Just checking in to say: HAPPY LABOR DAY! We’ve had an amazing weekend so far… including but not limited to finishing up some amazing projects, and getting family pics taken by the incredible Molly Long (who is seriously the most talented/creative/patient person on the face of the earth). And we bought the movie Pitch Perfect and have watched it twice in the last 3 days. Truth.
AND the Labor Day god’s have smiled upon us, because today.. the weather is BEAUTIFUL. It’s about time. And you better believe we’ll be taking full advantage of it!
…which is why I’m keepin it short and real today. We got things to DO y’all! First ever canoeing adventures for the sisters, happening now! Follow us on Instagram for a play-by-play!
Stay tuned this week for some super fun projects!
And I mean it this time when I say… HAPPY MONDAY!
Aw they are too cute! And Pitch Perfect is hilarious. LOVE that movie!
Loved the picture of them side by side in the canoe. I submit that they could not be any cuter!