Nobody likes a Debbie Downer… so if you’re already feeling blue, READ NO FURTHER. Because friends?
I’m feeling weary.
And anxious.
And overwhelmed.
I walk a fine line between being infertile and being a parent, so I hold in a lot of my struggles and frustrations… even from friends and family. But in the name of honesty (and release), I’m here to say that my house looks like a tornado went through. My daughter has Strep Throat and borderline Scarlet Fever. I’m told it’s only a matter of time before her twin gets it. I haven’t cooked a decent meal in days. My email inbox is overflowing. I got about 2 interrupted hours of sleep last night.
One side of my brain is on overdrive with ideas, projects, productivity, ambition… plans for spring, gardening, etc. The other half of my brain is curled up in the fetal position in a dark corner… rocking back and forth. When it rains it pours, right?!
So, since this is a blog about my life… THERE YOU HAVE IT! Keepin’ it real as always.
Oh my heart hurts for you – my son had scarlett fever last year, very badly. They told me at one point it might be fatal and I almost passed out, I didn’t realise his case was that serious. Half of the kids in his class had it but they just had antibiotics and a few days off and were fine. It was so scary but thankfully hospitals always pay attention to cases when children are unwell before most things. We are in Australia so it may be different but they were amazing. I get where you are coming from with the no sleep and ransacked house. Your little dot looks like she is nowhere near as chronic as my son so hopefully the medicine they are giving her will kick in pretty quickly and you’ll be home. And I really hope twinny doesn’t get it. Much love to you and your family xx
I will echo all that others have said: it WILL get better and someday you will miss those times of snuggling with your little ones. Mine are now 17 and 20 and while I still see glimpses of those sweet little boys who would cuddle with me in the recliner, mostly they are hairy legged, farting, burping, gross TEEN AGED BOYS. the crafting and decorating and yes, dang it all, the cleaning, will be there when they are out the door. don’t apologize for being a good mommy. those who love you and those who are parents will understand and the ones who don’t understand–well, they aren’t worth worrying over.
I’m so sorry. Life sucks sometimes!
im so sorry!!!!! life is very hard and we don’t always have the answers, the patience, or the grace to get thru it w/o throwing a temper tantrum, at least in our own minds. its life, its hard, you will make it. when i feel like you have described (which honestly is OFTEN!!!!) i just allow myself to have a pity party, i cry, i nap, i whine. then after a little while, maybe even a day or two, i start to feel better. then i can start kicking life’s butt again!!!! you will be just fine. its ok to whine and vent and get it all out. were woman and moms but that doesn’t make us superheros. we are allowed bad days!!! i hope it turns around soon and the little ones get better real quick!!!
Ditto! Life gets overwhelming sometimes! Having a full time job, being a mom, wife, friend, house keeper, chef, etc, etc, etc… sometimes you just want to scream! And I do at times… but it’s all what I signed up for. And from what I’m seeing, you are doing an amazing job…keep it up 🙂
I’m so sorry. It sounds so discouraging 🙁 Love you. I hope things turn around soon. You are a super hero.
I think it’s safe to say that any mom can say they know exactly what you’re talking about. No need to apologize. Like you said, this blog is about your life so on days its great you blog, on not so great days, you blog. It’s a form of therapy. I started writing and focusing on photography after we lost our son unexpectedly at the start of his 6th day. Come 4/7 it will be 7 years since we welcomed him into our lives and on 4/13 it will be 7 years since we had to say “see you later”. Take each day as it comes. Dishes will still be there tomorrow. Hope your little one feels better soon and your other one lucks out and doesn’t get sick or if she does, she isn’t sick for long. Hang in there.
Sorry your girl is so sick and you can’t have your fun party tomorrow 🙁 What nice fans you have though, so supportive and encouraging! Take the blessings as they come and on days like this just know there will be more blessings tomorrow. Love you!
Bless your heart, Beth. Hang in there, girl! Prayers for you and your sweet family!
Just normal experiences in the life of a mother….Nothing is more important than your child’s health. Rest when they rest. Fast food is fine for season. Clean houses are for showrooms…your ideas are going no where~ they will be there when you have time. REST and hold the baby. THIS TOO SHALL PASS
I love that you keep it real. I have a sick baby right now too so I can say I feel for you. These kinds of days help us appreciate good days. I love all your projects too!
You aren’t being a downer. Life is hard sometimes (and if your life isn’t hard sometimes please let me know what your secret is!). We all have those days where we feel like we are barely holding things together. Focus on taking care of you and your family. Houses can be cleaned later, blogs can be written later, but your children are only young for a short period of time. Hang in there!
We’ve just had the Strep thing at our home as well (I had a fever for 5 days – I contracted it at the hospital). Hopefully it will pass through quickly. One of my sisters struggled with infertility and waited 5 years for her son. On the bad days I remind her of how many tears she cried waiting for her miracle to come and that though tired, this is what she prayed for and though it has its joys and trials, count it all joy. I hope that you’ll all be feeling better soon. With love and prayers.
If you weren’t real, we wouldn’t be internet friends. LOL. I love you for the real you, a mama in the trenches like the rest of us. Granted, you do have crafty super powers and probably sweet nunchuk skills and bowhunting skills, which I do not. Mommyhood is so hard and draining and depressing at times. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I feel your pain and I am praying with you for this season to pass.
Much love and cuddles to Pais and Della, pitiful things. Hugs to you and awkward handshake/I-would-hug-you-but-you’re-not-my-husband style handshake for Nick! 🙂
Bethany – your “role” right now is to your kids. The rest of the world can wait. We all understand; we have all been there. It sounds like it is a good time for grandma and grandpa to come and visit to dish out a little TLC and stock your freezer with some meals. This surrogate grandma wishes she lived closer because I would gladly volunteer for the job! Take care of your family and yourself. Also, sending some prayers down your way!
Sorry. Happens to all of us.
Hang in there, you’re doing great! Never apologize for talking things out. Things are tough now but you’ll get through it.
Oh, I remember the days. We had a stretch about 10 years ago when both of my boys and I were sick with from Thanksgiving to New Years and then we all got strep in February :(. Sitting on the couch, taking turn with the nebulizer, trying to get meds into an autistic kid with extreme oral hypersensitivity… Oh those were the days. Just know that while it’s bad now it will pass. Give yourself permission to just be there for the girls – the projects will wait for you. And if housekeeping consists of having a path shoveled to your front door (and I am talking on the INSIDE) so the paramedics and firemen could get in if needed – that is ok as well. All part of being Mom, just not the part anyone tells you about or we would be going extinct! Get well!
You just take care of yourself. After that super cute pin wheel collage, you have my heart. (Oh, and I’ll adopt your super diy husband as well!)
I’m 53. Keep your chin up. When my children were little my house was a mess and I had little time for creating things. Your time for that will come when they are a bit older. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. You can’t do everything. It’s a myth to think you can. Hang in there! HUGS, Julie.
Totally feeling you. We have had 11 years of fairly uneventful marriage and in the past 3 months everything has happened. My mil is in the ICU since December, my 33 sil and bff diagnosed with breast cancer, husband business hiring, and ALL 3 of my kids have the worst cold ever. and our only car died yesterday. As the pp said, ‘this too shall pass’ but its never soon enough. Praying it gets easier quicker
You are NOT alone! My house is a mess, I’m behind at the office, I have a teenage daughter who is in “love” with two boys, a mother who is mad at me, a nine year old who doesn’t think he gets enough attention, a husband who’s neglected, a toddler who has learned the words “no” and “mine”, and closing shifts (8pm-4am) at my second job all weekend. It happens to everyone at some point. As Swan said ‘This too shall pass’. Keep your head up.
My condolences on the rough patch of motherhood you’re experiencing. As a mother of four, something that has helped me get through all our rough patches is ‘This too shall pass.’. Though today you may feel overwhelmed, there will come one FINE day when you’ll realize that it’s over and somehow you’ve made it through. Prayers for you and the family. Hang in there, and keep up the great work!
No luches contra la vida,no dividas tu cerebro ,unificalo en lo importante :la familia.Todo lo demás puede esperar:la casa,comidas saludables ,internet….Cuando las cosas se ponen duras sólo lo importante es importante.Nosotros te comprendemos y esperamos pero sin prisa,al ritmo que marca la vida.Mucho ánimo,seguro que pronto todo irá mejor.Besos
I am overcome by emotions for you- What I saw… You took charge like the greatest super mom in the world to help Del feel better & to keep the household together – don’t beat yourself up over not cooking a meal, everyone is fed, they’re not starving- emails will get done a few at a time- people do realize that you are not married to the computer & not hooked to it all the time (although, how convenient to have that cart to have the computer on & roll it around with you??) ok, maybe not..ha
just think in a little while, the energy levels will reach a high & all will be ok again & to expend the energy of them running around outside in the green grass & sun shine 😉
take care of you & know that if you need anything, i’m just a instant message or phone call away. 😉
((( hugs ))) and prayers for all of you.
I hope you all get to feeling better soon.
You are taking care of the most important things right now, your family and yourself. Everything else can wait. I hope you have some friends and family that live close enough to drop by with a care package to help ease a little of the stress. I will pray for you and your family.
My prayers for health of your family and fertility. It will pass and brighter days are coming soon!
I don’t think you are being a debbie downer-I respect bloggers who keep it real. Thinking of you and the family. Praying for a speedy recovery and some sleep.
Hang in there! Take help from people who offer it (wish I could be closer so I could help.). Praying she gets better fast and Paisley miraculously doesn’t get it too!
Love Cryst