I’ve been working on a compiling photobooks for the girls’ first year of life. I plan to do one every year for them instead of photo albums. Here are the front covers:
Not long ago, we planted two willow trees. One for each of our baby daughters. We plan on taking pictures of each girl with their tree every year around their birthday.
I wanted to get their books printed IN TIME for their birthday (July 8), so we took their first annual Willow Photo a little early so it could be included in their book. Here’s their very first picture!
Did you just die from the cuteness? It’s going to be so fun to watch them (the trees AND the babes) grow over the years. I love starting new traditions!!
such a great thing for you to do for your kids. no matter where they are in the world they will always have a tree that is theirs. when they get older and their trees are stronger they’ll have to carve their names in them so they can take their kids there one day to show them.
Love the pics! I’ve done a photobook each year to document what my husband and I have done that year (I also make him do santa pictures). Its fun to look through the books and remember all of the amazing memories.
LOVE it!
Love the photo books!!! The tree pics are awesome, too!
Lisamaria, we used MyPublisher which is a free downloadable photo software. It’s really easy to use, and I’ve heard it has the best photo quality!
How did you compile the books? Is it a website you used or your own creativity? I’ve got a little one just a few months younger than your girls. What a great idea!
Adorable! You have such wonderful ideas…
super cute
Super Cute idea, these girls are so sweet. Mary in NY
That is such a great idea – and how neat it will be for them to see those trees grow and to have those books tod ocument their cute little lives – what a great mom you are!
Like! We may be somewhat kindred, Beth. 🙂 I did this for my best friends about 3 years ago. It came from a trip past my childhood home when I saw all of our christmas trees that we had planted every year growing up..they are now towering over our old house. I won’t lie, I wanted to tear them out and take them with me..those were “our” trees. 🙂 That year 2 of my best friends got married and bought houses so they got, what I can only classify as sticks, for gifts from me. lol…the hubbies thought I lost my mind but fast forward to a few weeks ago and I recieved a text with a picture of a 4 foot tree in it! He babies that thing now. Great idea! The girls will be glad you did this!