I’m so excited to share the finished product from our Etsy Shop Custom Softie Giveaway Winner, Zella Marie! She submitted this adorable ‘super kitty’ drawing. Look at all the detail! This girl wasn’t messing around!
My mom got right to work, shuffling through her wide assortment of fabrics… and in record time, she constructed this absolutely adorable stuffed animal/dolly inspired by Zella’s drawing! (The boots, belt, cap-sleeves are made from fabric scraps from my bridesmaid dresses!) And wouldn’t you know it, that tail is bendable, and the mask is removable!!
Since the giveaway, she’s been inundated with orders! So much so, that I whipped up a website specifically for her Custom Softies so that she can have a place to display all the different pictures (Etsy limits the number of pictures you can post), so now she has a venue to exhibit the wide variety of creative genius she encompasses! Her website is called ‘Stuffed Scribbles’ …fitting, right?! You should go check it out! She’ll be updating it regularly as she finishes more and more Stuffed Scribble Softies!
While she works on building her portfolio and clientele, she’s temporarily offering a reduced price through May 1, 2012. Get your child a personalized ADORABLE stuffed doll/animal inspired by their own artwork for only $35 for a limited time! This is a shameless plug for mi madre’s mad skillZ!
Here are more examples of Custom Softies:
Visit her brand new website Stuffed Scribbles and our Etsy Shop for lots of other handmade baby/child items!
Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t get the sewing gene from my mom! UGH!
Brilliant! Love, Love, and Love Some More…
zella’s mom here, and we LOVE super kitty. kathy did an amazing job! her stitching is great and we really love the bendable tail! if you are on the fense about ordering from kathy, do it. you won’t be disappointed. super kitty is an awsome keepsake of my daughters art work. thanks again, jill b
OMg! Zella is my niece so I, of course, think her drawings are awesome, but your mother did a excellent job making the softie look just her drawing. It is amazing!
These are fantastic! How creative of your mom to think to do this!
This is the best thing I have ever seen! I am definitely going to have my girls draw something up and order it for them; what a fantastic way to preserve memories and creativity! I LOVE IT!
I’ve been reading you forever (since before the babies were born), but have never commented. That has got to be the coolest thing EVER. My daughter loves to draw and to be able to see something she created come to life and to be able to hold it would be AH-MAZING. We’re from Iowa, so I have no excuse not to submit something and have your mom make it. FANTASTIC
~ Laura ~ Our Prairie Home
HOW adorable!!