Here’s another little item that’s been gathering dust in our garage for many moons.
It opens up and appears to be an old sewing table. You might be asking yourself ‘what are they going to do with an old sewing table?’
I probably would have made it a quaint little entryway table to put by the front door to put keys and mail on. BUT, Nick had all kinds of mayhem going on in his brain… so I let him have this one. I washed my hands of it, and sat back for TWO MONTHS and watching him come up with this.
It’s a lovely little black table with a beautiful woodgrain on top. Pretty right? Well this little table has a few things up it’s sleeve… wait for it….
It’s a wine rack. A wine rack the lights up when it has wine in each individual ‘cubby’. When you take a bottle of wine out, the lights go out! Can you believe this all spilled forth from his crazy brain?
But that’s not all, no. The top surface opens up to be a server, and Nick stained this wood with WINE!
And then tapped into Dana’s skillz once again and used a vinyl to achieve our classic ‘peek-a-boo woodgrain’ quality. For a tutorial on how we do this, go here.
But he enjoyed the wiring very much, and learned a lot about working with LED lights!
There were so many elements of skill that went into this project… my boy is very multi-faceted in his abilities. Although I think at several points, even HE would have admitted he got in over his head on this one.
But I’ll be the first to admit that it turned out pretty stinkin’ impressive. My boy has proven himself innovative! We’re happy with how it turned out… and even MORE happy that it’s done, done, DONE!
Good riddance! I finally have my husband back!
Wow…is Nick working on the automatic, disappearing spice rack now? 🙂
Wow…this is so impressive that it left me wondering…No, not about all the amazing, creative things I could try, but instead, BETH HOW MUCH WORK DO YOU REALLY DO?! I think Nick’s been behind it all lol
p.s.- I absolutely LOVE this blog and have fallen in love with you and your fambam…inspiring is an understatement! Your wit is an added bonus (that’s the polite way of saying that I stayed in last Friday night, got drunk on wine and read your blog all night)
Keep it up!
I saw the thumbnail of this and just HAD to see how you did it. It was the blue lights on black that got me, but that they turn off when there’s no wine bottle in there is the killer part of it. WELL DONE, Nick. You go with your bad self!
FYI I’m pretty sure you just made his day with this comment! 🙂
For me it was when I read the part that he stained it with WINE! Creative down to the last detail
That is truly awesome. Not just that it looks great, but I’m so impressed that he would take the time to wire the lights where they turn on and off. Geez, that’s some serious patience!! I’d love to know how he “filled” the large sewing machine hole on the inside. I see that he cut a board, but how did he secure it in there? Inquiring minds wanna know!
That is a really good question. On both this project and the wood grain coffee ( table I used a rabbiting router bit to create a *lap joint* by cutting a groove out of both the opening in the sewing table and the board filling the hole. this allows the board filling the hole to rest flush in place. We then glued, nailed, set the nails and filled the nail holes with wood putty. I hope this helps!
So awesome, I will be now looking for a sewing table. This would make an awesome gift for my mom. They had a house fire a week before Christmas and are in the middle of building a new house. So the furniture they have is limited. Thanks for the awesome inspiration
This is fantastic! So high tech 😉 Good work!
Lol look how cool you guys are! I love reading the comments 🙂 It did turn out great! I’ll have to show Justin. For some reason all your posts just showed up today. I’ve been checking regularly and I’ll I’ve been seeing was the flower girls ones. Weird. Hate missing out on your blog.
Whoa! Amazing work.
Seriously, hands down coolest wine rack I’ve seen! I want one! You guys continuously amaze me with your talent and creativity!
I agree, it is absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing .
Wow!!! Did he visualize the finished product when he first saw the sewing cabinent? or did he ponder for a while to come up with that?
It is amazingly creative!
so…is that techno . . . retro. . .unassuming. . . kick ass thing for sale or what? CAUSE IT’S FREAKING AWESOME
I can’t wait to see how the girls turn out. It will be grand to get great gene from you 2 🙂 keep it up!
WOW!!! I am impressed. That looks amazing. Wasn’t this sitting in your dinning room when I was there today? Or was that something else I saw?
Wuuuut?? Crazy awesome, Right?? That boy most certainly has some skills that kill!
OMG! That boy has mad skills! That is nothing short of amazing! Utterly awesome……. and any other superlative you can use to describe it.
It’s gorgeous! I showed my husband and told him I MUST have one 🙂 great job!
My husband was SO impressed by this! He was trying to describe it to me on our ride home last weekend. Looks awesome 🙂
That is flippin’ Uh-mazing! Simply speechless, that is awesome!
I agree with everyone. Awesome job!! Mind blowing at parties (uh, when the babies grow up) I would bet!! 🙂
Ahahahaha!… you have got to be kidding me! That is unbelievably awesome! Your hubby is genius!
OH MY GOSSSHHHHH!!! That is insane!!!! (in an awesome way) wow. you and nick are truly a perfect match for each other. can’t wait to see it saturday!!
um, I want a spaceship-looking-on-the-inside/classy-on-the-outside wine rack!!! that is epic!