As you know, I’ve been trying to incorporate plants into my décor a little more. There’s just something cheerful about flowers or green plants in a room. My mom has a seriously green thumb. Her yard is gorgeously landscaped with the most unique combinations of plants, bushes, flowers… UGH.
So I drug her with me to Lowes to help me pick out a combination of succulents.
Because I’m trendy like that. Great minds think alike? You might as well create a Pinterest board dedicated to succulents!
Succulent lovers unite!
Whilst we were at my parents for the weekend, my mom tasked Nick with climbing the birch tree in the front yard and cutting down some dead branches. If it involves a chainsaw? Nick is ON BOARD.
We cut down the branches into varying lengths and brought ‘em home. There’s just something about birch… I love it.
Using varying sizes of Forstner drill bits, we hollowed out one end of each log… about 3 or 4 inches deep.
Then I removed the succulents from their little plastic cups. They just pop right out!
…and planted them right into each birch log! I tried to get a good combinations of different succulents for lots of texture and a variety of color. It’s important to water them after transplanting. It calms them down after the trauma they recently experienced.
I arranged my logs/succulents in varying heights, with the tallest in the center. Then I wrapped it with twine to hold them all together! I didn’t use any special tricks for securing the twine. I just tied it in a knot, wrapped it about 20 times, and then tied another knot. Cause I’m a country girl. If you’re not a country girl, you could use a glue gun to secure the ends.
And now? I’m totally obsessed with my succulent centerpiece. OBSESSED.
Every time I walk by it, it sings to me.
And the best part is… it’s difficult to kill a succulent. That might be one of the reasons why their trendy. I like them because they’re GORGEOUS.
Have you incorporated succulents into your home décor? Do you have any branches begging to be cut down and turned into a centerpiece? Do you wish you had your very own birch tree in your yard? ME TOO.
Please check out Lowes Creative Ideas Magazine for an abundance of creativity and inspiration!
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Awesome – we will have succulents at The HomeShed again this year – you should get yours there this time!
Great idea! Haven't seen a succulent centerpiece like this before – love your creativity with it! Now you're making me wish I had some birch tree logs just lying around 😉
so cute, the branches were a great idea!! I, somehow, have managed to kill 4 succulents in the past year. HOWWWW?! I think it's time to go to Marshall's and get some real nice fake ones.
I have never really cared for succulents before… (gasp). Now I think I love them! Your centerpiece looks Awesome! Just told Hubby we need to go to Lowe's pronto.
I'm gonna need to remember this — so pretty! I love succulents — my wedding bouquet was full of them.
grey et al
I too love succulents. I have a little pot on my patio and it has been out there all summer…long hot summer..still looks great! I think I will bring it in for the winter. I love the birch idea it looks so chic!
I couldn't have come up with a more PERFECT pun! 🙂
No need for a green thumb! Succulents are hard to kill (or so they say)… I'll be finding out SOON for sure. 🙂
With all the sweet succulent ideas out there, this is quite a complement! Thanks!!!
I couldn't be anymore in love with this if I tried. I need to get my hands on a birch tree like yesterday 🙂
So cute….I'm pinning the second I get home!
LOVE!!! I once found an idea to put succulents in a picture frame and hang it on your wall outside. I still have the instructions and still want to do it but… Anyway, yours looks GORGEOUS!
Love the look this creates!
I love your take on succulents! Most people use vases of some nature, but I love that you used tree branches. It seriously looks amazing. The twine really pulled it all together… literally. But it too looks great!
Can i say I'm obsessed with your center piece too?
I just need a birch tree…. dead branches and succulent little plants!!!
Oh and maybe a green thumb 😀
I, too, have seen succulent arrangements all over blogland. But I must say, this is one of the coolest ones yet. Awesome job. 🙂