The girls and I have been cooped up in the house all week, trying to evade the nasty hot and humids. We’re going a little stir crazy. The girls are bored with all their toys. I’m getting all impatient-like. You know the story. We could use a good walk in the sunshine… I just wish it didn’t involve heat-stroke and Jimi Hendrix’s hair. But on a positive note, I found an anti-perspirant that I really like! Three cheers!
I dressed the girls in their Independence Day garb today. It only seemed appropriate. Speaking of independence, these two little critters definitely have minds of their own! They get into all kinds of mischief and keep me on my toes!
Paisley’s hair has been flipping up above her ears, which I find to be adorbs. Also, she has one little ringlet curl on the back of her head… but that could be directly related to the heat index. Nick’s hair is wavy, so I’m curious to see what the girls get. Delly’s hair is just starting to show a little growth… FINALLY! She also seems to be getting a tooth on top!
We’ve got a busy weekend ahead… as usual. Stay cool peeps! Drink lots of water! And come right back here on Monday for a GIVEAWAY!!!
i’m an extra-sweaty kinda girl, so i’ve been using the ‘clinical strength’ stuff for the last couple years. it wasn’t helpful, and is super expensive. so i just went to regular ol’ Degree deodorant, and i love it! it keeps me fresh and dry! and it’s not cakey! 🙂
Adorable, per usual. 😉
Please, please tell me the anti perspirant you found and love!!! I’m currently hating mine. :/
They are so cute! It’s crazy that even though they share the same birthday they look so different!