I have a confession… I can’t handle clutter. It makes me crazy. Like I literally feel like I’m losing it. I’m constantly tidying up as I go about my day. I don’t leave a room without grabbing something that’s out of place to take it to it’s rightful home. I didn’t realize how out-of-control it was until I started slowing down in my 3rd trimester.
I just can’t keep up.
We’ve all seen this little diagram, haven’t we?
I know I should be able to let it go and just enjoy my family and my pregnancy, and this beautiful chapter of our lives. But I CAN’T. When the house is a disaster, I feel depressed and cranky. And then I start having low self-esteem and beating myself up about my mothering and wife-ing skills… which naturally flows into feeling very down about my appearance… blah blah blah. Can we say hormonal?
So just know that it took a lot for me to share this belly pic! And my self-esteem problem isn’t even pregnancy related. I’m just going through one of those ‘hate my hair’ and ‘hate my skin’ and hate my ass’ kind of phases. K I’m done now.
Look at this cute pic of baby girl stretching and making my belly look all misshapen.
She moves constantly, and makes all the discomforts so worth it. The Dr says she should have started slowing down in her movements by now since quarters are getting tight… but I assured her that she’s swimming laps in there. It’s like a two bedroom apartment after carrying twins last time. Just 5 more weeks!
A few days ago, we had a ‘special day’ with the girls… where Nick took Dell for a day with Daddy, and Paisley and I stayed home together. Paisley loves to cook in her play kitchen, and set the table for her and I to have a delicious meal. This is the kind of clutter I can totally handle. Adorable.
When she announced that we were ready to eat, we sat down together and this happened:
I die of the cuteness.
Nick brought my old electric piano down from the attic recently, and the girls have been having a blast playing around with it.
When they ask to use it, they say ‘Mommy can I make music?’
Sometimes Nick gets out his guitar and we have a little family jam session. And sometimes the girls just jam together.
I took these pics below fairly early in the morning when it was only KIND OF daylight… still dark enough to have the overhead lights on. The first pic was with the light on, and the second pic is with the light off. Even though it felt like it was way too dark to get a good picture, the one with only natural light turned out SO much better. I love learning little photography tricks!
Well that’s all I got for now! We’re enjoying some unseasonally high temperatures (40’s? GASP!) and are looking forward to a fairly uneventful weekend… our fave! What are you up to this weekend?
Hannah Reid says
This is a great post and wonderful pictures and video! Kids prayers are priceless!
Pamela says
You look wonderful! And I love the lopsided belly pic. My belly looks like that sometimes and it makes me laugh every time.
I was complaining to hubby the other day about how I just can’t get much done anymore (I’m 30 weeks pregnant) and how all I did was sort a few boxes of stuff, took the dog out for some exercise, and did a few other little things. He reminded me that I actually did a lot today because my list also included GROWING A BABY, which may not feel like a lot of “active” work but really does take a lot of energy. I’m a “get up and go” person and it is so hard for me to not have the energy I used to. I understand your frustration. Just remember, you are caring for two toddlers AND growing a baby and those two things right there take a lot of energy. Try to go easy on yourself if the house isn’t as clean as you’d like (oh so hard, I know) – you are growing a brand new human, after all.
Meghan says
You look so good I love the belly pic! I hope I look that good in 6 weeks!
Jen says
Beth darling, I am not in the third trimester of building a baby (our baby building days are complete) but I can absolutely relate to you! CLUTTER drives me CRAZY. I can handle the table not being wiped clean but if it’s filled with STUFF, watch out.
You are beautiful, love the lopsided belly picture.
Beth @ Sawdust and Embryos says
Kenz says
That video kills me. “Thank you God for the baby coming out of my belly!” Awwww, I love it soooo much. They are going to be the sweetest big sisters. I feel you on the clutter situation. I’m constantly trying to have our house picked up. My depression and anxiety gets worse when I feel like I’m sitting in chaos, which I translate clutter into. I can’t sleep in our room when there’s “stuff” everywhere. Learning to “let go” isn’t as easy as it sounds, so I hate when people say it to me haha. But you’re doing SUCH a great job! And I know you probably don’t think so, but you really do look incredible! Your bump is amazing, and your skin is radiant and hair looks healthy and shiny. But again, I totally know what it’s like in the pregnant shell. I’m having a really hard time. With Evelyn, I never had to buy maternity clothes. I had lost weight right before getting pregnant with her, so all my ‘fat’ clothes worked just fine. But this time… no no no. I literally have nothing that fits. It’s so depressing. Even the yoga pants I wear on the daily, started to not fit. I had to buy a bigger size of stretchy pants! BOO! And I’m not the kind of person who gets a noticeable bump either. Apparently, I carry babies really far back, so there’s not much “bump” happening, but all my fat gets pushed out in rolls. It’s awful ha. So I never even get the “awwww cute belly” or “when are you due?” or happy smiles from strangers. Just “Why is that lady swearing sweats in public?!” stares haha. It’s really rough to feel those lows in self esteem while pregnant. Especially because everyone says “It’s okay! You’re PREGNANT!” I’m so excited for how close you’re getting to having that little girl in your arms. It’s going to be here before you know it! xoxo
Christy Minafri says
I think you look amazing….really!!
Denise says
First of all . . the video is THE cutest thing. Love it. Second . . . you look great. I am 36 weeks and I’d say we’ve got the same belly look going all the way . . .and the swimming laps thing too! I also like to deal with clutter ASAP . . .though I am sure there are things that I totally miss . . . like the vacuum laying around 🙂 Thoroughly enjoyed this post!
Sarah says
Those are your hormones talking! You look great! Take it easy on yourself. Unless your house looks like an episode of Hoarders, you’ll never remember the clutter. But your sweet girl saying grace, that is what matters! Do the best you can for a little bit, then go put your feet up and relax!
Tammy says
You look so cute. I’m sure it is hard to keep up with everything especially bending over.. soon you’ll have your little bundle of joy..
Joy T says
You are beautiful! And I feel you…sort of. I’m weird in that other people’s clutter drives me nuts. Mine? Not so much. The top of my dresser would trigger a panic attack in you, I’m sure.
Katy in a Corner says
Oh, girl, I am SOOOO living this right now. I even started drafting a post eerily similar to this when I got distracted by all the clutter in my house and quit. I wish we lived closer to each other. I could help you organize your house while you help me organize mine. I’m not even kidding, that is one of my favorite activities. After napping. And eating Mexican food. Keep your head up, girl. You’re ADORABLE. And and you only have five, short weeks to go!
Angie says
Bethany, YOU LOOK GORGOUS!!! Don’t let the little things bug you, concentrate on that beautiful baby growing inside of you. Who cares about the rest right? At this point everyone should wait on you hand and foot! Best of luck my friend!!!!!
Julie@followyourheartwoodwork says
You look beautiful in that “belly pic!”