I know I’ve been talking about my baby a lot lately… but you’ll have to give me a pass because I recently birthed her from my loins and I’m kinda obsessed with her. Nevermind the fact that I NOT ONLY waited 9 uncomfortable months to finally meet her, but we also worked our a$$es off to be able to pay for the fertility treatments that ultimately resulted in her cuteness.
So there’s that.
She’s weaseled her way into our hearts, and dictates our entire day… some days are productive, and some days we do a whole lotta nothin’. And that’s ok!
Molly Long took these AMAZING pics of Cypress. Her work never ceases to amaze me. Somehow she magically makes unruly toddlers and fussy babies adorable little well-behaved model children. I sneaked this behind-the-scenes shot of Molly in action!
It was so fun to sit back and watch her work her miracles with lighting and angles and such. And feeling so honored that my squishy new baby is her subject!
I made this flower headband THAT MORNING (using this tutorial) so Cypress would have a little accessory. The little floral print is from a piece of fabric that one of our readers (hi Laura!) send for the patchwork baby quilt… I just love it!
Molly took the twins’ newborn pics too, and we’ve been hooked ever since. I wouldn’t trust anybody else with my 8-day-old babe.
Be sure to check out her amazing work on her website here, and follow her on Facebook and Instagram (@Molly Long Photography) for tons of gorgeous shots and inspiration in your newsfeed! You won’t be sorry!
Click below to see even more shots of our fam taken by Molly!!
Paisley and Adelyn’s Newborn Pics
Twins’ 1-year pics and family pics
She is such a beautiful baby! I see so much of Nick in her. Keep sharing lots of pictures and DONT apologize! The world could use more cute pictures of babies 🙂
That last picture of her sleeping is SO precious!
I noticed the fabric right away. What a great use for leftovers. Pics are adorable.
Thanks Melissa, We are in the middle of switching servers. Ugh.
-Nick @ Sawdust and Embryos
Ohhhh myyyy!!! THOSE SQUISHY CHEEKS AND LUCIOUS LIPS!!!!! My uterus just quivered. 🙂 So happy for you guys!
Lol! Your uterus quivered! 🙂
Love all the pictures. Thank you so much for sharing!!
I love watching your family grow through Molly’s pictures 🙂
I am also unable to see the pictures… on my computer or iPad.
Can’t see pics on website or mobile.
Thanks Aften, We are in the middle of switching servers. Ugh.
-Nick @ Sawdust and Embryos
So glad I can see your precious babe! I’ve been following you guys for years, so happy for your little family 🙂
the images aren’t appearing in feedly or on the blog… thought you would want to know
Thanks Kelsey, We are in the middle of switching servers. Ugh.
-Nick @ Sawdust and Embryos
So precious!