Hey yo, Nick here.
SO… funny story, each year I get super excited about spring and go nuts in the seed isle at our local store. Then I come home and read about each plant and start to lay out where I want everything. Like a total Rook I failed to notice that my Morning Glories are the type of plant that requires something to climb, like a trellis. This is the genius idea my Bride offered to me … the Rook, newbie, guy that obviously doesn’t read seed packs before purchasing because he is so enthralled by the picture on the front.
Okay, Beth has me on a timer (not really), so I am going to break this down for ya as fast as possible. You don’t want specifics anyway, because if you do something similar, your dimensions and everything will be custom to your own project. (that’s a Barn Swallow nest, not a hornet’s nest…)
We have two opening on our porches we decided to install these bad mama jamma’s. The first for the Morning Glories and the later because well we have a two foot drop off that the sisters like to get too close for comfort. Plus, on the west porch… Reuben likes to take a shortcut through our flower garden by trotting right off the edge of the porch into our blooms (that are not present in this old picture).
So here’s my short breakdown:
1. Measure opening and cut base board (not pictured, sorry) then shim it off the ground concrete at least a 1/4” (thus not trapping moisture and debris) and level.
2. Measure the rest of the opening.
3. Cut boards to length.
4. Using a dado blade cut a groove a 1/16” wider than your lattice thickness.
5. Using a Kreg Jig, drill pocket holes.
6. Attach one of the boards, aligning the groove you dado’d. I used Kreg’s (blue) Weather resistant screws.
NOTE: See that Sexy tool? NO NOT ME… the Ryobi cordless drill and Impact driver! Well it may have something to do with our little giveaway at the end of this post, wink. wink.
Stay with me now.
7. Measure your opening for your trellis, and mark it using a chalk line.
8. Using a circular saw cut the trellis to size.
9. Put the trellis into the grooves that you cut. This is about as easy as trying to catch a greased pig running through a schoolhouse. Good thing you made it a 1/16 of an inch wider.
9 1/2. Install the other 2 boards completely framing in your trellis (not pictured, as to not bore you)
10. shove the sucker into place and gaze in awe of your work, not to long though… it’s not screwed into place and you would hate to have it fall onto all those pretty flowers.
11. Drill a counter bore and screw those sweet mamma’s into place.
This project was a lot of fun and it went up in an afternoon. We noticed this really cut down on the wind too, super bonus! In case you are curious we used treated lumber which is weather resistant, the downfall to this is that you have to wait a good long time for it to dry out before painting. We will eventually paint them white, but for now they’ll do as-is!
CAUTION: If you’re pregnant (congratulations!) DO NOT handle treated lumber. Or even be in the vehicle with wood that has been treated. The fumes are very dangerous to unborn babes.
Not bad for an afternoon, eh? And we already have some little viney flowers making their way up! The Morning Glories… not so much. They’re only about an inch tall.
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With out further ado, I am going to turn this puppy over to Beth, so she can giveaway one the most-used tools we have.
p.s. this thing is awesome, I seriously us it everyday and have only had to charge the batteries 2 times since getting them back when we did the crown moulding, back in March; Who ah!
Kay guys, did you make it through that? ! I love that we’re finally making some progress on the exterior of our house. When Nick gets a wild hair up his… well, let’s just say he drops everything and runs with it. And something about it just seems more cozy and ‘secret garden-ish’.
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So let’s get down to business with this giveaway. The amazingly generous folks of RYOBI are giving away a Cordless Drill/Impact Driver Kit to one of our lucky readers! These things are SO sleek, light-weight, and downright handy.
Literally? They get used everyday ‘round these parts for something or another.
Most notably Part 1 and Part 2 of our Crown Moulding in the Living Room, as well as extending the bathroom vanity, and countless other projects around the house. We know you’ll find them as handy as we do!
Here are the rules:
- Leave a comment telling us what your favorite flower is!
- One comment per person
- MAKE SURE you leave an email address in your comment
- Ships within the continental US
- Winners will be announced Friday (June 7)
- Be sure to go check out all the amazing/creative projects here!
- Good luck!
This post is sponsored by RYOBI Nation, and while we weren’t compensated, we WERE provided with product to review. All opinions are ALWAYS 100% our own. We’d tell ya otherwise. Fo sho.
Just noticed the comment about the barn swallow nest. Did you know they are supposed to bring blessings on the home they choose to build their nest on? We always had them underneath the eaves of the front porch of our home and my father used to tell us this.
I’ve never heard that… but it sounds like great news! Who doesn’t need more blessings?! And we HAVE been pretty darn blessed. Thanks for sharing this! 🙂
I love all lilies, but stargazer lilies are my fav!
Favorite flower – roses. I love hydrangeas but have no luck growing them! Thanks ! Janet Bianco
Gerber daisies!
I am a Dutch girl so I love Tulips! Just started reading your blog….we have lots in common…I have 15 month old twin boys, from Iowa and love to craft!
Jasmin and gardenias are my favorites. BTW I would love to show you guys the headboard that was inspired by the examples you have on your blog. I personally think it is awesome.
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Lilies, lilacs, orchids, poppies, I love flowers, and I hate picking faves. 🙂 meaganpaige2@gmail.com
I have a couple faces. I have lived in the desert for almost 9 years now and I have really started to like hollyhocks! They don’t take very much water and they are really pretty. Before moving to the desert I lived in the foothills of the Rockies and although they’re not a flower per se I really loved lilacs!! The smell in the spring time is amazing!
The only thing I love more than orchids is your new lattice! Clematis would absolutely love this…and they grow back every year. I have one out front that needs this redo, ASAP. smarti1957@hotmail.com
I love johnny jump ups!
Amanda O.
The only thing I love more than orchids is your new lattice! Clematis would absolutely love this…and they grow back every year. I have one out front that needs this redo, ASAP. smarti1957@hotmail.com
I love all flowers, but I would have to say butterfly bushes are my favorite. And I also love reading your blog!
I love blue hydrangeas and magnolia.
I love peonies!!!! Marlamiller@ellaandeve.com
Gerber daisy’s(have a tattoo on my foot w/4 ladybugs, all my kids) but I do also love hens and chicks, my gma had some in a flower pot, also one in an old tie boot, well the one in the boot is still going strong, prob 20+ years old. reminds me of her. 🙂
Thank you!
Birds of Paradise…they just don’t grow in Utah!
I adore ireses. They grow really well in my area and are so pretty.
Love the new look. Totally agree with you, makes the area very pleasant and quaint.
Favorite flower is poppy followed by hydrangeas, and I actually just told this to my husband today (probably the second time we talked about flowers in our marriage).
Email address overthebluerainbow@gmail.com
I’m obligated to say passion flowers as they are my wife’s favorite. And what makes her happy makes me happy.
Awesome trellis. My wife has been doing ridiculous amounts of building this summer. Furniture included. A cordless drill would be amazing. Thanks for the opportunity. Keep up the good work guys!
sarahweins (at)hotmail (dot)com
Always loved sunflowers, but am really loving hydrangeas now. Gotta say I have a special spot in my heart for morning glories too. How to choose just one?!!! Would love to have this tool for myself too:)
jdvandyk at yahoo dot ca
Hard to choose ONE… guess i’d have to say the little crinkled yellow weed flowers the most precious boy in the world brings his mama ;). He’s nine and he hasn’t given it up yet and i hope he never does! Thanks for the project idea Nick… and thanks for sharing that awesome man-boy, Bethany! estesj@bellsouth-dot-net
I love Roses. indiengmom@gmail.com
Have you planted the morning glory yet? If not, please save yourself the trouble and DON’T! 🙂 Sorry, but I grew up on an Iowa farm where morning glory ran rampid and the seeds would blow into our flower beds and they would be everywhere! If you plant these you’ll be weeding them out of any other surrounding gardens for years. Maybe a clematis would be nice? 🙂
Sunflowers!!! missa8282@yahoo.com
Peonies rock my world. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!!
I’m a big fan of the wild Columbine that grows in the high country here in Colorado. The lavenderish blue and white are beautiful together.
My moms favorite flower was iris, so in her memory we names our daughter Iris…needless to say its become my favorite now as well!
We’ve been blessed with two IVF babies! 🙂
Kristiclark7 (at) me (dot) com
Gerber daisies, but it’s too hot for them here. asonnier7110(at)gmail(dot)com
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Stargazer lily! It was in my wedding bouquet 🙂
Lindsey Evans
I love peonies, which just finished up blooming at my house.
I love the beautiful decorated finishes on your furniture.
Barbara (collinsbb@juno.com)
We’ve got some nice poppies on the side of our house which I enjoy, so I’m going to have to say Poppies.
I love lilacs!
My favorite flower is a Dahlia! And they can grow in IOWA…..BONUS!!!! mantisdel@iowaclinic.com
My favorite flower is also the ranunculus, but my favorite smelling flower is jasmine.
juliablackmon@gmail. com
my favorite flowers are wildflowers!!! i love them!!! im also love lavander, peony, wild honeysuckle!
I’m not entirely sure what the name of my favorite flower is. But it’s orange and grows in the yard of my new house, and I am looking it up so that I can plant more! 🙂 katie.vyktoriah@gmail.com
I LOVE wisteria!
My fave flower would be ranunculus! Lcwilliams84@hotmail.com
I love hydrangeas!! They are about to bloom in my back yard, and I can’t wait!
Oh this would help us out so much! We just had a baby and are building our house this month! Eek! Passionflowers are the best – all wild and crazy and too hard to contain – perfect!
I love peonies! They are so beautiful!!! Love the trellis! You guys ROCK!
My fav is Allium, the big gigantic kind. Makes me think of Alice in Wonderland. LOVE
Garden Roses! So swank.
Tulips! 🙂
You guys are so popular! 😉
Sunflowers! There are so many different kinds instead of just the basic yellow…
andrea.rene.dean AT gmail DOT com
I love hydrangeas, especailly the blue ones.
I wish I had a handy husband to use the tool, but maybe he can learn with the correct tools. Favorite flower is hard but I’ll go with poppy. so vibrant. Thanks Mary in NY
Pansies of course!
My faves are hot pink peonies. They are so pretty.
My favorite flower is a daisy, mostly because I’ve always loved pulling the petals to see if he really does love me. 🙂
Snapdragons because they really do come to life every time you turn your back.
My fav is the Orchid. I just LOVE the crazy shape and all the colors!
Great job on the trellis! I am thinking of adding short ones to the tops of our brick walls for added privacy, then growing a crazy vine of some kind on them. 🙂
Tiger Lillies! Mine are orange and just burst with color!
Nick, love the trellis, I wish I had a spot for one against the house!
Favorite flowers are tulips, I just wish they would bloom all spring summer.
Our cordless drill is dying, i would love a new one!
I absolutely LOVE sunflowers! Back in the day when the rave of sunflower decor was popular my entire kitchen was a hot mess of sunflowers lol 🙂
White roses or purple coneflower! Hydrangeas are up there pretty close these days, though I never used to like them. Go figure!
My favorite are peonies!
My favorite flower is the blanketflower. So pretty!
I love day lilles!
I LOVE Lillies and Tulips. Unfortunately, we cannot have either at our new house due to their toxicity to dogs and cats (we have 2 of each). 🙂
I love big old happy sunflowers. Probably because I live in the city and we only see them cut.
Lillies 🙂
I love hydrangeas.
Peonies,but its too hot where I live to grow them…boo!
I love fragrant flowers….hyacinths and lilacs are my favorites. saflym@yahoo.com
I love exotic flowers with bright and happy colors. If I won these tool, I will be one happy chic!
Stargazer lily. My wicked step-mother is deathly allergic to them.
My favorite flowers are orange or yellow roses. Thank you for another awesome giveaway! jendavisfearn@yahoo.com
My favorite flower is the tulip. These tools would come in so handy for my DIY projects I’ve got going.
Thanks for the chance to win!
It’s a close call between clematis and hydrangea!
I love irises and have for a long time, but the older I get the more variety I like: peonies, Cannas, clematis, lantana, lilacs! So many to love.
Daisies!! I just planted daisies called butterfly vanilla daisies and they are SO pretty!
bethskott at gmail dot com
I love love love Hydrangea!
My favorite flower is a Stargazer lily.
kaldrich69 at gmail dot com
I love Hibiscus… one, becasue they are beautiful and two, because there is a snow cone stand where I live and it is called the Hibiscus Hut and well let’s just say that both flowers and snow cones make me super happy! 🙂
love the addition to the porches too!
mariajadams at gmail dot com
Favorite flower is rose.
Our current drill is slowly dying. My favorite flower is gerber daisies!
Sunflowers… if i could grow them with out killing them i’d have a yard full.
Sunflowers! Such happy flowers. Although we do have clematis climbing on a trellis too. kmcourter@yahoo.com
Nice trellis! Looks very similar to the ones I’ll be making for our vegetable garden.
I am absolutely in love with columbines, so pretty!
My favorite by far is hydrangeas!!!!
Love the trellises! They will look great with Morning Glories blooming all over them. My favorite flowers are snow drops, because they are one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring and promise that warmer weather and more flowers will be coming soon!
SWEET PEAS! Unfortunately the bunnies seem to like them too…
I seem to love all flowers! How to pick a favorite? Right now, hyacinth. I love your blog too! smstrom@yahoo.com
Love your blog! I love the smell of lilacs. Lately my sweet kids were bringing me lots of dandalion bouquets and with that much love they are pretty great flowers too.
Definitely the peony.
Hello Nick and Beth! I am brand new to your guys blog, and I am proud to say, that I am addicted! Thank you for giving me a chance to win and amazing tool that will assist me in my many projects that I would LOVE to conquer! My favorite flower is a lily! A pink lily to be more specific! The bigger and pinker they are the more I love it! God bless your amazing family!
-Audriana Moody
Hi Nick and Beth: Nick great tutorial. Quite easy to understand. However, I would need that sexy tool to make that happen! Beth, my favorite flower is a rose. A coral colored rose to be quite specific. Thanks for the chance to win!! Renee – reneep@peoples-ebank.com
Hi, my favorite flower is a clematis. They also require a trellis! such a beautiful flower!
Hahah – see that sexy tool? That was funny!
Thanks guys!
Carrie – krafty119@hotmail.com
Hello, love your blog and your girls are so cute. My fave flowers are lilies, any kind and zinnias.
(smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)
LOVE Peonies! 🙂 ls92@live.missouristate.edu
great project and thanks for the giveaway. Favorite flower is geraniums…. gmail:smgearmail
I love hydrangeas in any color. Can’t wait until mine bloom this year!
My favorite flowers are lilacs. We had a HUGE bush in our backyard growing up. twilightwaters@yahoo.com
My peonies are my favorite flowers by far. And this year they seem to be more amazing than ever!! lyza96@gmail.com
I LOVE my clematis this year!!! It’s a double blooming one, so the flowers are really full and pretty. 🙂
I love peonies! I love how rustic and free they are and they smell divine!!
My favorite flower is the Daisy! Love your guys work! Hopefully I can win this for my hubby so he will become more crafty!! jillymarie08@hotmail.com
I have always loved daylilies!
Great Job Nick!!Clematis, roses, sunflowers, gardenias, camelias, petunias, I can’t pick. I love flowers, they are beautiful.
Sunflowers are my favorite! Morganmiller90@hotmail.com
Daffodils! They are the happiest flower 🙂
Lilacs!!!!. A good climing flower is the clematus. Very pretty
Lily of the valley.
I enjoy flowers of all kinds but my absolute favorite are roses. They are not only beautiful but their fragrance is so lovely. I just now had to put some dried tea roses out to be burned. My husband cut them off our 60+ year old bush and put them in a vase for me for Mother’s Day…no he isn’t cheap he just knows what gives me joy! : )
My favorite flower is the peony. They’re looking great in the yard right now!
I so enjoy reading this blog. My husbands looking over at me wondering what in the world is so funny that I’m laughing out loud. My favorite flowers are Stargazer Lilies – my wedding flowers. kristyb@fcog.com
Oh how I would LOVE to win this drill. Coming from a girl that had a staple gun on her Christmas list this would be a great addition to my home 🙂 My favorite flower is the peony!
My fav is orchids. They grow great down here in South Florida humidity.
Fave flower: Irises, the darker the better.
I need to come see your house sometime this summer when we’re back in Iowa!
Hands down favorite flower is the clematis. Beautiful, so many different types, and they look great on your trellis!
P.S. enjoyed the butcher block tutorial!
My have a couple of favorite flowers. One is the Calla Lily which I used in my wedding and the others are Irises. I have just about every color of the rainbow in irises thanks to my mother-in-law and myself. They are very versatile and transplant easily. I also enjoy clematis which very nicely climb trellis’.
I love flowers of every description, but my favorite would have to be lilacs. pamalee123@hotmail.com
Love red tulips. davisfamily804@gmail.com
Peonies are fantastic, but climbing roses are wonderful too.
My favorite flower is the sweet pea. Its my nickname my mom gave me.
I love roses…all kinds. Probably why it’s the flower of my birth month! Would lve this tool to help try out some of the awesome projects y’all have shown! Lve the blog!!!
Oops…forgot the email. Tugger@earthling.net
My favorite flower is a desert rose! And they are super easy to (un)care for.
Tiger lilies are my all time FAV! Gorgeous pops of color that come back every year…no maintenance required! Now if they only could make a hybrid one that is a turquoise color I’d have my house surrounded!! 😉
My tool wish list includes an impact driver. I would love to win one of this quality.
Peonies are my favorite flowers. They smell so good!
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I really love daisies. I know they are simple and cheap, but I just really like them. They remind me of my childhood. I would love to win this!!! My husband steals all my tools, so I’m going to hide this if I win it, lol!!
great post!
My favorite flower is the hydrangea. Love the blog!
I love tulips. No specific color. Just them. 🙂
Love the trellises. My favorite flower is lilac, but doesn’t due well in Texas. So, I’m choosing passion flower.
My favorite are roses! They come in so many beautiful colors.
My favorite flower is the Wave Petunia’s because they are beautiful all growing season.
I was remembering how much I love peonies the other day. They are beautiful and happy and easy to grow.
My favorite flower is the Daylily. You almost can’t kill them. They grow in shade or sun, and the are really pretty.
The trellises are terrific-really adds to the house.
Peonies, hands down, are my fave…but we grow lots of stuff, and basically if it flowers and has a scent, I’m in.
Wonderful trellises! They look amazing and add a little privacy. I can’t really pick a favorite flower, geez, there are way too many! I do love a Gerbera Daisy though 😉
My all time favorite flower is the Cherokee Rose. I love the story behind them (even if it is heartbreaking). And it’s the ONLY flower I draw! I drew them all over my granddaughter’s room! I could really use a new drill too. Between my husband and myself we’ve broken 3 in the past 6 months and I’m refusing to buy another one!
I love the project! When my husband bought this house the previous owners had trellis up with roses. He did not like it so he tore it all down. Of course that was before he met me! I’ve been telling him that we are going to redo it as soon as I get the back yard the way I want it! 🙂
This project turned out to be gorgeous! It adds so much to the curb appeal. Nicely done. My fave flowers are peonies!
My official favorite flower is the asiatic lily because as a new home owner, this is the ONE flower that my husband and I planted just a couple of weeks ago that is actually BLOOMING and not DYING! WOOHOO!!! So clearly, they are green thumb(less) friendly!
You guys crack me up 🙂 Your blog is like crack, only not bad for you. Crack is whack. (That’s what I tell my high school students, but I am pretty sure they just roll their eyes at me). My favorite flower is currently the very exquisite white flower that appears on my pepper plant, because it means new peppers are in the happening! Beyond that, my favorite flower is the elusive dendrobium orchid. Elusive, you ask? Yes. My local grocery store dyes them purple and blue and they are tough to find, but when I finally happen upon them, I hunker down and invest in those sweet blooms. That is all! 🙂
Dark pink peonies are my favorites! And lilacs, and tulips, roses, lilies, daisies…I pretty much love flowers 🙂
amy.e.bravo at gmail.com
It looks so good!! I love unruly wild flowers of all kinds!
Love the blog! I even got my sis hooked on it:)
My favorite flowers are potted fuchsias–not the ones in hedges.
I really like Dahlias but it’s hard to pick just one!
amianerd AT yahoo DOT com
Purple Tulips
my fave is the carnation. herodias80@gmail.com
My favorite is the yellow rose bush that we planted in memory of our baby we lost. Our first rose this year just bloomed this morning! I love your site. Thanks for inspiring me to try new things!
Melinda at DKozak5@aol.com
I would have to say geraniums. I love them. This really is a hard question because I like them all for one reason or another.
Have a great weekend!
sydneybeanpug at gmail dot com
My favorite flower are carnations 🙂 love the porches
My favorite flower is a daisy. I just love how simple they look.
My favorite flower is lily of the valley.
Favorite flower: white roses. nora at norasee dot com
Must be nice to have such a talented husband. My favorite flower is the simple daisy.
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Beautiful house inside and out! I am so impressed with all you guys do. Maybe if I won these tools I could make my place just as beautiful! Thanks for being awesome.
I forgot to mention that I love hydrangea! I love all flowers and all the beauty they behold!
Looking great! My favorite flowers are pansies because they remind me of my grandmother 🙂
It depends on the time of year! Right now…iris are my favorite! RedHenHome AT gmail DOT com
My absolute favorite flower is the Tiger Lilly. Growing up, my grandmother had flower beds going all the way around her detached garage and they had nothing but Tiger Lillies in them. Although all lilies are beautiful, the bright orange and black brings back childhood memories of spring & summer with my wonderful grandma! I love your blog, just discovered it, and am hooked! Also, after battling some infertility issues as well, I am happy that IVF worked for you guys! Hoping for a happy ending myself! amandabfulton@gmail.com
When I was a kid I didn’t understand flowers – who cares if they are pretty – but then I was introduced to snapdragons. A flower that could talk?! Now that was a flower I could get behind. 20 years later, I still love them. I can’t wait for my baby to get old enough to show him the only flower that can talk back.
Opps – daisy38140@yahoo.com
[pansies, because they come back every year
Wave Petunias! Love them!
Lilacs! Lily-of-the-Valley! Hyacinths! Daisies! Roses! Can’t choose just one. And right now I need to create/build two trellises for enthusiastic roses and would love a new drill/ driver to help!
Lilacs! Lily-of-the-Valley! Hyacinths! Daisies! Roses! Can’t choose just one. And right now I need to create/build two trellises for enthusiastic roses and would love a new drill/ driver to help!
Ahh, I love morning glories, I plant them whenever we have chainlink fence to contend with. But I also love lilacs to help hide fences too (I really hate the look of Chain link fence- so cold and uninviting). But I think my favorite flower is the Tiger Lilly. Love your DIY style Nick!
I absolutely LOVE your blog!! And it just so happens that my husband told me the other day he needs a new drill. What a great birthday or Father’s Day gift. My favorite flower of all time is the gerber daisy…I just love all the various colors. tfoix@cox.net
Peonies are my favorite and they’re absolutely beautiful right now.
I LOVE peonies.
Hi Guys! Love your blog and read it every day! My favorite flower is a peony, and I used it all over at my wedding!
hey guys!
my favorite flower would have to be a bleeding heart…..because i saw one that was red and purple and it was awesome 🙂
Favorite flower is zinnias!
I love to stop and smell the roses!
Signing for a new house next week! Tools are needed for projects for sure!!
Favorite flower is gerbera daisies, next roses (white), and honeysuckle (so yummy!!)
mingomom at yahoo dot com
My favorite flower is the Black Eyed Susan…..although my eyes are really brown 🙂
My favorite flowers are tulips!
My favorite flowers are dahlias! I have a whole section of them – they’re great in the yard and make fabulous bouquets!
eamangini at Hotmail dot com
My favorite are Indian paintbrush- not so much for the color, but they remind me of hiking as a child with my mom, who LOVES to point out and take pictures of flowers, and my husband because when we first met in Wyoming we would hike all the time and see Indian paintbrush. Reminds me of love!!!!!!
Ps- my hubby could use a cool tool to help with the many projects I am inspired to do because of you both…
Thank you for the inspiration!
I have a hard time choosing a favorite flower because I love them all but hydrangeas would be close to the top of the list!
My favorite flower is peonies!!
bygrace at gmail dot com
I love iris…. any color… all beautiful.
I love blue orchids! The deep saturated jewel tone is so beautiful!
I love love love daisies! I’ve got a million daisy seedlings in my basement that are making their way outside tomorrow 🙂
sandpaperandglue (at) gmail (dot) com
thank you!
i love daises, tulips and sunflowers. They are such happy flowers!
This is a hard one! I love peonies and red hot pokers – random, I know, but I love the color gradient!
I love me some spider mums. They are really graphic (and we used them at our wedding).
My favorite flowers are daisies!
I love Gerber Daisies!
My all time favorite flowers are peonies or dendrobium orchids but for my backyard, honeysuckle!
Hibiscus, hands down! Unfortunately, I can’t grow them up north!
i would love this espcially in our new house we are moving into! my favorite flowers are pink star lilies. photomd13@gmail.com
Oh man, my fingers are crossed… this would be the perfect First Fathers Day gift for my husband (pregnant after infertility with our very first baby, woohoo!!!) His drill just bit the dust.
I adore hydrangea… specifically white… definitely my favorite!
CONGRATULATIONS! This is very exciting! I hope you win… 🙂
Thank you!!! We are thrilled 🙂
Thank you!!! We are thrilled 🙂
I don’t have a favorite flower. I love any flower as long as it has a vibrant color!
Hyacinths…they smell great!
Peonies are my favorite!
Iris or day lily… dig a little hole and they come back over and over! what’s not to love? LOL
When I was a little girl we had morning glorys on our deck. As I love to sleep I would never be up in time to see them. One morning my Mom woke me up at 6am so that I could finally see them. That morning is one of my favorite childhood memories. I love lilies and Hubs loves irises. Our 1st Anniversary is June 16th and hubs drill is really old and always needs a charge before using. This would make a sweet gift. poppywill@yahoo.com
Gosh this is hard to choose but I have this pineapple lilly that is so cool! Love all your projects and could really use new tools. Just started building my art studio and we are DYI’ers like yourselves!!!
I like lots of flowers, but I think my favorites are sweet pea. Although moonflower/datura (especially the multi-layered ones:frilly!)are nice and have local roots so are pretty drought tolerant- they are contenders.
Peonies are my favorite!
My favorite flowers are pink peonies.
Favorite flower would have to be the Passion Vine. My email is hllegg92@gmail.com. I love your blog! I could really use a new drill! Please pick me:)
Roses!! Love the projects that are moving outdoors! Thanks for the pressure treated warning for pregnant mamas! I had no clue. We really need a new drill. My husbands current one is 10 years old and only holds a charge for small jobs. Thanks!! Jennifermiller811@gmail.com
Roses!! Love the projects that are moving outdoors! Thanks for the pressure treated warning for pregnant mamas! I had no clue. We really need a new drill. My husbands current one is 10 years old and only holds a charge for small jobs. Thanks!! Jennifermiller811@gmail.com
Sorry forgot my email.
Great post! I need a trellis for some beans I planted and didn’t think would actually sprout from seed, but they did and now need a trellis and this post has inspired me! My favorite flower at this moment are day lilies because they are blooming in my yard and so pretty!
OOOPPPS! forgot my email…. preppyboy1957@yahoo.com
Love the trellis. Now go to Goodwill and get two picture frames the same size and put a window in that wall. EZPZ! My favorite flower ?? Mandevilla in a striking fuscia.
I love roses and lillies (can’t pick just one!) and my hubby would love that drill 🙂
Love how you take a bleh day and make it great! I have always marveled at the CLEMATIS VINES. Love the colorful options. NO need for replanting. And how fast they grow. Very hardy.
PS. Nice Drill!
Favorite flower: I never know my answer to this. Tulips maybe? Especially my wife’s tulips! Get it? 😉
Ranunculus! Better than a rose and unique.
Passion flowers! They are so unique and gorgeous!
Love the lattice work. So pretty and giving me some pretty good ideas for our entryway porch/stoop/cement slab/thingy.
My favorite flower is a gardenia. Love the scent. My family had some growing in Florida but. alas, they do not do so well in Oregon.
rajarf (at) yahoo (dot) com
A single favorite flower?? LOL That’s going to be hard! I love so many! Deep purple lupines always brighten my day.
We just moved in our house in December, so we are pleasantly surprised at how beautiful our plants look that the previous owners left. My favorite so far are all the peonies! I do have a clematis that could use a trellis though, it is currently growing up a fence that we will be removing!
An iris is my favorite cause they are my grandmas favorite and so therefore they remind me of her when they bloom!!
My hubby would love one of these! Edit: I would love my husband to have one so that projects seem easier and actually get done!
My favorite flowers are mini irises. Probably because they remind me of my G. Gma Alice and I have her mini iris offsprings growing in my garden! That and I like deep purple. 🙂
Stacy Y. at smoeyoung@yahoo.com
My favorite are lillies! Luckily they’re low-maintenance, because my thumb is both brown and lazy.
Oh, the deep purple clematis is my favorite, it reminds me of my grandmothers house.
Lovely home! and I love your wicker chair and foot rest : )
Calla lillies.. love them!
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Ohhh, I want to win! My favorite flowers are lilacs. I know it’s a bush… but you know, the bush flowers. And they are pretty and delicious smelling.
The trellis looks terrific! I love it makes your back porch look. I feel like it’s perfect for drinking chocolate milk!
I absolutely adore irises, my mom had them planted all around our yard.
Favorite flower is definetly a cabbage rose! So big and pretty. I’m a big fan of DIY anything! A new drill would be awesome.
Email: asabolsky@yahoo.com
I am a sucker for hibiscus flowers, so beautiful.
I am a sucker for hibiscus flowers, so beautiful.
We could use a new drill…along with a bunch of other tools!! We have 6 boys and something always seems to be missing!
Favorite flower – bird of paradise
Favorite flower – probably peonies. So pretty.
I am not a flowers-as-a-gift gal, but I looove sunflowers! we’re moving at the end of the month and want to get something planted that we won’t kill! 🙂
sjbeyer08 (at) gmail.com
I could so use this to speed up the process of sprucing up a few things 🙂 My favorite flower is a yellow rose. It was my grandma’s favorite and one always seems to pop up every spring.
First to comment? Sweet business. Would LOVE a new cordless drill (for me OR the hubby). My favorite flower is a sunflower.