Well snap… it’s already Friday again? Time flies when you’re having fun! Our weekly photoshoot is proving to be a total blast… and I love being able to look back over the weeks and see how they’ve grown! Are you able to tell them apart yet? We think they look TOTALLY different, but we look at them all the time. 🙂 Paisley’s always on the left, and Adelyn on the right.
I’ve been terrible at blogging lately, but most days I just don’t have anything to say. You faithful readers who stick around for my inconsistent blogging are the best!
You can tell us apart by seeing which one has the fatter head, by the way. It’s Della.
Loves the picture, it reminded me of a song You can Lean on Me:-)
Beautiful baby girls! I have enjoyed watching them grow! My grandson is now 7 weeks and is quite the chunky monkey himself!
You two definitely make some cute babies. 🙂 They are incredibly adorable! 🙂
As fellow twin Mommy, the fact that you’ve been able to post anything at all since their birth, let alone keep up with your blog is remarkable to me! I didn’t do a whole lot beyond feeding, changing and taking care of my two year old!:)
Your girls are so sweet! Love the expressions..
So sweet! I can see (at least in this picture) some slight differences between the 2 🙂 I bet you can see a lot though!
Your girls are beautiful!
Made my day with this picture. How beautiful. Can’t wait to meet them 🙂
Wayde and Chris
I LOVE their facial expressions!!!!!