Just a little tid-bit that I have to share: yesterday when I posted “A Fresh Start” (about my love/hate relationship with white) I accidentally published the title as “A Fresh SHART” and didn’t know it until the hubs proof-read. It was so funny I almost thought about leaving it, but decided it was a little inappropriate… and quite frankly didn’t have anything to do with the post.
On to business.
This week, we found a jackpot discovery on Craigslist! We scored this incredibly awesome chocolate brown 50’s sectional for 90 bucks. HELLO! How jealous are you?!
It looks so awesome in our living room. And it’s giving me some inspiration for what direction I want to go in this room as far as design goes. Yay!
Not to mention… it’s a dream come true for my giant husband. His entire 6’8″ self fits comfortably with tons of room to spare for yours truly.
My love-affair with Craigslist grows stronger everyday, it seems. Some of my favorite furniture came from craigslist, and at inexplicable prices. Remember our counter-height dining table? I love it still, like the day we bought it.
Oh the hours I’ve wasted looking at Craigslist. It’s so frustrating to have to click on the title in order to see the pictures. Even Ebay has a tiny picture of the item next to the listing so you have a general idea of what you could potentially click on. But I have to tell ya, I’ve been introduced to CraigsEASY which is kinda like software that you download that actually puts an “EASY” tab at the top of your browser, and any time you’re looking at craigslist, just click on the EASY tab, and it will show you only the title and photos of each listing!! That way you don’t have to click on tons of things you regret. It’s difficult to explain. You’ll just have to try it. It’s a dream come true. Here’s the link: http://www.craigseasy.com/
I am too worried about bed bugs and germs etc to buy couches or beds from craigslist. I am a germaphobe. It is a neat couch though!
this chocolate brown couch is in MINT condition, like it’s been in a time capsule or something. I love dark brown with blue and yellow.
thank you for the craig easy, this saves me so much time. I hate re-viewing old posts and now I don’t have to.
deliriously jealous and delighted for you! four on the couch? i think not! more like sixteen on the couch!
Um, craigeasy? THANK YOU OMG.
I LOVE this couch! I too have a brown 50’s couch in our familyroom in the basement. However, it pales in comparison to yours! I am jealous!