The sisters are growing and changing sooooo fast. There are scores of new words everyday, and they’re learning how things open and close, or turn on and off. They love each other so much, and are always eager to help one another or bring an item that the other one wants. When we’re in a store, they want to walk instead of sitting in the cart, and are constantly finding ways to demonstrate their ... [ Read More ]
23 Months
The winner of our RYOBI Combo Pack giveaway is #170 ‘Le’, who loves big ol’ sunflowers! Check your inbox Le! For the rest of you, do not dismay… you’re gonna want to check back here on Monday morning for the mother of all Power Tool giveaways (just in time for Father’s Day!). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` On to more important matters: The girls are getting soooo… BIG! I can’t ... [ Read More ]
22 Months
This is the first time ever that I’m late on the girls’ monthly OR weekly pictures. First time for everything… right? Did I make up for it with our giveaway on Friday? And speaking OF… the big winner’s name is Emily Pennington!! Check your inbox! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ People are floored that our girls still share a crib at night. There seems to be plenty of room still, and with ... [ Read More ]
21 Months
The girls are entering a time in their toddlerhood that makes me dread writing them a letter each month. ‘This month you learned how to say ‘blue’ and YOU’RE A TINY TERRORIST!’ Honestly, they can be SO super sweet, but moments later be in the midst of a full-blown tantrum. I just stare at them blankly, waiting for them to be done. Sometimes I wonder if this is truly a part of their development, ... [ Read More ]
20 Months
The time has come when the girls need to be entertained. They’re no longer content to play quietly together, or follow each other around, or watch daddy use power tools. I need to start getting creative about planning little activities for them. Like immediately. They’re at a tough age where their old enough to enjoy coloring or playdough or fingerpaint, but they still put everything in their ... [ Read More ]
19 Months
The girls have been… HYPER, lately. I wish we could harness their energy and use it to reduce our electric bill. While they’re very enthusiastic little varmints, they sure don’t talk that much. They can only say a handful of words, and they’re those words that only a parent can translate. As twins, it seems almost everything about them is polar opposite, but ironically… their speech is a spot-on ... [ Read More ]
18 Months
Of course I love my twins equally, but depending on the day (and although I would never show it with my actions or words)... I might 'like' one more than the other at times. And I'm not afraid to admit it! Each month, when I take a photo of the girls in the orange chair and compose a letter to each of them, it's a very personal look into my relationship with each of my girls, and an account of ... [ Read More ]
17 Months
A common question I get as a twin mama is “do they have their own clothes?” or “how do you decide who wears what?” The answer to the first question is: No, they share all their clothing. The answer to the second question gets a little tricky. Mainly because, sometimes one is going through a chubby stage and might be a little tight in a specific outfit… so I’ll put it on the other girl. Or, since ... [ Read More ]
16 Months
This last month of parenthood hasn’t been my finest. I may have the least patience in the history of ever. (Nick is reading this at work, and nodding his head in agreement). I mean, does this come naturally to ANYONE? You’d think 8 years of nannying would give me a one-up. I’ve said some things I never thought I’d say… “get out of the toilet!” … “don’t eat your boogers!” … “get your finger out of ... [ Read More ]
15 Months
Ever since I found out I was having twins, I’ve been curious about whether they would be jealous of each other, and try to push each other away and off my lap… but they don’t. They’re perfectly fine with sharing my lap. Delly will rub Paisley’s hair, and Paisley will pat Delly’s back. They love each other! I wish every single person could experience the feeling it gives me to watch my twins ... [ Read More ]