It takes me a long time to catch on to things that are social norms for most. Part of it is probably me fighting against trends, because I don’t like to be just another fish in the sea. Also, technological advancements overwhelm me, and seem unnecessary… until I realize that I GOTTA HAVE IT!
(I’m letting go of a lot of pride to say this too)
I jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon about a year late. And now I’m jumping on the smartphone bandwagon… about 5 years late. My main reason for holding out so long is that I like to actually push buttons on my phone. Touch screens infuriate me. But I realize I might just need to get used to it.
I have no feelings FOR or AGAINST Apple products. I simply chose the iPhone 4s because it’s small. I don’t want to carry around a brick in my pocket.
I’ve been having fun playing with it and learning what an ‘app’ is, and loving that I can check my email on my phone so I can delete mean blog comments on the spot.
Another reason I’m excited about my smartphone is because I can do Instagram now! There are so many times throughout each week that I think to myself… ‘if I had Instagram, I would totally share this’. And now I can! If you want to follow… we are sawdustandembryos. And I’m still learning how it works, so don’t laugh if I do or say something stupid.
Recently I’ve had several readers request that I post more pictures of the girls on the blog. I try to keep those at a minimum to be sensitive to our readers that are enduring infertility or loss of a child. So Instagram can be a new way that you can see more family shots and just random every day stuff. We hope you’ll join in!
I got on pinterest last year and still haven’t gotten a smartphone! I am thinking about getting one just for instagram though! How funny.
Yay for your smart phone! I’ve had my smart phone for four years but I still have one of the first ones. I like it! It works, I like it, I don’t need another one (yet). I totally agree about the size of the phone too. It’s perfect. I can’t believe how big the new phones are getting. It’s crazy!
I bought a smart phone with a slide out keyboard….its as big as a book but I still cant let go. ha!! Curse these touch screens.
YAY Beth and Nick! I am so excited! I just started following you! And even though I may not be able to have babies, I love looking at your little girls grow up. Now I can more! YAYAAYA!
Welcome to the other side 🙂 You know, I’m right there with you. When Aaron and I got engaged, I had a dumb phone, but he said he wouldn’t marry me unless I let him get me a new phone. I was so mad! For a whole year I was like “I WANT MY DUMB PHONE BACK!.” But now, I know I couldn’t live without my smart phone. You’ll love it 🙂 I can’t wait to see your outrageous instagram pictures.
congrats on the new phone! It’s on my 30 things to do before I turn 30 list! I’m still rocking the dumb flip phone. Instagram is also one of my reasons I want one.
People leave mean comments? Boo. That’s just wrong. 🙁
agreed. I randomly found this blog and FELL IN LOVE!! How can people not?
I also just jumped on the smartphone bandwagon. I had an LG Voyager for almost 5 years. It flipped up and had a Qwerty keyboard. Plus it fit into my purse nicely. But I finally broke down and got the Samsung Galaxy S4 and it’s FANTASTIC!! I’m in love. I was on Twitter but don’t know how to use it or have much to say about stuff. I’m not on FB or Instagram. I have Instagram downloaded to my phone and tablet but I haven’t made a profile yet. I told my daughter that she could make me an account and that I wanted my user name to be “Jessiesmomhasgotitgoingon” like that song from Fountains of Wayne “Stacey’s mom”. Wow, I’m rambling.
Anyway, I love the painted back splashes you do. I wish you live closer to me so I could hire you to do mine. Sadly I think British Columbia is far away from your house.
Have a great weekend. Hope your back feels better soon.
You and I are in the same boat – I just got mine last November. I am addicted to Instagram – it’s pretty much the best thing ever!
Wish we could sit down for coffee and have a chat because I have a lot to say…I’ll try to keep it short.
You’re not alone, I have a dino phone/dumb phone/un-smart phone and will until I come to terms with how much MORE our cell phone bill will increase. YOu’re reason cracked me up but it’s a totally legitimate reason!
I love that you don’t jump on the trend bandwagons, one of the reasons I like your projects so much and like reading what you have to say.
Quick story, that you probably will appreciate because you have a sense of humor. I don’t tweet, neither does my dear friend, Sue…so, we make fun of it. Anyway, we were walking through a hall one day at work with my boss (this is a BIG work – 44,000 people, so there are people all over all the time) AND my friend turns to my boss and asks “Dann, do you twat or tweet or whatever it’s called?” TWAT??? hahaha, he about choked on his spit. I about wet my pants and Sue (dear friend) kept the straightest face. Might be one of those “had to be there moments” but whenever someone says tweet, I think of twst (mature, I know)!!!
Yay! I am going to add you right now on Instagram! My username is DianeKimball07!!! Can’t wait to see more photo’s of the girls. I was the same way with the touch screen and I thought that I would be a total dunce, but really it’s SO addicting. I can moderate comments and read blogs all from my phone! It’s so nice. My hubby says I have a smart phone addiction!
I also have a twitter, but still have really yet to learn about it. Hehe
I was the same way!! I hated the touch screen and it took me a long time to give up my Blackberry with the keyboard. And, I hate to admit it…but I just have been on pinterest since last fall. I still refuse to be a twitterer or tweeter or whatever you call it!!