The time has come when the girls need to be entertained. They’re no longer content to play quietly together, or follow each other around, or watch daddy use power tools. I need to start getting creative about planning little activities for them. Like immediately. They’re at a tough age where their old enough to enjoy coloring or playdough or fingerpaint, but they still put everything in their mouth’s (especially Dell), so I’ve been dragging my feet with these forms of entertainment.
I keep reminding myself that ‘summer is around the corner’, while looking out the window in dismay at the desolate frozen wasteland. Letting them run and play outside would be a dream come true… CAN NOT WAIT! They’ll swing, and blow bubbles, and draw with sidewalk chalk, and dig holes, and play with kittens. Mommy will recline under a tree, sip lemonade with a tiny umbrella, dressed in a tasteful bikini and floppy round hat, and huge hollywood sunglasses.
Wait, what? I’m sorry… what were we talking about?
Yes. Entertaining toddlers.
We’ve begun letting the girls watch one 30 minute cartoon a day (Little Bear), and while it only holds their attention for about 15 minutes, it really resets their cranky-ometer. And for that, I’m grateful.
They are still taking two naps a day… which is mostly wonderful. Though some days I wouldn’t mind them consolidating into one loooong nap so that we could run errands in town and have playdates, etc. but you won’t hear me complaining that my 20-month-old twins still take two naps, no-sir-ey.
Dear Paisley,
You are such a hard sleeper that your sister could be crying and puking on you and mommy and daddy turning the lights on to change the sheets… and you’re still zonked. When you’re having a tantrum, we tell you to go find your blankie… and you seek it out and go lay on it and suck your thumb until you can calm down. I think you got my temper, and need to remove yourself from the situation to be able to recover from your anger. You go about an hour between going potty on the toilet, and VERY rarely have an accident. You still poop in your pull-up during naptimes every once in awhile, but I think that’s just a scheduling conflict. You love to blow bubbles with your spit, and think every car that drives by is ‘daddy’. Even when Daddy is in the same room with you. You love to have pretty things in your hair. Both you and Adelyn love to play ‘Ring Around the Rosie’ over and over. It’s so cute to see you try to figure out the best way to hold each other’s chubby hands. We mostly call you Paisley, but sometimes Pais, Sissy, Petunia, or Tunia. We love you so much and look forward to what the future holds!
Dear Adelyn,
You are so sweet and sensitive, yet still find creative ways to test your boundaries. You almost always obey, but not without some serious reluctance. Your form of tantrum-throwing is throwing yourself on the floor, and being a limp noodle when we pick you up. You love to help your sissy and bring her things, especially if you can tell she’s upset. Your appetite has increased in the last few weeks, but you’re still a picky eater and prefer carbs and dairy products. You’ve begun taking things away from Paisley, but I can only imagine that’s normal at this age. When you’re sad, you love to snuggle with mommy or daddy. You had your first bout with the stomach flu last week, and it was so hard to see you so sick. When you’re not sick, you love to dance and sing. You’re more likely to play quietly by yourself than your sister, and have a favorite book ‘The Precious Pearl’. If you find an article of clothing (bib, hat, shoes, etc) that you’re not wearing… you want us to put it on you. I have a feeling you’re going to love to play dress-up. We call you Dell, Delly, Della, Della Rose, Sissy, and occasionally Adelyn. We love you so much and can’t wait for what the future holds!
Alyssa says
That’s awesome that they’re still at two naps a day! I’m jealous! Mine made the switch to one at 18/19 months and some days I miss the break. But oh well! Haha. 🙂
Anonymous says
Strip them down, put them in their high chairs, and let them fingerprint with washable non toxic paint. We have such beautiful works of art from our kids. Throw them in the tub when done creating masterpieces. They grow so fast…enjoy the messes!
Katy@TheOpenDoor says
I am SO with you on the winter-toddler combo blues! We’re an Iowa family, too, and it seems like after last year’s warm winter, I’ve forgotten how loooooong winter can feel! I’ll be right with you in my tasteful bikini once the weather hits a balmy sixty degrees. 🙂 I made my two year-old a sensory box with rice, scoopers, bowls, and little plastic dinos a couple of weeks ago, and that’s been pretty fun. (A lot of vacuuming though!)
randomcreativity says
cookie dough without eggs makes a fun play dough for occasional use… you can also make your own play dough which is just flour, salt, cream of tartar, and oil, which is fine to eat, just really salty… 🙂 and
Anonymous says
oh the joys of motherhood. This will change again, and soon they will entertain each other. Can’t wait for summer and I don’t have any small children. Mary in NY
Amber Wulle says
There are also flour-dough “clay” recipes all over online- same idea for eating it. Only problem is later teaching them not to when you move to non-edible supplies…
My sister got a lot of mileage out of homemade dog biscuits. They are made from flour and baby food or pureed veggies (google okay vegetables. Yams, carrots and apples are good, onions and garlic BAD)because the dogs don’t care what the baby does to them, you flatten it and use cookie cutters for the final biscuit, and there is nothing wrong if a child eats it. She just used enough flour to get a dough feel when mixed with the veggie puree. And every dog in our neighborhood adores them.
bree says
Finger painting with pudding is a great activity for little ones who still eat the craft supplies. Its edible, but still lets them be creative 🙂