The girls are becoming so interactive, with such expressive personalities! This is such a fun age. We’re having a BLAST! We’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors lately; playing in the grass and taking walks in the jogger. The weather has been, well… perfect. And I feel so blessed to live in the country with gorgeous views and fresh air to enjoy with my small litter of humans. And not only that, I consider myself very fortunate to be able to stay at home and enjoy our family all day, everyday! I know many don’t have this privilege. And I’m so grateful for my lovely husband for working his hiney off to provide for us and allow me this amazing opportunity and I’ve dreamed of for so long, and fought for against all odds.
Here’s this week’s Friday Picture! I had trouble getting a clear picture, because the girls were all over the place! Soon they’re going to hate that darn orange chair. When I plop them in it each week, they just kinda look blankly at me, like… ‘seriously? AGAIN?’
Also, please note the ponytail on the top of Paisley’s head. Sooooooo CUTE!
Nick’s 30th Birthday is tomorrow, so please comment and tell him how OLD he is! It’s going to be a gorgeous weekend to celebrate!
Daddy, ur turning so old
They are so beautiful and growing so fast. I love Paisley’s mini ponytail.
Happy Birthday Nick!! It is also my oldest little ladies 5th Birthday tomorrow!! The girls are as cute as ever!!
Hi Beth!!
I’m a newbie to your blog, and I must say that I LOVE it!
The pictures of the girls each week are amazing, and, having just started reading, seeing all of the pictures so quickly and consecutively was awesome!
HB to your hubby! Keep up the good work 🙂
your wiggle worms are adorable!!! such a great idea taking their picture every week in the same chair. do it for as long as you can. they will appreciate it when they’re older. happy 30th to their daddy.
Happy Birthday Nick – 30 is N.O.T.H.I.N.G.! Love it!
Paisley’s “pony tail” is absolutely adorable! I just love those two little girls although I don’t even know them. Beth, you really are a lucky lucky girl!
Keep up the good job on the Blog Beth, I enjoy keeping up on the happenings at your home. Nick happy 30th birthday. Life only keeps getting better. Dad
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!!! My hubby just turned 32 last weekend and he doesn’t want it mentioned… LOL
Paisley’s ponytail is ADORABLE! I cannot wait for the day I can gather enough hair for even a tiny pony for either one of my twinsies, but I am afraid they are bald as the day they came! I see baby Dell is the same! 🙂 My mom used to TAPE bows to my head since I was bald until I was 2!! Hahaha! You can actually SEE the tape in some of my baby pics. We might have to resort to that, now, won’t we?!
I am so glad you post about what your girls are doing, I get so excited seeing it and waiting for my girls to do the same stuff! They will be 5 months next Saturday and are getting more and more personality every day! Love it!
Love the ponytail! They are just so darn cute! Tell hubby Happy 30th B-day! You know, it is the beginning of things going down hill….just sayin…
Girls are getting so big. HB to Nick, hope you have a great weekend. Mary in NY
every Friday I look at your blog impatiently waiting for the page to open cause i can’t wait to see the girls. They are so darn cute. God bless your family Beth. I’m so happy for you.