It’s been awhile since I’ve shared some behind-the-scenes action of the chaos in our lives. It’s beautiful, often high-pitched chaos. And we love every second.
If you’re wondering if that’s one of our giant pumpkins covered in snow in the background, you’re absolutely correct. I affirm your curiosity.
The twins are old enough now that they understand that money has value, and they want more of it. So we’re putting them to work to earn some cash money for their little piggy banks! Who needs a cleaning lady?!
This has me pondering (and searching pinterest) for different chore chart ideas. I don’t want to put a ton of effort into something, and then have it only work for a week or two. If you have any ideas, send them my way!
Speaking of cleaning, my mother gave Cypress ‘colored rice’ for Christmas… because sensory.
There’s been talk of adding an addition onto our house, but I’m not sure how likely this is to happen in our actual lifetime. Sometimes I think Nick just likes to spend his days measuring things. In addition to having a full-time job and going to school full-time.
Along the lines of more realistic upcoming renovations, I’ve been mentally demo-ing our upstairs bathroom for awhile now. There are things I still love about it (like the mason jar mosaic backsplash, and the butcherblock counter top made from sentimental lumber), but wayyyyyy more things that I DON’T like about it. Like to the point that the room needs to be gutted to the studs. This is the only view of our bathroom that’s somewhat photo-worthy. There’s a reason we’ve literally never shared a pic that includes our shower.
I will spare you the list of all the things that are wrong (or not working) until we actually start this renovation process. But I do want to show you some inspiration pics that I’ve been loving from around the interwebs for the vibe I’m looking for in this room.
I know these inspo pics are a bit of a departure from my typical colorful/eclectic style. But this room is SO SMALL, and is our only full bath. Not to mention the only bathroom on the second floor (which is where ALL the bedrooms are), so I want it to feel open and airy, yet still have tons of character in the form of wood-tones, textures, and pops of color with accessories. And one thing I’ve already decided I’m going to splurge on? These light fixtures:
I’m thinking of installing them vertically on either side of the mirror. Thoughts?
~insert awkward topic transition~
Finally, Nick and I took a little vacay together and went snowboarding in Colorado. It was AMAZING.
We hadn’t had a kid-free trip together since… our Honeymoon, so this was a real treat for us. And we always love whipping out our boards and feeling the wind in our faces. It doesn’t happen often here in Iowa. Cornfields don’t tend to have much of an incline.
It’s also worth noting that I’m pretty out of shape, and had to ‘recover’ from our vacation for several days.
Welp, that about it for what’s been happening ‘round these parts. Do we have any readers out there that are fellow snowboarders?! Any tips on teaching little kids? We want our girls to share our burning passion for snowboarding, but I’m not sure I have the patience.
I am in awe of everything you do. You inspire me to push my limits and strive for awsomeness. Thank you for your blog !!
bathroom – bubble tiles!! like in BB 😉
Oh my gosh, I LOVE those vanities! I will eventually do that as well and love the mcm dresser with skinny legs as a vanity. I can’t wait to see what you do with it.