What would you call this? A TV stand? A coffee table? A buffet? I probably would know if I hadn’t dropped out of Interior Design school… but I have no regrets.
Anyway, this darling piece of furniture I found sitting by a dumpster when I was helping my bro move out of student housing a few years back. I probably wouldn’t have snagged it if we weren’t already loading a truck… what’s one more thing!!
It’s served me well over the years and has had many different roles in my home. As of late, we’ve been using it as a TV stand. And since I’ve been feeling crafty… I decided to give it a little pick-me-up with a can of spray paint and some tinted glaze.
Here’s what it looks like now!!! I like it.
Here she is acting like a coffee table.
Here, she’s acting like a TV stand. I think I’ll leave her there… due to my irrational emotional attachment to the hexagonal wooden coffee table that my Grandpa Oren build many moons ago. I just can’t put anything else in it’s place. And I won’t be painting THAT. ever.
So there you have it folks. Another product of my need for therapeutic design. If there can be music therapy, why not design therapy???
Coffee table. Looks like one we had that was my grandma’s
it is a coffee table and it’s been many many years since I’ve seen one like it.
You are such a great Ar-teest! Seriously, you have such talent. So do you sell these pieces or do you live in a Ginourmos (sp?) House that is decked out with all this beautiful furniture?!
Thanks for the complements!
Some we sell, some we keep, and some are commissioned projects for clients! This particular table was our very first project, and living in our home for several years! We only recently sold it.
You are such a great Ar-teest! Seriously, you have such talent. So do you sell these pieces or do you live in a Ginourmos (sp?) House that is decked out with all this beautiful furniture?!