A few items I’d like to address:
Is it just me, or are there TICKS EVERYWHERE this year? Ticks are so icky, and I dread the day when I find one stuck to me or the girls. Ew ew EW. I can only guess it’s a result of all the rain we’ve gotten this spring. Luckily our Barn Swallows take care of the mosquito population for the most part.
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Regardless, we spend a TON of time outside. The girls would play outside every moment of every day if we would let them. A lot of times, we just let them run free, and we just keep an eye on them from afar.
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The sisters are turning two in a couple weeks, and I could just weep at the thought of it. What happened to my tiny babies? I’m having baby fever something fierce. An accidental pregnancy would be soooo welcomed…. but that’s unlikely, and I think you know why.
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As a blogger, there are weeks when I feel like I don’t have a single thing to blog about. And then there are other times when I’m knee-deep in a dozen projects, and don’t even want to bother to stop to take pictures… LET ALONE compose a detailed description/tutorial with edited photos, links, and all that shiz. But once I drag myself in from the garage, and sit down to have a heart-to-heart with my computer you, it all becomes quite pleasant and the words start a’flowin’. Words like ‘shiz’ apparently.
Our Etsy shop (SyWoodInk) has been going strong and keeping me quite busy all by itself, which is so fun! You can find sandpaper in just about any room in our house… except maybe the bathroom. We have a no-sandpaper-in-the-bathroom policy (see this post to learn about Nick’s views on rough toilet paper). Oh! And I’ve been fixing up my saWEET garage sale apothecary file cabinet that will eventually go in my craft studio.
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Obviously, you can see by all the square images that our life is well documented via Instagram. Come along and join us (HERE!) if you don’t want to miss a thing!
Since you mention ticks…I picked up my friend’s 8 month old son, along with my daughter, from daycare one night since she and her husband were busy. We get back to my house and I lay the kiddo down on the ground, he rolls over and I notice he looks like he has a piece of food stuck in the hair on the nape of his neck. I go to pick it out and it’s just stuck, so then I thought it was a scab or something….until it grew legs!! I was mortified and terrified at the same time because I just touched a tick and I now had to remove a tick from another child’s head! Obviously, we know 8 month olds don’t sit still very well!! Anyway, it was the most disgusting thing I’ve had to remove from a child, and I’ve had to remove floss from my own daughter’s poop. (Yeah, she swallowed a small piece and it was still partly in there…not pretty) I hope this made you cringe and smile at the same time!
Just hours after I read this comment from you, I found a tick in Della’s hair…..AHHHHHHH! You should have seen me freak out. I started frantically trying to flick it out without touching it too much. 🙂 Luckily it wasn’t stuck in hard, but those suckers are ICK-YYYYY! Makes me want to keep the girls indoors all summer. I need to get over that!
Ticks are everywhere! My husband went for a run around a local lake and said he ended up with like 7 on him..UGH! Reminds me of that country song “I’d like to check you for ticks” haha! Glad your Etsy shop is going strong 🙂
TOTALLY! Every night when we check each other for ticks, I end up going to sleep with that song in my head. 🙂
Hey girl, I just wanna say that I love all the pics of the girls. I know they played “hard to get” at first, but you eventually did “get” them….and all the pics inspire me to keep going in my own quest for kiddos.
oh and the DIYs and tutorials are great too. 🙂
Thanks Sarah, I certainly am blessed! Don’t give up!
Love the pictures of the girls! They are growing up so fast! The interaction of the girls with each other is so precious. It makes my heart sing! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for loving the pictures of the girls! I’m always worried that people are rolling their eyes and annoyed that I’m sharing so much. 🙂
I am so in love with your girls. I’m pretty sure it’s due to having a 21 month old girl myself. They remind me so much of her.
Totally random and please, please, please, forgive me if I’m crossing a line, but have you ever read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility? I’m sure it’s old news to you, but on the off chance you’ve not read it, it’s highly, highly, highly informative and successful. My heart aches for those that long for their wombs to be filled.
Another game changer is Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic. Very unique and focuses on the brain stem, which controls everything in our body. My chiropractor alone has had over a dozen patients who were told they’d never conceive, have babies with no extra help after going under care. I can’t say enough about UC chiropractic. I could go on for hours.
Thanks for the suggestions Beth! At this point I’m not looking into other alternatives since we have two sweet little embryos waiting for us somewhere in a freezer. 🙂 But if for some reason they don’t ‘take’ or we find ourselves wanting to expand our family even more, I’ll definitely be looking into this UC chiropractic business. Thanks!
That picture of the girls with static hair kills me. How are you not a puddle all the time?! They are so dang cute. Also, I too hate ticks. I worked as a camp counselor one summer in a tick-breeding-paradise. Checking for ticks 3 times a day was part of the routine. Luckily I only got 1 tick that summer and we found it before it was deep in there. But you can be sure I taped that sucker to a popsicle stick and carried it around the rest of the summer as a badge of my bravery.
And good call on the no-sandpaper-in-the-bathroom rule. I would hate for their to be an unfortunate mix-up.
Ewwwwww! Doesn’t the thought of ticks make you FEEL like you need to drop everything and check yourself?!
I just paused while writing this comment to do a once-over.
I would have been so paranoid that summer in the tick-breeding-paradise! And I would have had that sucker laminated, notarized, matted and framed. 🙂