The sisters are growing and changing sooooo fast. There are scores of new words everyday, and they’re learning how things open and close, or turn on and off. They love each other so much, and are always eager to help one another or bring an item that the other one wants. When we’re in a store, they want to walk instead of sitting in the cart, and are constantly finding ways to demonstrate their independence. (Happy Independence Day?).
They are turning two on Monday… what the WHAT? My my how time flies. To scroll back through their monthly pictures, click here. And if you’d like to see their weekly pictures of their first year of life, click here!
Dear Paisley,
Your tantrums have subsided for the moment, and we are mucho grateful for that. You love to be outside, and become very sad when it’s time to go in. Your favorite thing to do is find sticks in the yard and bring them to Reuben. When you’re having fun, you’re always sure to let me know by saying ‘FUN!’. You know almost all your colors, and some letters of the alphabet. You eat as if you’re starving, but if it’s a food you’re not familiar with (like a cupcake) you won’t touch it. You’re are SO ticklish, and will come over to us and lay down in front of us so we’ll tickle you. Sometimes when you’re being silly, you’ll make a sad/pathetic face and say ‘sad’, and then break out in a HUGE smile and say ‘happy!’ When daddy farts, you pat his rear and say ‘poop!’ You’ve been very good with the potty lately, and have had VERY few accidents. You even go several hours without a potty break. You love to climb things and throw yourself off. It takes a lot for you to get hurt enough to cry. You’re our wild girl and we love you so much.
Dear Adelyn,
You are very independent and prefer to do the opposite of what we tell you. You love stacking blocks and knocking them over. You’re often found reading your Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book, and are almost ALWAYS on the last page where it shows the alphabet. You sing your ABC’s so sweetly, and always get the letter P right on the dot. You love to wear accessories, and will make any little thing into a bracelet, necklace or hat. You have enough hair for little pigtails, but you won’t leave them in for more than a couple seconds. You love your baby doll, and give her rides around the dining room in a laundry basket. You are a very picky eater, and even things that you like you eat very slowly. You love to dip things into ‘sauce’ (ketchup, BBQ sauce, ranch), so many times that’s how we get you to eat your vegetables. You’ve been having a lot of potty accidents lately, but we just remind ourselves that you’re not even two yet and try not to get frustrated. You love music-making toys, and will turn them on and dance around the living room. As soon as the music stops, you go turn it on again and resume dancing. You’re our independent girl, and we love you so much!
I love the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 🙂 Love updates about your precious girls
Your girls are going to cherish these letters so much!
Oh my gosh, best picture yet! So much personality in it!
You need to make a video of Adelyn singing her ABCs 🙂 I want to see such cuteness.
I love reading your monthly letters to your girls! My twin girls just turned 2 on June 20, so it’s fun to hear about another family’s adventures.
Love your letters. Thank God twins can be so different and thank goodness their parents can appreciate it!
I love that you do these little notes to them individualy, I’m stealing that idea for my little girl as soon as she arrives!
Beautiful girls! I contacted you nearly a year ago, I think, when I found first found your blog. I love watching your girls get bigger…they are four months ahead of mine and it’s so fun to see where they’re at! Thank you for sharing!
I cannot believe Adelyn and Paisley are 2!!!! They are so amazingly wonderful. You and Nick are great parents, it is so evident in how smart, happy and beautiful they are. You both have so much to be proud of. I can’t wait to hear more stories!
I am so glad I found your blog, it has made my heart happy to watch your girls grow. I have been equally blessed by your very honest and open blogs about your struggles and day-to-day life with infertility and mommyhood with twins. Although our lives are VERY different, I feel we are somewhat kindred spirits in that aspect and feel that if we did know each other in the real world, we would be friends. 🙂
Wow, two years already! You can just tell how their personalities are forming by looking at the pictures from the last few months…they are definitely becoming their own people. I love that you’ve taken pictures every month; too late for me to do that with my kids, but I plan to do the same when I have grandkids. Tell them Happy Happy Birthday from one of their fans!