I’ve noticed something about myself, and I have a sneaking suspicion I’m not the only one that struggles with this.
Are you ready for my big confession?
Sometimes I start projects and DON’T FINISH THEM.
Or I put off even starting projects that I know need to be done.
Nick is the same way. So we’ve been troubleshooting ways to help us identify WHY, and just get the thing DONE already. We’ve noticed several culprits that contribute to our procrastination. Can you identify?
- We get distracted by other projects. (or life)
- We’re not 100% confident in our abilities to pull of this project, and are allowing our intimidation to get the best of us. (often, for us, we don’t even realize this is the reason we’re putting off a project. Totally subconscious, but very real)
- We haven’t taken the time to gather the tools/supplies needed, or figure out what items we still need to purchase or order.
- Funds are low, and we’re waiting until we have to money to do the thing RIGHT.
So we created a checklist for ourselves (and you!) that will help us get started or finish all of these looming projects
This is a checklist for all of us that need a little direction on projects that have been put off for a multitude of reasons.
Have a Plan
CHOOSE A DAY (or weekend) and block it off on your calendar. You should start thinking about your plan about a week before. Know exactly what you’re going to do, and make sure you have all the supplies/tools necessary for the project. You don’t want to have to make a last minute trip to the store when you’re finally ready to hit it hard!
Prep for the Project
So you have all of your supplies gathered, right? But are there things that still need to be done before you can actually jump into your project? Do you need to tidy up your craft room or wood shop? Do you need to charge batteries for your cordless power tools?
Make a List
This one is important. DON’T SKIP THIS STEP!
Write out the actual steps of the project, one-by-one. This will help you organize your thoughts and anxieties about the thing, and feel less massive and/or intimidating. You’ll feel accomplished at each interval as you cross off line items throughout the process!
CLICK HERE or on the image below, and sign up for our mailing list… and we’ll send you this free printable checklist straight to your inbox for you to print and GET STARTED ALREADY!
Hi Bethany,
Please can you email me the check list as the link tells me my email address is already taken 🙂 . Kitchen revamp here I come.
Hey Carol, so sorry! You’re not the only one that has said that. We must have a bug we need to work out. I’ll email you the checklist right now!
Bethany – I have been trying to download your “Just do the thing checklist” but get continually looped to the point it’s getting frustrating!
From “DOWNLOAD NOW” to sign in or update your email address, to looping you are already signed in, to back to the website, back to DOWNLOAD NOW and on and on. Help! I’d just simply love the checklist!
That’s so weird! I’m going to email you 🙂