I was cruising Hob Lob as usual, and these wooden bead hoops jumped out at me! They're meant to be blank wreath forms to be embellished and hung on the front door, but my mind always goes to: HOW CAN I USE THIS FOR MY PLANTS? And right next to it was this metal circle... and the light bulbs in my head were in full strobe light fashion. Here are my supplies: Supplies for Wooden Bead Hoop ... [ Read More ]
Wooden Circle & Test Tube Propagation Art
We're in the dog days of summer, and it seems like my kids are always hot, hungry, and whiny. UGH! I haven't been winning any parenting awards either, so I will give them a pass. We're all just trying to tread water until the temps dip back down below triple digits. Can I get an amen? Whenever I'm in a bit of a funk, it always helps to do a little creative project. And I got a idea for using up ... [ Read More ]
My Personal Plant Hero
It's been a minute since we've chatted about plants! But don't worry, my plant obsession is still going strong. I just can't get enough! Be sure to check out all my plant-y DIY projects here if you haven't already. And you can take a houseplant tour around my home here! *This post is sponsored by our friends at PlantHero. Thank you for supporting the fabulous brands that make Reality Daydream ... [ Read More ]
Test Tube Propagation Station Tutorial
I've been needing to figure out a solution for my overwhelming plant propagation situation for some time now. I mean, I always have a lot of plants propagating at any given time, but after I shared the Pothos Propagation Tutorial a few weeks ago, I am OVERRUN with cuttings that are in old jelly jars, drinking glasses, and anything else I can find. *This post is sponsored by our friends at ... [ Read More ]
How to Propagate Pothos Plants
I titled this post 'How to Propagate Pothos Plants' ...but the truth is, this method for propagating plants can be used on MOST houseplants! And is so easy! I just chose to use Pothos because they're such a common and inexpensive plant, not to mention easy-to-care for! *This post is sponsored by our friends at STIHL. Thank you for supporting the fabulous brands that make Reality Daydream ... [ Read More ]
Plaster-Hardened Fabric Planters
I've had this idea in the back of my mind for quite awhile... why not dip fabric in Plaster of Paris to make plaster-hardened fabric planters?! I hadn't ever used Plaster of Paris for something like this, so I played around with it a bit, and it's so fun! I'm going to share the process with you today so you can make yourself some of these plaster-hardened fabric planters! *This post is ... [ Read More ]
Della’s 3-Tier Macramé Planters
Hello, my name is Della and I'm 9 years old! I love to crochet, but recently tried something new, and I LOVE IT! It is called macramé!! It's easier than it looks, and it's funner than it looks! But it takes a little bit of practice to get the feel for it. Today I'm going to show you how to make this hanging macramé planter that's perfect for beginners! *This post contains affiliate ... [ Read More ]
Wood and Macramè Plant Hanger Tutorial
Good day friends! Do ya want to learn how to make these wood and macramè hanging planters today? GOOD! Because I'm gonna teach you! *This post is sponsored by Mohawk Finishes. Thank you for supporting the fabulous brands that make Reality Daydream possible! This post contains affiliate links.* I'm always looking for different creative way to display my plants around the house. And hanging ... [ Read More ]
DIY Planter with Repurposed Items
You KNOW I love unique planters to rearrange my plants to my heart's content. As evidenced by allllllll these DIY plant-related tutorials from our archives. And today I'm going to share yet another DIY planter idea that is SO EASY and turns out SO CUTE! No power tools necessary on this one! I started out with a variety of sizes of terra cotta pots and some bowls/vessels from around the house ... [ Read More ]
TONS of Plant-tastic Tutorials!
When I shared my Houseplant Tour recently, I realized how many tutorials I've done over the years that are plant-related! And since I was so shocked by how interested you all were in my plant babies, I thought it would be fun to round-up all my plant-y posts in one place! Houseplant Ideas It seems only right that I share this first... if you're new to houseplants, or haven't had great luck ... [ Read More ]