So on Saturday, we got all impulsive and started tearing the drywall off this wall that we plan to remove.
The demolition was fun… BUT
This is where we stopped. Isn’t it attractive?
As it turns out, there’s an ill-placed air-duct-vent-like thing that runs up the wall in the most inconvenient possible place. So now we face some decisions. Do we make a pillar that’s strangely off-centered? Do we call in a professional to redirect the air vents ($$$). Isn’t there always some sort of unexpected snafu when tackling a major home improvement project like this? YES!
But it seems to fit right in with our month-long theme of unexpectedly complicated slash time-consuming projects. (speaking of… Nick’s ‘Bomb’ Project is finally done! I’ll post about it later in the week!). If ‘exposed brick’ is so IN these days, why not ‘exposed wall beams’? We’re going to be rocking this industrial look for awhile. Don’t hold your breath.
But we do have a special new addition to our living room to share… Nick has a thing for ceiling fans, and our old grody one was causing him some emotional anguish. Ain’t she purrrrty?
And as an added bonus, our new fan has a light-dimming feature! It comes in very handy in the evenings when we’re trying to get the girls tired and ready for bed.
I saved the sweet vintage globe from the old fan. I don’t know what I’m going to do with it, but I love the character with all those little bumpy things.
Anybody have a suggestion for what I could use it for? I thought about spray painting it a bright color and planting some flowers in it. Or wiring in a pendant light and hanging it from an industrial chain of some sort. But nothing is really jumping out at me, so I’ll just hang on to it for now. Let me know if you have any ideas!
plant hanger
I don’t know, since I’m reading your blog in order, if you have done something with your shade yet. I myself have a globe like that (mine has vertical optical stripes, got it at thrift store for a quarter) and I plan to use it in place of a lamp shade, to look like a somewhat more modern “banquet lamp”. Which I would invite you to google the images thereof. They don’t all have to look like Gone With The Wind lamps, there was quite a range of looks. Only I’m going to use my with a compact fluorescent bulb.
What about the off center beam? You could use it to mark the girls’ height. Or, you could also put metal sheeting halfway up and put the girls’ art work, baby pictures, etc on it?
Hmmm…. or… well… I’m actually not sure, lol!
I hope you get it worked out 🙂
if you need a chain you can take down the lights above our bathroom sink and have that one!
That globe would make a realllly cool table night light. I bet your handy hubby could whip up some sort of something to attach some electrical gadgets…..
I’ve been wanting to make lanterns for the garden with some of those cool old fan globes, but I don’t have one that fun! Just wrap some wire around the base lip and make a hanger more wire or twine or whatever of your desired length/style, sort of like this idea with mason jars ( The really cool thing with one that size is you could even put water in it and use a floating votive or a regular votive or tea light in sand or pebbles would work too. Imagine how pretty the light reflection would be with that cool funky pattern.
on Pinterest I’ve seen globes stuffed with white string lights and used in landscaping or you could put them at the base of an indoor plant???
I think that you guys are extremely handy and have the greatest ability to see something before it’s completed. Every one of your remodeling projects are very hip and also “neat”! Your girls look so happy and healthy, I can tell that they are not starved for attention!
What about some kind of yard ornament-like thing for that old light cover? On some kind of concrete pedestal, or even an old antique plant stand. If you find time to garden this year, it can be a new addition dedicated to your babes.
Just found your blog today – we have a lot in common; endometriosis, struggles with infertility and insane remodeling projects.
Congrats on the beautiful babies! We were able to adopt our son after a 12 year struggle with secondary infertility so I have some idea of what an incredible miracle they are. 🙂
Are you sure you need to hire someone expensive to re-route the heat duct? It sounds like your man is pretty clever and shifting those ducts isn’t hard as long as you get the right pieces to make them go where you want them to – the hard part is making sure that the ducts will fit where you want them to go. Just make sure he wears gloves as he’s fiddling with the ducts – they can be sharp!
Good luck! (I like the DIY milk-glass look for the lamp globe, too. very nifty.)
I have had quite a few projects that had to have some sort of really huge glitch in them. Fun aren’t they.
We have replaced a few older lights in our place and have a few of those globes too. I have been going to spray paint the inside of them and attach them to some 4x4xwhat ever height I want it painted the same color as the inside of the globe. The idea is something like DIY milk glass(only in what ever color I want) and would serve as something unusual as a mantel decoration or somewhere like that.
However my kids are at the climbing on anything and everything and because it is glass this project will have to wait another year or so. The new ceiling fan is perty. I want to put up different ones or paint the ones I have, but my hubby doesn’t like that plan at all.
Looks great so far, Alexis
Uh oh.
You know, I don’t honestly think I have ever been the first to leave a comment on one of your post. Haha…that was random.
So, I should ask Mike if he knows anything about air ducts. Considering his background he may just know a thing or two…but don’t hold your breath. I tend to think my man knows everything.