbee, rolling in the grass, eating and going to the carnival for face paint and pony rides! The only bad thing I recall were the Port-A-Pottys. Haha!
P.S. HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY, BETH!!! I pray all of God’s blessings upon you this year and every year hereafter!
This is a great idea!! My youngest just turned one and we are sooo in need of this….she is getting very busy!! Fave Fourth memory is last year. We live on an island and they shoot the fireworks out over our harbor. It was very calm and we took our boat to the middle of the harbor and watched the fireworks… was awesome and the kids loved it!!!
jlkeehn3 at hotmail dot com
Wow, this is awesome! We need this gate in our house!
One of my favorite 4th memories is my dad setting our picnic table on fire year after year with fireworks and completely by accident. It only took a few years before it was finally burned to the ground.
We went four-wheeling on a ranch in Wyoming three years ago. That will be hard to beat. Fireworks in that wide open sky were amazing! This will be our first 4th of July as parents though so pretty special 🙂
Happy Birthday!
Awesome Gates! The 4th of July might just be my favorite holiday! I love all of the fun events that surround it. Days off, friends and family, FOOD, fireworks, music, and just enjoying the weather! I was like you – scared of fireworks and now LOVE them. (plus my birthday is this week too) Happy Birthday to you too! I hope you celebrate it in style – with your beautiful family 🙂
I’m actually hoping this year is going to be a very memorable 4th of July. We have been wanting to go see the fireworks at our city park with our kids, but for the past several years they have cancelled the fireworks due to burn bans. My youngest son is 3 this year and he is super excited to go see the fireworks. There is no burn ban this year so we’re already packing the blanket and toys to go down to the park and watch.
I’ve been watching your blog like a hawk for this post since I was at your house last week and saw your amazing gate! 🙂 Happy Birthday tomorrow! Hope you have fun camping! We’ll have to celebrate at the Water Party! 🙂
Anyway… a 4th of July memory… a few years ago we went to watch the fireworks at Mt. Rushmore and we got there at like noon to get a spot and then it rained off and on all afternoon and was so cloudy we couldn’t see a single firework! It was still a fun time, but a little disappointing!
When I was a kid every single year we’d go to the yacht club the next town over to watch fireworks– they were timed to end right when Boston, MA fireworks began and because of where we live you could watch both without ever moving!! It was awesome 🙂
Also- happy birthday!
I bet this 4th will be my most memorable yet. This will be the first time we’ll have our little girl celebrating with us! I can’t wait!
That gate is genius!
Happy Birthday!
Those gates are brilliant! Love how they can to longer than a standard door.
OK… 4th of July memory. Being in NYC with hubby and his best friend. The fireworks were going off over by the Statue of Libery and they WOULD NOT STOP. I was sooo angry I wouldn’t talk to either one of them for several days.
And yes, he learned the error of his ways.
My favorite 4th of July memory is watching fireworks from the roof of a building with a bunch of my friends. And happy birthday!
These gates are cool. Could really use one of these now. I loved the fireworks. It was always fun sitting up on the hill beside our house watching the fireworks with my brothers and sisters. Laying in the grass saying eww-aww. Even now that we live in different cities I think about them every year when I watch them with my family.
My baby just turned 1 recently. These gates would be awesome! My favorite 4th of July was in Colorado watching fireworks in the mountains. It will be the hills of NE Iowa this year…. a close second 🙂
And now you’re up on my facebook page 🙂
Best 4th of July memory: I think it was sophomore year of HS, I went to watch the fireworks down by the river in Dubuque. There were a ton of people from school, but I remember one guy who had his [illegal] fireworks in his hand walking the opposite direction of a park cop and watching the multiple hand-offs that followed trying to hide the “contraband”. Followed up by playing Catchphrase and reading “sob” as “s.o.b.” Very fun times.
BTW, why did we never do fireworks at the farm? The basic illegality of it? That would have been the best ever.
These gates are awesome–how did I not know about them before?
My favorite memories of 4th of July: the parades, going to the same spot with the same families every year to watch the fireworks, and burning sparklers in the dark!