Y’all… we have a lot of stuff goin’ on. Most importantly, the girls are transitioning from two naps to one… and it’s throwing off the entire balance of our day. Not because they aren’t sleeping as much anymore, but because THEY ARE CRABBY-tired! We’re not really sure what’s going on, and feel like we’re fumbling around in the complete darkness of confused parenting.
I look like this every night after I get the girls in bed.
Couple that with my back-pain and headache’s lately… I’ve decided to take a week off from blogging and JUST BE. Without the pressures of whipping out detailed tutorials and witty commentary. 🙂
You understand, right?
I’ll still be active on Facebook and Instagram so you’ll know I haven’t checked into the loony-bin. And you can expect me right back here in a week with some fun new projects we’re finishing up! (I think we’re due for a camera-dump of the girls too)…
Looking hot lady friend!
hey I’ve never been on instagram but I clicked on your link and you have some super cute pics of the girls and kitties on there! Can’t wait to see the tile!
I hope you have enjoyed your break! I have accidentally taken WAY too long of a break. Oh, and I wish I looked that hot every night 😉 ow ow!
Two naps at almost 2 years old? You are one lucky mama! Mine both dropped their nap (no naps at all!!!) at about 2 years 9 months, but, shhh, we don’t say that out loud to jinx other mamas! At 9 and 6 they go to bed relatively early compared to peers, but i sure wish they would take some naps sometimes!! Your babes are precious…enjoy this time, all time, because it sure goes fast!
Mary Radich email merrymary48@gmail.com Lots of time little money- Enter me to win!
They are just dropping it now! Lucky lady! Mine all dropped theirs around 11-12months! Have a nice break, in Canada this is a long weekend for us so its a little bit of a break for me too 🙂
Just wondering if you’ve worked with chalk paint and what your feedback is on it?
I might be one of the only bloggers that hasn’t dabbled in chalk paint. But we LOVE chalkBOARD paint! 🙂
I just started reading your blog, it’s on my favorites bar :)Have a great rest, I really enjoy reading about all your projects as well as up dates on the fam. You inspire me 🙂
That is one of the things I love most about you and your blog – your upfront, cut-to-the-point honesty! Well said, sista! Enjoy your break! I’ll try to entertain the grandparents while you’re taking time off. I have to get photos of my camera as well!
Thanks for holding down the fort for me!! LOVE seeing all the pics of my buddy Miles! He sure is ambitious. 🙂
Ohhhhhhh yes. I feel for you, mama friend!! My girls have stopping taking their afternoon naps. I have heard that the morning nap is usually the first to go, but for whatever reason, they just FALL APART between 10 and 11 in the morning. They will get their loveys and fall asleep on the floor! They nap for like 2 hours, get up and have some lunch between 12 and 1 and then just play their little hearts out all afternoon. When I get home from work, we play, have dinner and baths and they start falling apart again about 7:30. They sleep all night until about 6:30 am. Funny little creatures, these kiddos!! 🙂 Praying for you guys!
They certainly ARE funny little creatures… 🙂
Glad I’m not alone!
Hugs girl! Enjoy your break. You deserve it!