Today is a BIG DAY here on the homestead. An actual garbage man in an actual garbage truck CAME TO OUR DWELLING and picked… up… our… garbage!
Can you believe it? Way out here in the country?
For the past 4 years (since we moved to the homestead) we’ve been burning our garbage in our burn barrel, just like most good country folk. This allowed Nick to meet his pyromaniac quota, and gave us the ‘opportunity’ to recycle non-burnable items like glass jars and tin cans (via our DIY recycling station!)
This has been working OK(ish), but we never really resolved the diaper dilemma. Due to the fact that diapers don’t burn (especially when wet!), we’ve been taking a load of fragrant sh** to the dump every so often.
TRUE… the girls are potty-trained. But they still wear diapers at night and pull-ups during nap time, so there’s still definitely accumulation.
The reasons have been ‘piling up’ (PUN!) for us to break down and beg the garbage man to drive out to our house on occasion… NO MATTER the cost.
This was a momentous day in our lives. Feelin’ like high-rollers with garbage service for sure. Do you live in the country? If so do you burn your garbage or pay the big bucks for garbage service? Do you look down on us for our blatant laziness?
We used to haul ours off to the community compacter but it was a hassle me being lazy and all wed end up taking like 6 or 7 bags when we finally went then gas on top of it all so paying for garbage pick up was much easier in the long run, though now I have to deal with animals getting into the bags and I have to clean the yard often now life isn’t easy for the lazy people lol but hey that’s GA for you lol
I’ve been a reader for the past 9 months or so, but have never commented because, though I’m an artist (& DIY decorative painter & furniture restorer for personal use), I never had anything particularly useful to add to your posts, as I mainly tuned in for your killer tips & tutorials (Thanks, BTW). I comment now because I’m absolutely amazed, stunned & confused that there isn’t trash pickup everywhere. Granted, I’ve never lived in a rural area & my local sales & property taxes more than cover it, but it’s just something that never occurred to me. As always, you continue to educate. Thanks again.
Haha! It’s definitely not something you think about until you live in the boonies. 🙂
This post was hysterical. Thanks for it!
Never occurred to me what you do with your garbage. Can you gather the energy made by burning? 🙂
Living in the country, we recycle what we can and take recyclables to a collection site eight miles away. As for trash, we either pay per bag to take it to a site in the nearest town, or we pile it up before taking it to my in-laws’ (they have a dumpster) who live nearly an hour away. There is actually a trash service where we live, but we just haven’t given in to that extra monthly bill yet.
I live rural Iowa too…we have a dumpster. Pick up twice a month for $30. We burn some, recycle some…everything else in the dumpster! 🙂
Lots of years ago we lived outside the city limits but it was most definitely NOT the country. We did not have city trash collection so we opted to take our trash to the dump. Talk about a gold mind! All you DIY’ers would be uncontrollable if you got a look at what is at a city dump! I love your blog and the sisters are so adorable. Vikki in VA
Gold mind? Duh…Gold mine 🙂
Oh man, I guess I take for granted that they come once a week and I’ve never known life without garbage pick up! I’d be giddy too!
I live in town & I haul my garbage out to my folks’ to burn.
I wouldn’t make a good garbage collector.. i would find ‘cool finds’ and haul it home…
*next season on hoarders… dana the garbage collector… one mans trash is another’s treasure..*
and the famous quote would be… i saw this on pinterest & these cool blogs about how easy it is… but just don’t have the time for all these projects. 😉
Bahaha! Like spotting a rickety old rocking chair destined for the burn pile at your BFF’s house?
Of course!!! It has character!!
hahahahahaha! It never even crossed my mind that you didn’t get visited by the garbage man. There’s nothing I hate more than when we miss garbage day and have to wait another week to put out our trash cans (I know… wahhhh, poor us). But look at you go with your garbage service! Is it pretty pricey?? I feel like this is cause for celebration!
It’s the little things, right?!
My grandparents leave a cooler of pop out with their garbage. They live in town but the garbage men get their pop and take the trash cans and empty pop cooler up to the house so they don’t blow in the streets! Rumor has it the garbage men always want that rout so they get a treat along the way!! Love it!
That’s such a nice idea! Garbage med need to be appreciated too! 🙂
Yep I live in the country and yes we have a garbage man take our trash weekly. It is worth the $25 per month so we are not accumalating our own garbage pile.
Hi Beth – We too live in the country and we burn our garbage as well. It works well for us, but I do keep my cans and other recyclables in a different container and every so often bring them into town to the community recycling bin. My youngest is still in diapers and like her older brother we use cloth diapers so no smelly diapers to haul around (just another fantastic plus to using cloth!). We didn’t start with my son until he was one and boy I hated hauling the dirty diapers in my vehicle to bring to the dump! I can see how garbage service would be exciting for that exact reason!
Love that you use cloth diapers! We wanted to so bad, but knew with twins it would just be too much. 🙂
It’s really not that much in the grand scheme of things. I had two in diapers when I started cloth and had them paid off in 4.5 months going off what I was paying for disposables. Not to mention the money saved by not having to go into a store so often. Lol.
I so agree with you. I wanted to use cloth diapers with my twins but tried disposable first for the first month. I quickly realized that there was no way I would be able to handle it all and usually all by myself. I still have issues with keeping up with all the laundry and we still use disposable diapers!
Tell me about it! Sooooo much laundry. I’m glad you ‘feel me’ 🙂