Our neighbors had a trampoline, and the kids all LOVED it and played so well together for hourrrs… but last summer, they moved away and we noticed a sudden drop in the amount of time the kids would want to be outside (let alone playing together). So we decided to get our own trampoline (this is the one we went with and love! [amazon affiliate link]). We know there are risks associated with owning a trampoline, but the fresh air, sunshine, fun, and exercise outweighed the possibility of injuries.

BUT with that said, we want clear trampoline rules that will help minimize injuries. That’s common sense, right?!
I love playing around on canva, so of course I made our rules sign cute. I plan to print and laminate it, and hanging it prominently on the trampoline. I might even put two of them up… one on the inside, and one at the entrance so kiddos see it before they even get on. (here’s the new version of the laminator I have) *amazon affiliate link

CLICK HERE to download and print! We know that you may have a different set of rules for your trampoline, so we’re including a blank page for you to add your own! You can either hand-write them in, or add text using Canva or PicMonkey. You can get a free account on either one, and add your own text to it! If you need help, you can always reach out to me on Instagram (@RealityDaydream).

What rules would you add?
We hope this helps keep your kiddos safe this summer. Send us a pic of your trampoline rules in action!!
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