If you think of our blog more as creative inspiration rather than a ‘Reality TV Show’, you’ve probably been sorely disappointed lately. This little blog has always been a way to document our lives as it happens… but now that it’s mysteriously grown to the point that thousands of you are stopping in everyday to see what we’re up to, there’s a certain pressure to be awesome and interesting.
But we’re neither… sooooooo SORRY!
I’m not sure if it’s first-trimester-fatigue, or the fact that the last two weeks have been some of the busiest in the history of foreva… but I desire only to sleep. ALL.THE.TIME.
For this reason, I get happy when simple-slash-FUN projects just fall into my lap.
Is this not the most adorbs little wicker/bamboo patio set thing? A family friend of my parents was cleaning out his garage and was getting rid of it… and thought of ME! One of the many benefits to being a ‘creative-type’ is that people think of YOU when they’re getting rid of stuff. SCORE!
Without any structural problems, I knew I could just jump into this little transformation without needing Nick’s skillz. And the first matter of business were those shawty cushions. Ew! I ordered this amazing oil cloth (here) to recover them.
I didn’t know this before my research, but oil cloth is kinda like that vinyl tablecloth-y material. Wipeable and durable… and exactly what I needed. OFS has a huge selection here.
I placed my cushion on the fabric and cut a square around it… being sure to leave several inches on all 4 sides. Then I just started stapling the edges, making a little tuck with each new addition (since the cushion is round).
Then I could just cut off the excess fabric, and staple down those pieces that were still standing on end. And ALL DONE!
I wanted to keep the chairs their natural bamboo color, but paint the table a bright fun color that coordinates with the seat cushions. But priming comes first! Always!
I took my cues from the colors in my fabric, and my inventory of spraypaint… and ended up using this cheerful ‘Peekaboo Blue’ by Krylon.
The girls are confident that this is THEIR table.
Such a great little seating area! I just love how this turned out! And since it’s under a covered porch, I foresee it lasting a good long while.
Alrighty! Happy Friday to you! Go forth and be creative this weekend! I’ll live vicariously through you while I’m napping.
Oh P.S! I updated our ‘Tutorials Tab’ yesterday with all the recent projects. That page is JAM PACKED with projects and inspiration! Go have a looky-look here!
Kenz, Interiors By Kenz says
What a perfect little patio set!
dana s says
what about a design on the glass top?? could etch it… or do a colored (I’m liking the red idea) stencil pattern (on the bottom of the glass)
😉 I even know where you could get the vinyl for that 😉
Joelle says
Can’t wait to see you paint some type of carpet under it!
ana says
I say apple green for the chairs and a red centerpiece.
Kathy Epley says
Beth, This set is so cute! I can see that your twins have laid claim on them! =) About the chairs: red would be cute, but what about the apple green in the fabric? I think these shades of blue and green are so….cool……ok….summery! Love ’em!!
Kathy Epley says
Beth, This set is so cute! I can see that your twins have laid claim on them! =) About the chairs: red would be cute, but what about the apple green in the fabric? I think these shades of blue and green are so….cool……ok….summery! Love ’em!!
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
Oooo green apple!
Karen Jerread says
Wow, bringing back memories. My daughter’s first apartment had such a tiny kitchen and this is the exact set we found in a local Ames store (telling my age here). It fit perfectly and was so cute. That was about 24 years ago! Love what you have done with yours.
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
That’s crazy! It’s asuuuuper cute set! 🙂
Beth says
I think you are working on something quite creative and very real, and you should take lots of naps. It’s a bonus if we get a project thrown in every now and then.
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
You’re so sweet! I’m totally going to start thinking of it that way. 🙂
Mary in NY says
I think people understand considering your current status. I love to visit the blog, love your projects, wish I was a DIY kinda gal. Have a great weekend.
Katie @ On the Banks of Squaw Creek says
Cute! I saw a set like that at a garage sale in Ames for $75 a few weeks ago! (didn’t get it, though!)
I think you should paint the chairs red. 🙂
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
I definitely thought about painting the chairs… But I just can’t decide! Red WOULD be pretty fabulous. 🙂