Happy Friday the 13th! (emphasis on FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!) Are you experiencing an icky/wet/blustery/spring day like we are? The girlfriends and I are happy to stay indoors on a day like today. Although I wouldn’t mind going garage-saling later this afternoon, weather permitting. Only a torrential downpour will keep me away!
As a side note, I had a terrifying nightmare about trying to navigate our ‘semi-truck’ in-line double stroller through a crowded garage sale… and have instead decided to pop one girl in the Bjorn, and the other in a single umbrella stroller so we can zip around and dominate each sale with our ease of mobility. I’ll keep you apprised on how that pans out.
This week, Adelyn started sitting consistently without being propped! Paisley gets up on all fours, and makes her way forward… but hasn’t figured out how to make her legs and arms work in harmony. Perhaps she got Nick’s lack-of-coordination gene. (sorry honey!) What else… OH! Paisley’s hair is growing slowly but surely, and Adelyn’s CHEEKS are growing at an alarming rate! I know it looks like I have one skinny baby and one fat baby, but they’re actually very comparable in weight. Paisley naturally has a long skinny face (like mommy!), and Adelyn’s face is quite round. Her ten-gallon cheeks don’t help matters though.
Anyone have any fun projects they’re tackling this weekend? We have one that we hope to finish up and share next week! Yay!!!
Thanks for the advice! I don’t ‘wear’ the girls very often, so it’s not worth researching/purchasing one that’s more comfortable for me or the girls. But I am glad to have the option to wear them from time to time. And we’re grateful that we were given a Bjorn! It’s worked out great the few times that we’ve used it.
Hmmm a Bjorn. Not a huge fan. Google it sometime and you can read up on how they are not very great with positioning for baby or mama. Have you ever heard of an Ergo or Beco carrier. They are MUCH better and I believe they can accomadate larger weight in them too. We have the Beco and I could carry my 2 year old toddler on my back with no pain! They are positioned to put the weight on your hips so it is a breeze to carry even a heavy toddler. Just thought I would let you know. Either way babywearing is so awesome!!! 🙂 Cute picture of the girls this week.
I am so glad you post these Friday posts! After a hard week, it’s always nice to catch up and to be reminded that there are parents like YOU in the world!!
Your girls are so, SO cute!! Amazing how lately their different looks have become more pronounced. They are deliciously delightful!!
Your this blog has inspired me to re-do a piece of my own. Been working on it today. It is just a little side table, but I am so excited how cute it is turning out! Thanks for the encouragement that this blog is to just try something completely different!
Hahaha!! We call our double in-line the “Baby Limo”. And I have experienced that nightmare, being in stores where you can only move forward and backward, turning that thing is IMPOSSIBLE! My girls are only 3.5 months and still so itty bitty (born at 34 weeks) that the Bjorn doesn’t work so well for them just yet. We use it when necessary, but other than that, they are in their carriers in the Baby Limo.
I love the plaid pants on Paisley! Hope to see you tomorrow night!
What are you going to do when those little chicks get too big to put both of them in the chair?
They are so danged cute!