Raise your hand if you remember our credenza makeover ala 2013! I loved it so much and it was my FAVORITE piece of furniture for so many years. Even though I lived in a true farmhouse in those days, I would have never considered my design style to be farmhouse. But now that some time has passed, I can confidently say that I gave this credenza a farmhouse makeover. And I don’t love it anymore.

It’s probably been two years since I mentally decided I didn’t love it, and I’m happy to announce that inspiration AND motivations truck at the same time!
This moody green color was speaking to me, and I knew it was too perfect! The color is Ironside by Dutch Boy.

It only took a single coat (with a few touchups later) and this baby was already improved!

I knew I couldn’t put those barn board inserts back in, because that would take this beauty right back to farmhouse-land. We cant have that!
I considered using tin ceiling tiles, mercury glass, fluted/reeded glass, caning, ETC. But ultimately I ended up aimlessly wandering the home improvement store for inspiration, and stumbled upon these floor tiles that look like slate! They’re not made of ceramic, and are quite thin. But with a board behind them for stability, this could be PERFECT for my moody credenza makeover!
This is me spreading all the different colorways out all over the floor of the store to pick the perfect shade of “slate”.

Seeing this faux slate with my moody green paint color made me LOSE IT. Can you believe this combo?

After installing these slate panels into my credenza, I drilled holes for hardware and popped those into place too!

Ahhhhhh! I love it so much! Look how amazing this moody green credenza looks in our dining room!

Ugh that deep buttery finish.

Psssst! Be sure to check out our MANY furniture makeovers from over the years. This one is my personal favorite!
Thank you for pinning!

This is so much better for the dining room than how it was. The white of the credenza seemed to fade into the wainscoating; now it stands out and I would to here more about the slate tiles you bought.
Got to see it to believe it—absolutely gorgeous! You’ve got such vision!
Very Nice…goes very well with the wallpaper on above wall:)