This giveaway is now closed.
Oh heyyyyy, IT’S FRIDAY!! Three cheers for sure! I’m still not sure why I look forward to the weekend… being a stay-at-home mommy and all. Maybe it’s because I get unlimited time with my man-child! Yep, that’s definitely it!
This is neither here nor there, but we had our entire septic line replaced yesterday, which really bites the big one. Although now I can do laundry and shower again, which is a plus (kind of?). Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and that’s when you drop-kick life all Jackie Chan-like. Take that septic system.
But there’s good news for ONE OF YOU! Because we’re giving away a RYOBI Compound Sliding Miter Saw (with a LASER) to one of our lucky readers!!
THIS IS HUGE my people. If you’re a fellow DIYer, you’ll find you could use this thing for SO many different things (crown molding, picture frames, furniture making, finish carpentry, etc). Not only does it cut perfect/precise angles (like we did for our Crown Molding Tutorials… it also just plain cuts wood, which just plain comes in handy!
And… it’s simple enough that you can rock this thing even if you have no experience with power tools!
Let’s say for example, that you’re the DIY-type, but your husband, well… ISN’T.
If he came home to a beast-of-a power tool with a big bow on it… well it could be a big incentive to get his man-juices flowing and inspire him to build some things for you.
It can’t hurt for you to stroke his biceps either. I speak from experience.
Enough of this chit chat though… do I really need to talk you into this? I think not.
Here’s the rules kids! It is MANDATORY that you like us on Facebook (if you haven’t already).
Once you’ve done that, you may enter three times by doing the following:
- leave a comment on this post
- SHARE the giveaway on your personal Facebook page
- PIN the image above onto Pinterest
BE SURE to leave a comment for each on this blog post (letting us know that you shared on your facebook page and pinned it)! This giveaway is open to US residents only because of shipping issues. We will announce the randomly selected winner on Friday, March 22nd.
This giveaway is sponsored by RYOBI! All opinions are completely our own. Good luck!!
Pinned and like on Facebook! I have beeb looking at this, can’t decide what I could do with it, but would really like to try it. Many projects in the works and could use ths saw. Hubby is deployed in the military and need projects to keep busy.
this would be ideal for all the crown molding to be done on our new home.
I have pinned, Facebooked, and Like your page on facebook. For a secound time. I love your blog and I would love to have the saw. Thank you for letting us in to your life.
Shared on FB.
Pinned it:
Are you certain the big bow will work on my “not so handy but hot” guy? I’d love it if he took one look at it & turned into Power Tool Man!
And now it is shared 🙂
It has been pinned!
Love it! This would come in so handy for all of our crazy projects.
My hubby would love this!
I would love to win! 🙂
Pinned, Liked and shared on FB! Diane Alexander
woo hoo! i did everything!
would love this, putting in new windows and new trim inside this would work great!!!!!!!
I shared on Facebook 🙂
Shared on my fb page….I can see crown molding in my future!
I pinned!
Pinned it!
msmaf at (ymail) dot com
And last but not least Shared on my Facebook!
Looking forward to your next post!
Pinned on to our new home board on Pinterest!
This would be a great start to our new home adventures to come later this year!
I shared on Facebook. Every lady needs a good power tool!
I shared on facebook
I pinned it!
Would love to win this, as we have many woodworking projects in updating our home. Have always had to hire a carpenter for all of this. Heck yes, would love to have this for my hubby and I.
Lori Valline
I need one of these so I can do cool projects like you!
Pinned, Facebooked, Commented! Best of luck to everyone and of course my fingers are crossed for me! 😉
Sweet. I am always down for upgraded NEW power tools instead of just hand me downs…. 😀
wow! cool giveaway! We are big fans of your projects. We just wish that you lived a little closer so you could help us with our backsplash. We have been getting tons of ideas from you guys though!
Pinned it! Although I’m just getting started on Pintrest…seems to be a dangerous place. Haha
Liked it!
I love your furniture restoration, and am getting into furniture restoration and woodworking myself! My first project: a handmade desk!
Love your furniture restoration!
Pinned, Liked, Comment . . . this would definitely make my day (week . . . year)! Yours is the first blog I click on every few days. Love the quality of your work and your originality. Good stuff. Thank you!
Pinned on Pinterest
I liked on FB!
I have so many projects I could use this for!:)
Completed pinning, FBing and commented. Would love to own for the many projects I have planned
like on facebook.
Um hello!!! This is so awesome just another one of the many reasons I love your blog! You rock!
I would love this! I keep asking for a sliding compound miter saw for Christmas and birthdays, and I have yet to actually get one. 🙁
Thanks for the opportunity!
And now I’ve commented. Can’t “pin” tho….not on Pinterest.
I would be in heaven with this saw! Think of the projects!
Posted to my Facebook page!
Ok, ok, you talked me into it. I pinned it too!
Oh and I liked your Facebook page and shared with all my friends!
Love your blog! Can’t wait to try the upholstered headboard tutorial!
Facebooked! It would be nice to have one with the motion, we have a static one and it can only do stuff so big, since you can’t move the saw out on an arm!
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How did you know just what I was wanting??!! I was going to replace my old circular saw…. I will have to wait till the end of the giveaway now! I have been following your blog for almost 6 months now. Keep up the great work! 🙂
Would love to win this! Liked, pinned, shared and commented. 😉
Liked and commented. I love your blog, it’s so inspiring to me. Would love to have this to follow your board and batten tutorial! 🙂
I would love to win this saw! I often use my parents while I save for one of my own, so winning it would be great!
I’ve just recently found your blog and I like the inspiration your work brings up!
My hubby would love to have this!!
I would love to have this! And boy could I ever use one!!
Just posting here. What a fab giveaway!
Shared it on facebook!
I could use this Miter Saw in so many ways. My fiancé and I are DIY people; we just created a 2’x3′ heart and strung red yarn across the screws we used to outline the heart – the backboard was a nice piece of pressboard that we spray painted a Rust-oleum Hammered Metal color – it looks great! Beyond that, the robotics team I coach could benefit from having a nice miter saw like this one! Thanks for hosting the give-a-way!
I’ve pinned, shared on facebook, and thanks for reading through my comment. Talk to you Friday : )
Also spread the word on FB.
Woof – I would LOVE to have this, so beautiful!
I’d love to win this!
Would LOVE this! Liked on fb.
Pinned and have liked on Facebook for quite a while now 🙂
Pinned, and have liked on Facebook for quite a while now 🙂
I would love to win that saw!! I currently have to keep borrowing my dad’s saw.
-Already like your page on Facebook
-Shared the giveaway on Facebook
-Pinned the giveaway
-Commented on here! 🙂
~Lacy Gilbertson
Pinned and liked! Excited about this giveaway!
pinned & liked! I just love y’alls site and the way you express your details on your projects!! I could always use a new saw!!
I pinned this giveaway!!! (Ce Cilia Marie)
I shared this on Facebook! (Ce Cilia Marie)
Man, I could’ve used this this weekend! Instead I am hand sawing everything!
I’ve pinned it.
I’ve shared with with my Facebook friends.
Now, I’m leaving a comment.
All because I really would like to win. This would be a blessing and one more step towards my dream.
Fits righ in on my Pinterest boards! Pinned to Pinterest( )
Liked on fB! Shared on FB! Pinned! And now this is my comment! My man would love this, especially with the laser!! 🙂
Would love to put your tutorials to work with one of these!
And repinned!
Shared on facebook!
My fiance would love this. Now that we have our own place we’re building up our tool collection.
I pinned the giveaway. Thanks!!
I’d love to say that my husband would use this, but it would probably be me because I love to make stuff — and hand-sawing is for the birds!
Aaaaaaannnnnd pinned!
And shared on Facebook:)
Ahhh I asked for this for Mother’s Day! Crossing all my fingers and toes that Mother’s Day comes early this year:)
This would be an amazing gift for my husband!
This bad boy has been pinned!!!
In the process of purchasing a home, and this would be an waesome gift as a new homeowner!
I’ve pinned the image to Pinterest
I agree with a PP – I want to win it for ME, not my husband 😉
pinned the giveaway as well!
Shared on facebook too!
Thank you for this giveaway!! It’s great! My hubby would love this – and I could put him to work on some more projects around the house 😉
And shared on FB!
Shared, Pinned, and commenting! Great giveaway, love your blog 🙂
I have soooo many rooms to crown!
And for the grand finale: I shared your post for this sweetheart giveaway on my FB timeline!
What a sweet giveaway! I just “liked” you on Facebook.
Aaaaaaand PINNED! 🙂
Shared on Facebook, yo!
My hubby LOVES Ryobi tools…Here’s hoping!
I feel like I may be the first guy to comment on this, but I WANT this bad boy! I’m probably going to have to join pinterest for extra chances 🙂
I’ve decided to win this 🙂 Shared on FB!
pinned ya! 🙂
Shared on facebook! 🙂
Eric wants, so here we are throwing in our name. 😉
And I liked you on Facebook! Thanks again for the chance to win!!
I pinned this to my Home DIY board bc if I had it, I sure could get a tone more DIY projects done 🙂
Hubby is building a half pipe for the kiddo…this would really come in handy!! :O) Thanks for the chance!
liked on FB.
Just pinned it, too:
Just liked you on FB (Jill Hubbard)! Thanks again!
I would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the fun giveaway!!!
liked on fb. Lost my saw in Hurricane Sandy, this would be a huge deal!
Definitely a Facebook fan! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway offer -who couldn’t use a new saw.
We need to win this- So I can show my annoying dog I’m serious when I threaten to cut him in half.
Pinned…Now winned?
Done, done & done (:
Done, done & done! (:
Have been shopping for saws – getting ready to do all the moulding in the basement – will keep my fingers crossed!
Love your site!
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Pinned and liked on FB 🙂 Hope I win – this tool is something I have drooled over for years.
Its pinned, booked, and commented. Forget winning fir the hubby, I would like to win this to complete my ryobi set! I have been using Ryobi tools for the last 13 years. Love them so much ill never buy another.
I posted it on my Facebook page
I pinned it.
I have been itching to cut some wood. I would love this in my wood arsenal.
Shared on facebook!!/courtney.b.wirth
Pinned on Pinterest!
I am leaving leaving a comment to enter to win. AH I would LOSE MY MIND if I won this!!!
I pinned your pic to my Pinterest page! =]
I liked you on FB!
I pinned this too!
Shannon Finer
shannon dot finer at yahoo dot com
I also pinned the graphic.
This looks so serious! LOTS of possibilities! Thanks!
Shannon Finer
shannon dot finer at yahoo dot com
What a great saw, thanks for the chance to win! This would come in so handy for the trim we will be putting up in the living room, just as soon as we get the wood floor down!
Ooh, this would be so awesome – I just bought my first house and I’d love to undertake some projects like bookshelves and a banquette! 😀
This has been shared of facebook!
This has been pinned!
This would be so wonderful to have for the upcycling of furniture that my best friend and I do! My mind is spinning at the possibilities.
1-2-3 Pinned! (that’s supposed to be a wrestling reference)
My comment is that I would love to start going crazy with some crown molding!
Have a crown molding project in the bathroom coming up, this would come in handy! Like on FB, pinned to Pinterest and shared on FB! Thanks!
I took a Lowes women’s class about trim last week and we used the miter hand saw and box. This would be so much more fun, not to mention quicker!
Pick me 🙂
Sorry you may get comment twice (not sure if the first one included my name. Complete all requirements 1. posting this comment 2. liked on facebook 3. Pinned on pinterest. Awww the things I could get accomplished with that beautiful machine. Thanks!!!!
This giveaway is so AWESOMEEE!!
Kathy NH
I pinned it, posted it on my facebook and here I am commenting! 🙂
I love your blog, one of my favorite to get lost in! When I first discovered it I spent 3 days straight in all of my free time reading every post! So inspiring!! (I was a little bummed when I got to the last post and realized there was no more and now I had to wait for new posts!!)
I’d love to win that!! kategriffith (at) yahoo (dot) com
Shared on FB. Thanks for the opportunity
Pinned it!
OMG! I need this. 🙂 I “Like” your FB page.
pretty please pick us!
Oooo! Pretty please pick us!!!
I’ve been wishing for a sliding compound miter saw for a long while now …. here’s wishing. 🙂
We could use this….
I found your blog through “All Things Thrifty” and was excited by your DIY projects and also your woodworking DIY projects. So, I had to enter your Giveaway, especially because my power tools are limited to a power drill and borrowing my Mom’s circular saw. Looking forward to more of your projects.
Pinned and Liked
I shared the giveaway on FB!
I pinned the giveaway!
I Like you on FB!
~ Darlene
My man really needs one of these!! I wouldn’t mind using it too!
~ Darlene
I want it so so bad!
Facebook shared as iowabeachs as well
I liked you on facebook
pinned it as iowabeachs
Thanks for the opportunity
and pinned it 🙂
oops, i am sorry, let me wipe up that drool…. i would LOVE to have this! LOVE i tell ya’!! Thanks for the opportunity and while i am at it, thank you, thank you, thank you for the moulding tutorial!! i am still scared, but now i am willing to give it that ole’ college try! it would be easier, however, with the miter saw (hint, hint)
Pinned, liked and shared. Would love to have this.
Pinned, Facebooked, Commented. Done and Done! I’m just starting my DIY journey thanks to Pinterest! I’m hooked on power tools!
My husband walked by when I was reading your blog and started drooling…got his attention!!
delaware , ohio
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Pinned it.
What a great giveaway! Thanks.
phall0106@ yahoo dot com
Being that I am not a facebooker, I didn’t like you there, but you can be assured that I definitely DO like you and your blog. Always enjoy reading! And the saw would be a fantastic gift to myself:)
Looks like a quality piece. Just bought an old house and have many uses for it.
Would love to win!! Fingers crossed!
Would love to win!! Fingers crossed!
Looks like a quality piece. Just bought an old house and have many uses for it.
Looks like a quality piece. Just bought an old house and have many uses for it.
Moving next week to a new house and so many posibilities. Would love to have this!
Shared on my FB page!
Would LOVE to have this. All those times hubby says he’s too busy with his projects, I could do my own!
Pinned it!
Okay…I really, really need this! I only have a chop saw, I SO SO need this! I need to cut wider boards!! Thank you for the chance to win. 🙂
me please! I so need it to finish remodeling my house! 😀 liked, shared, and pinned!
Pinned it!
And Pinned!!!
And now I’ve shared it on fb!
Wow a great giveaway. What a great great tool to have. My hubby and I would love to have it. 🙂
I have also pinned it–karlab on pinterest. My husband would love one of these–I would get so much more done!
Awesome giveaway! I’ve like you on Facebook
Pinned, facebooked and now commenting. Thanks for sharing – I would love to win it.
Shared on FB and pinterest!
Would love to win this!
I didn’t see any details on the saw, but I’m all about winning free stuff! Plus, I don’t have a miter saw yet.
Second entry: THIS WOULD BE SUCH AN AMAZING thing to have! love it!
Pinned it!
I would love to get this for my repurposing ideas. Thanks for the giveaway and great tips. I loved this weeks chalk paint cubes!! Where did you get the design for the stencil you made?
Pinned it, Shared it, and would love to have it 🙂
Pinned on Pinterest!
Shared on Facebook
My husband posted a link to your page this morning on my FB page. LOVE everything. This “little” tool would come in handy right about now. We purchased an Old Greek Revival house a few months ago, only been living in it for a month. We have NO kitchen cabinets and are thinking of building our own. This would help out a lot!! Fingers crossed it’s me that wins it..;0)
I also, liked, pinned, shared and obviously commented..:0)
Oh I would so like to have this. My man is not so handy at all…but this might entice him as well!
Great site =) Pinned, liked and cheared =)
Great prize!!
I would love to win this nifty miter saw! My brothers would be equally happy since they are the ones who end up doing all the molding work for me!
Annnnnd, pinned the image on my pinterest!
Thanks for doing this super amazing giveaway!! Good luck everyone!
I’ve also shared this on facebook. 🙂
Ok, you might think I’m weird, but I think it’s fate that I win. Why? Cause my name is Beth and my husband’s name is Nick! Also, since buying our first house a few months ago, this sure would come in handy!!
I shared.
I pinned
liked, pinned, shared, wish to win, thank you.
great blog fabulous DIY
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I can’t believe I hadn’t already liked your facebook page. My college had a saw similar to this and I miss having access to it.
I liked you on Facebook!
Wish they had a love on!
Great giveaway!!!!
I pinned you to my hubbies board. I keep hoping it will get him up and going!
This I know would do it!
He says I don’t have the right tools!
This would be awesome!
I would love to win this!
pinned, shared and commenting! I NNEEEEDDD this! I don’t have any power tools and this would be a great start to a collection. I only have a pink tool set.
Oh yeah. . . I’ve got 99 projects that guy.
Shared it on FB! 🙂
Pinned it!
I would love to have this! I’m sure I could find plenty of projects to do with it 🙂
pinned you on pinterest!
liked you on FB!
I soooo need this tool! I’m fairly new to diy and have oodles of projects to try with this. Also, I have the not-so-handy-but-has-a-great-heart husband who might be inspired to cut wood if he saw this in the garage! Love it!
Liked it on FB, too! -amy
Pinned it
Pinned! Woot! Pick me!
Shared on Facebook!
Liked ya on Facebook!
Facebook Liked!
I like above and shared on facebook too
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I pinned this post on pinterest
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
This would be awesome to win, my husband would be SOO excited!
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Pinned on Pinterest!
Awesome giveaway! This is totally on my birthday wishlist 🙂
woop woop shared on pinterest and facebook!
Would love to win! I could do so many more projects if I had this!
Pinned on pinterest.
Shared on facebook.
I pinned the giveaway
I shared the giveaway.
I like you on Facebook
I pinned the image for the giveaway on Pinterest.
I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
Oh, I really want a miter saw! Here’s hoping I win! 🙂
Liked, pinned, shared and commented!
Shared it on facebook, thanks.
Just pinned it, the things I do for my wife,lol
would love to win!
And I pinned it.
I NEED this!! I liked you on facebook.
My wife would love this!
Following on FB
I would be over the moon to win this prize….
I love what you did with the cubes. If I won the saw, my husband would have to let me use power tools that are sharp and dangerous now wouldn’t he?
Pinned as well.
Liked you on FB.
pinned and liked on facebook!!!! would so love to learn how to use this great big tool!! 🙂 thanks
Liked on Facebook, Shared on Facebook and Pinned on Pinterest…this is my second comment on this list…the previouse was after I pinned and liked 🙂 Please please please pick me and my husband!
-Sarah and Donovan
Pinned it on Pintrest
Would love love love to win this!!
I shared your giveaway on facebook! @
dang you’ve got a lot of comments! here’s #454. This DIYer would love to own this bad boy. *fingers crossed* thanks for the giveaway
I shared this on Pintrest, Liked on FB, and forget my man….IIII need this!!! Lots of projects from Pintrest to do!
Just found your Blog and I love it already. Trying to fix up the house so we can sell and retire. This would help tremendously!!!!
I have major tool envy!
I liked, shared, pinned, and commented!
THIS is an awesome give-away!!! WHOO HOO!!
Great prize!
I have been wanting one of these!!
I pinned it on pinterest!
Pinned and shared on facebook. Dale would love this =)-Lisa Duke
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I shared on facebook!
I liked on FB–ps I love reading about your girls!
This would be awesome–we are remodeling our kitchen as I type–and my hubby loves power tools 🙂
pinned (Cindy Brooks)
someluckydog at gmail dot com
shared on facebook (Cindy Brooks) (and I like you on fb, too!)
someluckydog at gmail dot com
Both hubby and I would love this saw!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
Shared on timeline too!
I think I could talk him into that laundry cabinet with this tool! I liked on FB
This is exactly the next tool I was planning on buying as a new DIY’er, it would be awesome if I could win it!
Shared on Facebook!
Pinned it!
I’d love to have something like that to use while fixing up the house my husband and I just got and are slowly moving into.
This is cool. Just think of all the home improvement stuff I could do on the house we just got.
Awesome! I could so use the miter saw. We are knee deep into some renovations throughout our house and this would come in handy! Thanks for the giveaway!
I liked your fb too! I would love to win this… it would be my first power tool!
Pinned it.
Shared on fb AND with my son.
I pinned it!
OH MY GOSH!! What an awesome giveaway!! Woohoo!! Here’s hoping this is an early birthday present to me!!:)
missashleigh at juno dot com
I would learn how to run this if I won it!
So I just read we need to comment for each one so…pinned it too!
Pick me! I also pinned and liked. Thanks!
Pinned it!
What an AWESOME give away! I am a power tool loving girl myself so this is very exciting. Definitely getting 3 entries for this one. Shared and pinned!!! 3 times the luck! Here’s hoping!!!
I would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have shared this on Facebook I have pinned to my DIY in crafts board I’ve already had people like it so I’m guessing you’re probably getting entery intothe contest from that. we are redoing my daughters room in this week the saw would be really really handy just not in the budget by 1 so but I’d love to but BB wouldn’t balance for her to put her Barbie collection on so if you get this this time because I have tried this will be the third time please let me know thanks
Facebooked, Pinterest & Tweeted!!!! spreading the word – cuz the bird bird bird, the bird is the word…:)
Bestill my heart!!! A Ryobi (fav brand) sliding, compound miter saw with laser sight guide??? I’ve not been excited more for anything in a long time!! OK, maybe a good Moscato. But this post just made me jump up with glee that even my hubby was surprised. I’ve liked on FB, pinned on Pinterest…and am hoping you pick me! (pick me! pick me!!!) Come on, does the smell of fresh sawdust excite you, too??
This would be awesome to win!!! I’m the handywoman in my marriage… And he wont buy me power tools
Shared on facebook
Shared on FB.
I would love to win this – I think I’m better with tools/building than my husband, but he definitely wants to learn!
Pinned it!
We just borrowed a saw like this to put trim into our new house. Would love our own!
pinned it!
I pinned it too.
Shared on facebook!
I shared the giveaway on facebook.
Not for my husband, for me! I borrowed one recently and loved it. Thanks, Beth!
This is so awesome!
And shared on Facebook!
I pinned it!
We need one of these! Ours doesn’t side 🙁
And by side, I mean slide 🙂
I love pretty new tools! Pick me!
I neeeeeed this miter saw!
Like, pinned, posted, and Here’s my comment! Great giveaway!
Shared it on my FB page!
Liked it!!
Love this. Pinned it!
I pinned it.
Would love to own this saw to complete a bunch of projects on the to-do list!
pinned it! 🙂
I would love the chance to win. I can think of so many projects.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and inspirational story, as well as your beautiful, fun and creative art. You guys are an inspiration….Thank you :)) <3
Thanks for this fabulous giveaway! New fan on facebook! 🙂
Winning this would be very timely for our bathroom renovation.
Shared it on Facebook.
Not sure if my last comment posted…internet stopped working. Commented, pinned, shared, and posted! Thanks again for this awesome opportunity! 🙂
Also, pinned, liked, shared, and commented! Thanks 🙂
This is an absolutely awesome giveaway!!! My husband would just die if I won this for him. Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
I pinned it! I hope I win this mitre saw. We had a theft at our house recently and they bad guys got my mitre saw and table saw (among some other tools). I am totally lost without my power tools. I am going to keep my fingers crossed and say a big ‘ol prayer.
Shared the givaway on facebook. And I have added your blog to my list of “must reads.”
Pinned it! If I won this, I would have no excuse not to put up crown molding.
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for offering it 🙂
Happy to like you on facebook. Would love to win the saw.
i love reading your blog! I love seeing the girls grow up and the amazing projects you and your husband create! 🙂 <3
Oh man I want this for me and my husband so bad! How cool!
I’m SOOO excited!!! This would surely get my guy working on the list!!!
and I shared it on FB
Since I am a single DIY’er and doing many projects, I sure could use this nifty little tool! 🙂 🙂
Okay – here’s my comment – I pinned it. 🙂
I pinned this hoping to win for the hubby! 🙂 mfrapp_83 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Like you guys on Facebook. We LOVE this saw! The husband had just finished remodeling our rental property for new tenants when ours was stolen recently. So many things he wants to do, but is waiting until we purchase a new one. Thanks for hosting such an awesome giveaway! 🙂 mfrapp_83 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Shared on FB
Pinned, woot!
If you wait for hubs to do list to get done, you’ll be waiting a long time. I am the DIY’er in our house, lol! Since I don’t have one of those saws, and I couldn’t afford to buy or rent one, I got creative. I created a guide for my circular saw, used my adjustable T square to draw a line on my board, clamped on the guide, and cut a miter angle. It’s a lot of work, and not nearly as accurate as a miter saw though! Would love to win one!
Um… YES.
I need a miter saw badly!
Have loved your site for awhile. Would love to win this
A miter saw is my favorite power tool, would love to have this one!
OMGosh!!! I need this!!
I Pinned it!
I “Like” you on facebook!
Pinned on Pinterest too
I liked you on FB. Our son just bought his first house, this would be awesome for him. 🙂
I liked you on Facebook! Heidi
I liked it on Facebook! Heidi
Liked, pinned and shares yesterday.
Pinned, liked and shared!
I just found your blog today and I love it!
I’m just curious….why are bloggers pushing so hard for FB likes? Is there a monetary compensation with FB followers? I read a couple dozen home improvement blogs and I’ve noticed in the last few months this annoying & tiresome push to like all of them on FB. For some of us, FB is not a part of our lives for a reason. So, no contest entry for me – even though my handy husband would love the Ryobi.
Nope, no monetary benefit to having FB likes… we just like to connect with our readers on a more personal level and FB is a great way to do that!
Shared on Facebook!
Thank you for this fun opportunity! We just submitted the final offer on our first house…which could use some CROWN MOLDING.
I pinned it! Thank you!!
Aaand Pinned!
Shared on FB 🙂
Love your blog!
Already Liked!
This would be amazing!! We could finally get some more DIY projects done!!
This would be amazing!! We could finally get some more DIY projects done!!
……And shared on Facebook!
This would be amazing!!
I would looove to win this!
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Pinned & Shared & Liked. Thank you for all you share each week–I can’t tell you how many projects you’ve inspired in our home!
shared it
Pinned & shared & liked. Thank you for all the good information you share–I can’t tell you how many creative projects you’ve inspired for our house this past year!
I pinned it here 🙂
want it.
Great Giveaway! I Like you on FB! Thanks for the chance to win!!
shared it
pinned it
My husband would seriously love this!
I pinned it! Fingers and toes crossed!! Jill Pick
Hmm. Today is Nate’s Half birthday… what a perfect gift?!?!
I shared the giveaway on my facebook page. Heres to hoping I win!!! Jill Pick
I have followed your blog and you guys on facebook for almost 2 years now. I have always wondered how to turn my hubby into a crafty DIY man like Nick. Maybe winning this saw would be a start!!!! Jill Pick
Shared this give away with all my Facebook friends!
What a great give away! Excited to see if I might win!
Shared on FB too!!
I pinned, too.
Would love to win this saw. I am pretty sure this is the one I was looking at the other day on Home Depot website. Hope I win! 😉
Oooh oooh…pick me…pick me…!
I want crown molding and I’m not afraid to tackle it! A Ryobi miter saw would sure inspire me!
Facebook fan – would love to win this! Thanks for the chance to enter,
Peggy @ The Painted Pear
Pinned it!
Pinned it and liked it on FB. Would love to win this ti knock out some of the projects that my wife comes up with.
I liked you on Facebook!
I pineed the image above!
I liked and shared on my Facebook wall
I would love to win this!
already thinking of all the projects I could do!
This would just be awesome! My dad can build anything and this would make an awesome early father’s day present. I know he has always wanted one too! Pinned and shared!
“Liked” your FB page, too. Thanks so much!
Pinned it, thanks!
we have been refused funding for the bathroom remodel we need to make at least one bathroom in this house accessible and safe for my youngest two who have multiple disabilities. This saw would help so much to DIY with help from friends at church!
Love your blog! We have 4yo twin girls and have SO much DIY to do. You are a great inspiration.
Happy St Pattys Beth & Nick! Pinned &Shared!
I would love this saw!
I’m redecoracting my daughters room. I’ve used msny of your ideas already. Wany to make some amazing shelfs and build some wood valances to hold her Christmas barbie collection. She has twenty years of thrm. My mom has bought them ever since they were introduced. This would make my lide so much better. I’m on SSI for rhuemstoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. But I love to do this. Diy keeps me going even on my worst day! Thanks if you read this. I’m pinning abd sharing this!
Yeah! This is fabulous. Great giveaway. Covered all the bases so hope I am the lucky one:D
Pinned, already liked on FB and here’s your comment! This is such a fantastic giveaway!! msmaf at (ymail) dot *com*
Shared on Facebook as well!
Pinned on Pinterest as well.
Been a liker on Facebook for a while. Been following your blog since the littles were newborns. We’re currently in the middle of a MAJOR remodel ourselves. This would make things SO much easier!
shared and pinned
My own man-child would love this new toy to play with.
AHAH! Here is the blog! shared 🙂
Could really use this!
I shared on facebook. It was easier than I thought it would be! Karen Campanaro. cdotkaren09atyahoodotcom
Awesome giveaway! I would love to win!
I pinned it. Karen Campanaro c.karen09atyahoodotcom
I would love to have this fabulous machine! Wouldn’t it be fun to have a tool with more power than anything dh has? lol You made me stretch by logging into Facebook and learning how to do something new there tonight.
I’ve had you liked for a while. Great giveaway! My comment Isn’t working correctly so I have to leave this anonymously. Karen C. cdotkaren09atyahoodotcom
It would be cool if I won. But also your blog is just cool
What a great give away! The honey do list keeps growing and this saw might be just what it would take to get my hubby going on the projects.
I would love love love to win this – so very cool!!!
shared on FB, and posted on pintrest!!!
shared on Facebook!
Would REALLY REALLY LOVE to win this!!! We have to borrow family members every time we have a project, we rotate who we borrow from so they don’t get frustrated with us having it at our
I pinned this post!
I liked your FB page & am excited to catch up on your site!
Liked your facebook, love the giveway
(and you guys too!).
This REALLY bites for those of us who flat out hate and refuse Facebook. I want this thing so bad I was tempted to reopen my fb account just long enough to try to win, but I guess I don’t want it bad enough, cause I’m just not willing to do that. Awesome giveaway though. Good luck to the rest of you who enter=)
I ‘like’ you on FB! You guys rock!
What an amazing giveaway! I would love to win this 🙂
If I win this it will be my first power tool ever! Thanks for the chance!
I am new to these sites,and can’t stay off my computer now…. but LOVE LOVE LOVE this…..My other half would LOVE it if I had this so I would stop bugging him to always cut things for me……….Pinned, Liked and LOVED by me!
I have been wanting one of these for a while now! Thank you for the giveaway!
Great giveaway! I would LOVE to have this!
We are building shelves in our garage. This would be so perfect for my diy hubby.
Pinned in pinterest!
Would love this to help build our deck this summer! Liked on facebook!
Shared it on facebook! I’ve already had people re-share it too!
Pinned on Pinterest! Fingers Crossed!
Would love to win this!
Pinned to My WISH List by BareBum Necessities.
liked on FB by BareBum Necessities
This would be awesome. Ours broke and we need a new one. 🙂
I would love to win this for my husband!
So cool! would love to win this! (Pinned and liked)
I would LOVE this! I borrowed one to work on crown molding and now I don’t want to give it up. The molding’s taking longer than I thought. A lot longer. 🙂
–Kathy S.
I would love one of these! You make working with it look so easy!
Oooooooh I want that! New toy to play with! I have liked you a long time ago. I shared and pinned! You guys are the best!!
Liked and Pinned! Love the blog!
Pinned and liked. Love the blog!!
Me please! I so need it to so my own crown moulding, base boards and all projects you’ve helped me with! So I don’t have to borrow my neighbors or worse, go buy one at the local pawn shop!
Pinned too! E-mail me at Would love to win!
Shared on FB.
Okay I need to win this…not for my hubby but I want it for me!
Love your blog!
Pinned, Liked, and Shared. My husband and I would love to win this. My husband is pretty handy, and is always thinking up new ideas. We would definitely put this to good use 🙂
Pinned the image too! 🙂
Yay power saws!
Pick me please! That tool looks like fun!
What an awesome giveaway! Count me in, times three! 😀 (Pinned, liked, and shared.)
Pinned it, liked it, shared it! My hubby is not so handy with building stuff (although he thinks he is! LOL). Would love to learn how to use it myself!! I would LOVE to be able to build more stuff and add character to my furniture. Thanks!
Check out my furniture blog:
I get a ton of inspiration form your site!
Shared on FB too!! 😀
Wow this is an extremely generous give-away–and might i add–super AWESOME. I’m a diehard DIYer, yet my staple gun is the closest thing i’ve owned to a power tool. Definitely sucks when there’s SOO many things I’d love to make (pallet furniture anyone??) No man here, but I’ll gladly stroke my own biceps while I flick some sawdust off of them 🙂 ha Thanks for an awesome contest, and a blog that I enjoy reading! Leah
I like this on FB. I would love to win! Single mother & diy-er, so this would be awesome to have!
I would love this!!!
I’ve pinned and shared, even though I didn’t want to….want to keep it a secret so I can win it…..I really, really want to win this!!!! Oh well, good luck everybody…… 🙂
I would love this!!!
I pinned too. 🙂
Oh my goodness I want. it. bad! We just bought a new house and I have all kinds of ideas to instal different mouldings, but it’s kind of an impossible task without one of these beauts. Would love to get one free, what with all the expense of moving. 😉
I liked you on facebook!
I pinned it. Thanks for the chance to win!
It would be awsome to win.
I need a miter saw..pick me, pick me!! I liked you on facebook…
Also shared on FaceBook. 🙂
Shared on Pinterest
Going to be cutting trim for the doors that have not had any in a loong time. Would love this!!
Liked you on FB!
I would LOVE to win this…how fun!!
I pinned about this giveaway!!
Shared it
Pinned it
I would love this!!!!
Kari Barrett
You guys make some amazing things and cute babies, too.
I have liked your facebook page for awhile now. I have Pinned and share on my facebook page. Thanks!
I would absolutely die if I won this! =) Awesome giveaway!
Love your blog…and love that you’re doing such fantastic giveaways!
I also pinned the giveaway!
Pinned & liked!
Your blog has been an inspiration! The refinished, upcycled furniture sings to me! I’ve done my share of refinishing and enjoy learning new and exciting ways to make a piece POP!
Thank you! This is my favorite blog!
I’ve pinned this, and I can’t wait until I’m annoying the neighbors by using it at all hours 😉
I shared on FB
I would love to win this, that would be awesome!! And by the way, I love your blog!!!
Oh pinned and liked a million times over, we just bought a new house it would be so nice to have!
Just found your blog, and you seem like a woman after my own heart. Can’t wait to read more!
And here i am, commenting too 🙂
Shared it too!
Pinned this bad boy!
Published on FB. Blessings.
I pinned your contest. Yeh, thanks.
Pinned, liked and commented—love this blog–so many wonderful ideas —even got a small projector to use
OHOHOHOHOH, Me Want!!!!! Thanks so much for an awesome giveaway.
Posted on my FB page.
Pinned it!
Pinned, facebooked, commented. Would love to have.
Pinned and Liked. I’ve been reading your blog for almost a year now. My brother, who teaches at Iowa State, turned me onto it. I’m trying to convince him to give you his old bedroom set when he buys a new one soon. I’m sure you could think of something neat to do with it.
This saw would be a perfect belated birthday gift for my St. Patty’s day born husband.
I pinned it!
Pinned and liked!
I am commenting saying I really hope I win this! I would die of happiness! Or die happy after I used it.. 🙂 AH! Keeping my fingers crossed it’s me!!
I would LOVE TO OWN THAT! I like you on FB!!
This is an awesome giveaway!!
I pinned it
I pinned the pic!
OMG. My hubby would love that thing. Wow
I liked the Facebook!
Facebook liked!
Facebook shared!
This would be awesome!
I pinned this giveaway here
I shared on Facebook because the WHOLE WORLD deserves to win this rad miter saw 🙂
I shared this giveaway on FB here
I pinned it on Pinterest. Did I mention how much I NEEEEEEEEEEED this miter saw???
and I pinned the pic
I like you on Facebook – I NEED THIS MITER SAW!!! xoxo
I know my husband would love one of these! Might help get some projects done if he had a new toy to play with! 🙂
I’ve wanted one of these for quite some time but it’s always just out of reach for my budget (something more important, like hot water and heating system repairs, always seem to come first).
I liked you on FB.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
My husband said, “Ooo I’ll have one!” I liked you on facebook, pinned it, and shared on facebook!
Shared on fb.
My husband would love this. So many projects to do! “Liked” already on facebook.
And liked it on FB and shared it.
AHHHHH POWERTOOLS!!!!!!!!! Can never have too many =] Thanks for the awesome Give Away!!!
Would love to get my hands on one of these!
I pinned it!
Yeah that would be awesome to win! FOR ME….
This would definitely keep me from visiting the nearest construction site to have a board cut. LOL. Yes, it’s happened more than once 🙂
Aaaaand pinned it!
Fingers crossed. I’m a fan on fb.
If I won this this would be my first power tool besides a drill that I got for christmas. Come on I liked it, shared it and I even created my own pintrist account just so I could pin it. This was my first pin.
repinned and shared on facebook!
I shared on facebook @Lara Radack
I pinned the giveaway! @mommy2kidsnc
I would love to win this! How fun!
I shared on Facebook too. 🙂
Such a great give away!
And shared on my Facebook page!
Also repinned on pinterest
Looking forward to being able to DIY win or lose! 🙂 Liked you on Facebook
OMG.. I can so use this!
With a tool like that in the shed, my honey-do list would be out of control!
All I have to work with (without borrowing) are hand saws (manual and powered). A good miter saw is on the top of my tool wishlist right now.
And I pinned it!
I “liked” ya ….