I don’t recall why, but I was flipping through some old-school posts… and this picture popped up.
Wasn’t I a bombshell? Man… I mean… I don’t look like this AT ALL now.
At all.
And that photo was only taken 3 years ago.
My hair is longer, my stomach is softer, I’ve been wearing the same T-shirt for 3 days, but most importantly, my accessories have changed.
Haha – I think we all look better with age, and a few extra accessories we call children 🙂 I still would like to get back to my pre-baby weight, from 5 years ago!!!
Yep. I had short, cute hair back in the days when I actually had time to consider what it looked like. Now, if I take it out of a ponytail, it is really a special occasion. However, I love your new accessories. I have one of my own, too. Being a mom is awesome. Squeeze your little miracles:)
You know, that gave me chill bumps after realizing that your “new accessories” were your girls. Yes, I def. have to say I like the new ones best too. It was a real eye opener for me too, I complain so much about how I look now, with my new size 16 frame longing to be a four again. But looking at it the way you just described…shame on me. I like the new me better now too. Thanks for the inspiration (even if you didn’t mean to)
I love those new accessories you’re toting around ;0)
We change as we grow and you certainly have grown…love your babies!
Love that
Britt@ Creating Space for Five
I love the new you and your new accessories! Couldn’t be any better!
LOL, you crack me up. I like the new accessories best too.
I was 46 when our twin girls were born. I said they would make me look younger because what 46 yo would be crazy enough to have twins? Then people started asking if they were my grandkids (sigh). I’m biased, but I like the 2d look best, too.
most beautiful “accessories” anywhere!
Mommyhood is CRAY CRAY, isn’t it?! The old me would look at the new me and scoff with disapproval at my day-old-ponytail-at-work look. Whatevs. The old me didn’t have two sweet snuggle bunnies that need cuddles and kisses every morning before they can truly wake up and get their day started. They don’t care that I didn’t have time to wash my hair this morning, so neither do I!! This picture is precious. And reminds me that I need to have my hubs take more pics of me and my girls together. 🙂 Much love to you guys!
Absolutely! I have to say little ones are the best accessories. Especially when you have to work so hard for them.
I agree…I like the new look the best. Amazing how beautiful those little angels make their Momma look. 🙂
You are beautiful! Inside and out 🙂