Soooooo, it’s no secret that we LOVE Molly Long Photography. Molly and I have actually become friends over the years following that first newborn photo shoot, and I look forward to her doing her magic each summer! I’m still obsessed with this family pic she took of us last summer. UGH!
This year, we just had her take pics of the girls… because I’m feeling less than photogenic these days. No need to exploit that awkward stage where you can’t tell if mama has been eating too many baked goods, or if she’s brewing a little child in her loins. Also, my hair is inexplicably icky these days… but we don’t need to go into that.
I recruited my friend Nicole to go alone on this photo shoot, because Della becomes very clingy and shy when I’m with her. Like, grasping my leg like a giant leach and wailing tirelessly. But when I’m not around, she starts to open up and really let her personality blossom. These pics would have been a LOT different if I had been present. YUGE thanks to my friend Nicole for standing in.
I literally let the girls pic out their outfits for this adventure. I wanted these pics to be ALL THEM. I want to remember them as they are at this age… floofy, accessorizing little crazies. And Molly captured them PERFECTLY!
Can I just say that I think her missing tooth is THE.CUTEST.THING.EVERRRRRRR!
I can’t believe how fast my babes are growing. They are at the cuuuutest age, and say the most adorable things. They love to point out various things that ‘match’ (except their wardrobes, obviously)… LOOK! This toy matches this book! And they’re always sure to count their turds in the toilet. ‘MOMMY! There’s a daddy turd, a mommy turd, and two baby turds! Come look!’
They also love ‘helping’ with dishes, laundry, cooking, feeding the animals… ALL THE THINGS. I’m not sure if this makes me more patient (out of survival) or if it just tests my patience. But it’s adorable either way, and I wouldn’t change it. They soak up information like little sponges. They want to know HOW and WHY everything works. They love to ride the lawnmower with Daddy, and this allows us to spend individual time with them
We can’t WAIT to see them as big sisters when the little one is born next February. They’re soooo anxious to meet him/her!
Also, I can’t wait to get these pics printed and hanging on the wall! Be sure to check out our pics taken by Molly Long from 2013, 2012, and 2011! And if you don’t already follow her on Facebook and Instagram to see updates in your newsfeeds every time she adds gorgeous pics. She is soooo talented!
Ruth E. Chidley says
Hi Beth,
I just want to say the first picture of the whole family (including the one you are carrying) is as adorable as the single pictures of the girls. Those of us following along know mommy’s little tummy bulge is as cute as can be and represents another life and member of your wonderful family.
As always the girl’s sparkling personalities just burst through the camera lens and make for amazing memories for all to see.
Blessings to all of you!
Nicole Goodwin says
YAY!! the pics turned out so cute!! Do you have more that I could see sometime?
Christianne says
Precious memories to treasure! They’re so sweet.
Vikki says
You have the most adorable daughters! They look like they provide you with such joy. God bless your family. Vikki in VA.
Emily says
I see what everyone means about the name/email/website info being filled in already! So weird!
Just wanted to comment that your girls are a-DOR-able! I enjoyed these pics and the quirkiness of their outfit choices. So much personality in such little packages! I love the toothless grin! What precious little ones you have.
Birgit says
There are not enough OMGs in the world to do these pictures justice. So adorable!
Suzane says
ADORABLE! I just love the outfits they chose. It is very empowering to a child when they are allowed to dress as they please. I miss that stage. Thanks for sharing.
PS: Thought I’d let you know that the name and e-mail of the poster before me stayed int the box!!!! Not something that should be happening here. It should clear out the minute one hits enter, shouldn’t it?
Suzanne says
Yeah! I had to go clear mine out after I posted MY comment. Have you upgraded your software or something? definitely a glitch.
Lara says
Just put in a fake email because Abbey’s was already there — something’s definitely up with the boxes! Anywho—-CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!! Love how they dressed themselves & their little personalities shine out so brightly! I feel like I would know them if I met them!
Abbey says
Adorable! And awesome idea to let them pick their clothes!! 🙂
sandy says
Beth your girls are the sweetest and cutest. I love love reading about them and their escapades. Thanks for sharing and bringing cheer into our lives.
Karen says
How precious these girls are — but they have been that way since they were born. I have followed along as you took pictures in the same chair to today. What wonderful girls you two have raised. You are blessed!
JLynn says
The way they dressed themselves is so precious. I feel like I’ve gotten to know them through these pics from the facial expressions to the printed tights. Too cute! The fact that they picked things similar to one another but still different at the same time is so adorable! thanks for sharing!!
Beth says
So good! My teen girls got their new school pictures last week, so as usual, we went through all the past pictures and then into the scrapbooks of when they were small. They were so cute, just love having the photos to look back on.
Oh, you might want to check this out- when I came down to the “Speak Your Mind” part to comment, the boxes were pre-filled with Jennifer’s name, email, and website. I wonder if it’s doing that all the time? I think this is the second time I’ve commented on a post where there was already someone’s information in the boxes…
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
Thanks for the heads-up… That’s so weird! Definitely going to look into this.
Mary in NY says
Thanks for sharing, they are the cutest!
Jennifer Bernard says
I so needed this cuteness on a Monday. They are just precious!!