Do you want the good news or the bad news first?
How about the bad news, since I can’t bear to leave the post on a sad note.
So here’s the story… we got two new ‘additions’ to our dining room over the weekend. Both of which I was suuuuper excited about. Of course you know a couple weeks ago, we went out to Powesheik Pines and picked out our Christmas tree (but just tagged it to be cut down later). Well this weekend we went and cut it down and brought it home!
Everything about it was perfect.
The height. The color. The texture of pine needles. The thickness. The smell of Christmas.
All that perfectness came to a screeching halt when I realized the violent allergies I had been experiencing are directly related to this giant piece of nature we hauled in our house.
I could just cry. I know there are bigger problems in the world, and this is such a petty thing to be so heart-broken about. But the tradition of picking out and cutting down a tree is central for me and my love of Christmas. I grew up with a real tree… how could I be allergic now? I know it’s possible, because I randomly developed seasonal allergies later in life. But I’ve never even heard of Christmas tree allergies. Anyone else suffer from this tragic affliction?
We were supposed to decorate the tree last night after the girls went to bed. But with my recent realization, I was so sad I just went to bed at 7 o’clock. We still haven’t decided what to do yet. I wish I knew with certainty that it was allergies and not just a cold. But I got up 3 times in the night to check myself for hives, because that’s how itchy my face is. And that seems like allergies to me. How do you tell?
For now, we’re just enjoying the beautifully decorated (by the girls) felt Christmas tree that is hung on the unfinished pillar that separates our dining room from our living room. (An idea that I found on Pinterest and borrowed from this blogger).
On a MUCH happier and lighter note…
For those of you that follow along for our Facebook adventures you know that several weeks ago, I fell in love with a credenza on Craigslist that I yearned desperately to put in my dining room.
(As you can tell, they didn’t read my post on how to take pictures to make people want to buy) HEHE!
But at $200, there was just no way. Many of you encouraged me to just shoot them a low-ball offer. Nick and I agreed that $50 was the most we would pay (even that is pricey for us!). They emailed back and said they wouldn’t take less than $150. Heartbroken, I thanked them for their time, and told them to let me know if they change their minds.
Fast forward 3 weeks, they emailed me and said ‘would you still be interested in the Credenza for $50?’ … and I said ummmmm… HECK YES! And now it sits proudly in my dining room.
Ain’t she stunning?
I can’t wait to decorate it with all kinds of Christmasy things… that is, if we ever get around to decorating for Christmas (wahhhh).
And, would you look at all this storage? I’m going to organize so hard.
I know what you’re thinking… YOU’RE GOING TO LEAVE IT WOOD? I know you so well, don’t I? Admit it! I totally just read your mind.
The answer is… Yep! For the time-being. The wood is in pristine condition, and I kinda like the way it looks as-is! Although I can’t promise it will stay that way for more than a few months. Only time will tell!
I like to think of it as a Craigslist victory. Every-so-often, it pays to be patient! And I’ll just go ahead and admit that patience does NOT come naturally for me. It’s something I’ll have to work on as long as I live.
Speaking of that, let’s all talk about our strengths and weaknesses. Here are mine:
WEAKNESS: patience
STRENGTH: I can swaddle a baby like it’s nobody’s business
So sorry to hear about your allergies. I have been dealing with being really itchy and breaking out in hives daily for the last month. My symptoms started before we cut down our tree so I don’t think it is an allergy to the tree but am not sure what it is. My doctor has me doing zyrtec and benadryl. I might have to give the honey idea above a try. I would be so sad to if it is because of the tree. I remember having a real tree as a kid and love carrying on the tradition with my girls. My weaknesses would definetly be ice cream, pop and garage sales or consignment stores and my strengths would have to be my ability to put everyones needs before my own, bubbly personality and my love for my family! Jill
I’d put mine on the front porch (it’s cold up here)and decorate the bejezuz out of it… fake one for inside and get some of the Christmas tree candles from Bath and Bodyworks (smell soooooo good) and light those suckers up so you can at least get the refreashing smell, without the allergies..cause nothing says happy birth of Jesus like kleenex shoved up your nose and swollen eyeballs…
Yah!! It’s a great feeling to get something you’ve been eyeing AND get a good deal! The storage in it is amazing………those pull out drawers would be perfect to hold craft supplys for when the girls are a little older.
Weakess – chocolate
Strength – being a Mimi to my grandsons
Oh bummer about your new allergy! Could you just load up on Zyrtec (it’s non drowsy and safe enough to take every day) for this one season and then next year get a fake one? Perhaps to preserve your tradition you could cut down a tree to donate to a retirement center or homeless shelter.
weakness- being wrong (or at least admitting it).
strength- good at listening (no secret will escape these lips:)
love the felt tree!
Weakness – chocolate
Strength – being able to eat lots of chocolate =]
I am allergic to Christmas trees too! But then again, I am allergic to literally EVERYTHING, so it’s no surprise at all. The last one I remember having was in HS, my mom and I went to put it up and I came out with red dots all over my arms where the needles touched me. Looks like chicken pox! And I sneezed my head off the entire 3 weeks it was up… I’ll take my fake, pre-lit tree any day!
Here’s my Christmas edition of strength and weakness:
Weakness: Wrapping presents. I SUCK at it! And all kid things are weird shaped!
Strength: Making delicious Christmas treats such as cake balls, cream puffs, peppermint bark, white chocolate covered cranberries, any pumpkin recipe… Mmmmmmmm!!
Do you have mold allergies? My husband does, but refused to not have a real tree, so we run an air purifier in the living room at night now. I’ve also read that you can try hosing off the tree before you bring it indoors to wash off mold spores.
My mom was allregic to any type of evergreen…so we had an artificial tree and when I had a home of my own we got a real tree. What I didnt know was how messy they are – shedding their little needles all over the place!
I LOVE the lil felt tree. As your girls get a smidge older, just think of the crafty little felt ornaments they can make for that tree!! I LOVE IT!!
Just a head’s up warning that my father is super allergic to real trees and we also discovered that he’s allergic to something in the fake trees (apparently it’s a common thing — something in higher end fake trees that they use to make them look real…) At first we just thought he was avoiding putting it up but I’ve seen the red hive-like evidence and sneezing coupled with throat-clearing. not awesome. so…be careful! I LOVE the idea of decorating the tree outside with popcorn and seeds for birds…super fun! just be sure it’s far enough away from your home that you’re not attacked by birds every time you go outside. 🙂 P.S. If you want the smell of Christmas, by far my favorite is the Frasier Fir line from Thymes. AMAZING!
I am also allergic to Christmas trees and I dont have any other environmental allergies! Just Christmas trees! I want to scratch my face off, my nose runs, scratchy throat and if i get a scratch it sets me on fire ( well kinda feels like it)
Sorry it happens to you, too!
my sis-in-law discovered later in life why she was “sick” every Christmas when she went to visit her aunt. she was allergic to their tree! and it wasn’t all trees, it was just the type her aunt bought every year.
I am also allergic to pine and poinsettas. We always just set up a fake tree. My twin boys are a month younger than your girls and they will not leave it alone! WAY to many balls! If it was just them, I would un-decorate it and just leave it with lights, but I have 2 older guys too!
Good luck and maybe just take some benedryll and stick it on your porch, if your symptoms go away its the tree if they stay, its a cold. 🙂
Sabrina in IA
I’m allergic to pine and poinsettias. I’m pretty much allergic to Christmas. The poinsettias I can almost deal with, I just can’t touch them or I break out in hives, but a pine tree in my house makes me unable to breath.
What’s funny about the credenza was when I saw the craigslist post you posted of it weeks ago, my first thought was “Well, they didn’t follow your ad posting rules”
My best friend is allergic to christmas trees also. She just walks into a house with a real tree and starts reacting! I liked Teri’s idea of putting it outside and decorating it for the birds. The girls would love that! Our grandkids have learned to love nature from their grandpa feeding the birds, squirrels and rabbits in our neighborhood! They stand at the window and watch the wildlife come to eat.
1. LOVE the credenza! It is beautiful.
2. My strength – Talking to anyone…..
3. My weakness – A plate of bakery doughnuts
Yes Beth, my son was allergic to the tree, but it’s the mold in the tree. Take it outside decorate it on the porch! Sorry. Mary in NY
If you are desperate to keep the tree and want to try and manage the allergy, honey can do wonders. A tablespoon of raw honey every morning has cured allergies in many people I know, even better than prescription allergy meds. It needs to be raw honey, not the bumblebee stuff, but being in Iowa there is usually raw local honey to be found so it’s worth a try if you’re up for it. It typically works pretty fast, even within a day or two. Raw honey is great treatment for colds too, and burns and cuts and scrapes and lots of other things….so you’ll be good either way. Good luck!!!
Oh and the credenza is AWESOME! Great negotiating!
My exhusband, both my sons and my current husband are ALL allergic to pine. I have not had a real tree in probably almost 20 years. So what I did was buy the biggest, prettiest pre-lit tree I could find and I now LOVE it. Yes, I did miss for a bit that I did not have a real tree and the experience of going to cut one down, but being able to put up my tree and decorate the day after Thanksgiving totally washed away any sadness.
I know every year that I have a beautiful tree free of any allergens, rodents or bugs and I used Christmas tree scented candles, warmers or oils and it works out great.
Weakness: chocolate, cookies and any Christmas treat you care to shove in my face.
Strength: I can decorate my house for Christmas and make anyone who comes in feel right at home and warm and cozy.
I am not allergic to the pine tree itself, but when I touch it, I break out in hives and get a rash!
ugh I feel you on the Christmas tree– I’m DEATHLY allergic. We had a fake one growing up because it was just cheaper/easier then one Christmas I came home from college and mom had bought a real tree…. and my throat basically closed, and I spent most of Christmas sequestered upstairs in my old room because it had been in the house for weeks and even put outside the smell was already everywhere. It was very sad and pathetic.
My best friend from high school’s mom is allergic to Christmas trees. So when we started spending a lot of time with them we made the switch that year to a fake tree because we wanted her to still be able to come over. I love a real tree. I used to collect the needles and keep them because I wanted to keep the smell… but I will tell you this that honestly I don’t really miss picking the tree. Decorating is still a blast. You don’t have to worry about the darn thing dying and shedding all over the place. If you switch to fake you will not be finding needles in every corner of your house for the next 6 months. Changing traditions in hard but I think this is one that could honestly be a relief in the end.
My husband is allergic to pines and cedars. We can do firs, or of course fake.
Not all is lost with your beautiful tree tho. Set it up outside and make a Christmas tree for the birds! The girls would probably love watching the birds. Strung popcorn garland, homemade seed ornaments, fruit, etc for ornaments.