The theme of my day yesterday was spontaneity.
Cypress and I were out and about running errands while the twins were at school… and I thought ‘well snap! It’s basically lunch time, and we’re in town… let’s see if daddy-o wants to get lunch instead of eating the Ramen noodles I sent with him to work’. #wifeoftheyear
So I called him, short notice, and he was able to sneak away from his desk early to snag some lunch at Sub City with Cypress and I!
The next spontaneous thing that happened was when I was making supper… I impulsively thought to myself: ‘I should really blog about this recipe. It’s our absolute FAVORITE’.
If you’ve been reading my blog for very long, you know I don’t share many recipe’s unless they’re reeeeeeally good. I think I’ve shared 4 in the past 6 years of blogging. I prefer to leave that food-blogging business to the pros… like our amazing foodie contributor Cupcakes with Sprinkles.
But after I wrote that post on how we only go grocery shopping once a month, there were several readers that requested that I share some family-friendly meals here on the bloggity. And even though food-blogging is WAY outside my sawdust-covered comfort zone, truth-be-told I’m a pretty damn good cook too. So why not snap a photo or two when I’m making some of our favorite meals?!
That’s my disclaimer for this awkward food post.
Boil 2 cups of elbow noodles until al dente. Brown a pound of hamburger, drain the fat, and throw in a can of cream of mushroom soup and a can of Rotell.
Mix everything together and put half the mixture into a casserole dish. Sprinkle on a handful of cheese and a half can of French Fried Onions, then dump the second half of the noodle mixture on and sprinkle another handful of cheese on top! Bake for 15 minutes, then sprinkle on the remaining French Fried Onions, and bake another 5 minutes. BAM. So good.
My friend Stephanie gave me this recipe when Nick and I were newly weds, and all these years it has been our absolute favorite meal. Then when we had kids, it became their favorite meal too (and made us feel justified in eating elbow noodles).
The original recipe calls for a can of tomato soup instead of Rotell, but we like the extra zing of the green chilies in the Rotell. And I like the colorful bits of tomato that make the meal appear to be more healthy than it really is (HELLO CHEESE, CARBS, and FRIED ONIONS).
That’s another reason why I’m hesitant to share recipes here on the blog… people can be so judgmental about what people eat! We’re just regular folks that eat a lot of casseroles that contain noodles or rice, some kind of meat… and almost always CHEESE. I steam some veggies on the side, and feel that it’s a pretty well-rounded meal. So that’s that!
Here’s the recipe for ya! (EASIEST HOMEMADE MEAL EVA)
- 1 can cream of mushroom soup
- 2 cups uncooked macaroni noodles (or any noodle!)
- 1 lb ground beef
- 1 can Rotell
- 2 cups grated cheddar cheese (or any cheese)
- 1 can French Fried Onions
- Preheat to 350*. Prepare macaroni according to package directions. In large skillet, brown hamburger and drain. Add soup, Rotell, and cooked macaroni. Place half the mixture in a greased casserole dish. Sprinkle with half the cheese and half the onions. Layer the rest of the macaroni mixture on top of that, then the rest of the cheese. Bake at 350* for 15 minutes. Top with remaining onions and bake 5 more minutes. Enjoy!
Caution! This meal is not gluten-free, vegetarian, paleo friendly, etc. For everyone else? You know what you’re having for dinner tonight… right?!
If you’re curious about how a non-planning-type such as myself gets groceries only once a month, check out this post from my archives!
Beth- what do you set your oven to? I’m making this for dinner! ?
Bake @ 350… you’ll have to let me know what you think!!
We’ll have to give this a try! I love all tried and true, family friendly meals!
Casseroles were the backbone of my family when the boys were growing up. There are so many “judgers” out there so I understand your reluctance to share but this looks like a definite winner in my book. Thanks for sharing a great recipe. BTW–love the pic of hubby and Cypress. Perfect.
We love casseroles. And the nice thing is, it can be GF for me because I can substitute in GF noodles and the other things are also made in GF versions. But, when I go to someone’s house and they don’t cook that way, I simply bring a digestive tablet with me and pop a few before I eat. I was always taught to eat what someone makes you and I agree!! I get offended when someone says they have to bring their own meal because mine doesn’t fit their “standards”.
This recipe looks so yummy and contains everything my family loves. I noticed you served it with green peas. My hubby loves peas and when I ask him what he wants as a veggie for dinner he always says peas. I recently discovered that peas are actually a starch. That can’t be fair…how can a green veggie be a starch? However, there is good news. Who knew that green peas are starchy vegetables that are rich in fiber, which helps lower cholesterol, reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes, and keeps you feeling full, thereby helping with weight loss. Everyone else on the planet probably knew this but I sure didn’t. I’m bookmarking this recipe to make soon. Thanks! Vikki in VA.
I’m a Southern Gal who married a Midwest Boy 31 years ago and every one has their thang! I wasn’t raised on casseroles. But he was. I was raised “if it ain’t fried or pickled don’t eat it” attitude lol. He ate rolls. I ate biscuits. He ate potatoes, I ate rice. He never had boiled peanuts, I never had Goulash (yuck for me BTW) Please keep posting your recipes. My husband will thank you LOL
Thanks for the recipe idea 🙂 family’s can always use new casserole ideas! Love ur blog
Great job! No need to be nervous! Photos and text are great. And I’m loving this casserole, something my family would LOVE. I always have about 10 cans of Rotel in the cupboard:)
Love your “caution” at the end. And, yes, I do know what I am having for dinner Friday night…I adore carbs & cream of anything!! Keep on keepin’ on Bethany ☺️