Ugh, I think this is a record for being late on writing this post. Their birthday was two and a half months ago. OOPS! ;) Can we blame 2020? These babies that made me a mama 9 years ago are growing up into such lovely young ladies, and I'm so proud! Nick and I fashioned Paisley a 'stage' for her birthday (above), and customized a bike for Dell! Sister has some lonnnnng legs, so she ... [ Read More ]
The Twins are EIGHT!
Even though it doesn't necessarily fit the DIY-theme of my blog, I've gotten in the habit of documenting our girls' Birthday every year. These posts are really just an online 'scrapbook' of sorts... for me to be able to look back on. But some of you are pretty invested in their lives and have been around since their babyhood. So these posts are for YOU too! Each year, we take a picture of ... [ Read More ]
The Twins are SEVEN!
I'm a a few weeks behind on this post, but I'm not sorry... it's been a CRAZY summer. And one of the most notable events of the summer is the fact that the twins turned SEVEN YEARS OLD. Remember how I used to take pics of the twins in this orange chair every month?! I still love to do it each year on their birthday! These girls made me a mommy and gave me my mom-badge on ... [ Read More ]
The Twins are Six!!!
When I was growing up, all I ever wanted to be was a mommy. And since I have SO MANY brothers and sisters (my parents really like each other), I never in a million years dreamed that I would find myself in the trenches of infertility. (our full infertility story is here) They were the darkest and most painful days of my life, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. And even now, 6 years later, I ... [ Read More ]
The Twins are 5!
A few weeks have passed, and I realized I never really documented the girls’ Birthday! These precious girls made me a mommy 5 years ago via whirlwind C-section. And our lives have never been the same. (you can read all about our Fertility Story, and watch the video we made to announce our pregnancy if you so desire). I know a lot of you readers have been around our little blog for yearrrrs ... [ Read More ]
The twins are 4!
We’ve had a whirlwind couple of weeks, and I have sooooo many pictures to go through (and corresponding blog posts to write)...but today? It’s important to share that: THE TWINS TURNED 4! Like, they had a birthday. And now they’re 4. And I’m a mother to four-year-olds. And soon they’ll be asking to wear deodorant. And then they’ll move out and I’m ugly-crying right now. Among a few other ... [ Read More ]
The twins are 3!!!
Yesterday, we celebrated the girls’ 3rd Birthday. It’s crazy to even type that! THREE YEARS? We planted willow trees when they were born, and each year we take pics of them with their tree on their birthday! They know which tree is theirs, and are sure to point it out every time we’re out for a walk on that part of the acreage. They were looking into the sun in these pics… and Della literally had ... [ Read More ]
The Twins are 2!
The sisters are growing and changing sooooo fast. There are scores of new words everyday, and they’re learning how things open and close, or turn on and off. They love each other so much, and are always eager to help one another or bring an item that the other one wants. When we’re in a store, they want to walk instead of sitting in the cart, and are constantly finding ways to demonstrate their ... [ Read More ]
23 Months
The winner of our RYOBI Combo Pack giveaway is #170 ‘Le’, who loves big ol’ sunflowers! Check your inbox Le! For the rest of you, do not dismay… you’re gonna want to check back here on Monday morning for the mother of all Power Tool giveaways (just in time for Father’s Day!). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` On to more important matters: The girls are getting soooo… BIG! I can’t ... [ Read More ]
22 Months
This is the first time ever that I’m late on the girls’ monthly OR weekly pictures. First time for everything… right? Did I make up for it with our giveaway on Friday? And speaking OF… the big winner’s name is Emily Pennington!! Check your inbox! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ People are floored that our girls still share a crib at night. There seems to be plenty of room still, and with ... [ Read More ]