I was at work on Thursday, when I decidedly remember seeing spots and feeling dizzy. One of the nurses at the clinic where I work took my blood pressure which had risen just enough to be alarming to a paranoid twin-pregnant mama such as myself. I always hesitate to call my Dr because I don’t want to have to drop everything to come into the office for every little thing… especially when it’s over an hour drive. But my coworkers talked me into calling as a precaution.
After talking with my nurse, she had me provide a urine sample…which i was able to do right there at work! Another benefit of working at a clinic! After finding NO protein in my urine (which would have suggested pre-eclampsia) she told me the Dr still wanted me to come to the hospital for monitoring. I was annoyed by the inconvenience to my evening. And feeling petty for calling my Dr about every little concern.
Having our hospital bags already packed and ready to go, Nick and I headed for the hospital… fully expecting to be returning home in a few hours, exhausted and embarrassed.
As it turns out, they did keep us overnight to monitor the babies’ heart-rates and acquire some lab results. Come morning, not only was I having major contractions, my blood platelets had dropped dramatically, meaning that if they didn’t get the babies out soon, my body would lose it’s ability to clot blood. When the Dr said “let’s get those babies out!” I was immediately worried about their gestational age, wanting them to be as healthy as possible. I said, “Doc? If I was your wife, would you still deliver me right now?” and he said YES.
So we proceeded.
Here we are getting ready to head to the operating room.
Last pic of me and my twin-fliction.
And Nick sporting his high-waters.
The spinal wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I had so much adrenaline going, and I was so excited to meet my girls… nothing else mattered! It was really finally happening! So many emotions involved!
Nick was ready with the camera… and had a huge advantage being 6’8″! He had a birds-eye view of the whole procedure, and loved every minute of it! The next progression of photos aren’t for the weak-stomached! Or those eating a meal.
By now, you should know that I don’t hold back on being real! The ladies were both comfortably positioned in a breach fashion in my belly, and entered the world butt-first. I really would have preferred to experience a vaginal birth, but when it came right down to it… I didn’t care. Having my beautiful, healthy, amazingly adorable daughters makes me jubilant in a way that I can’t explain.
When I heard Paisley cry for the first time, I cried too. I cried with my daughter. My flesh and blood. My husband’s seed.
They gave me a quick glimpse of each of my slimy girls before they took ’em away. It was such a bizarre moment of ‘are you sure they’re really mine?’
After about an hour in the recovery room, they wheeled my bed right into the NICU and set me up right between my two beauties. Looking at them is indescribable.
Being only 35 weeks along, they needed some help with breathing and some other various things. But all things considered, they came out healthy and perfect!
I love watching my husband with his daughters.
We got to hold Adelyn first (two days after they were born), as she graduated from the oxygen before Paisley. Talk about torture, having two tiny children that you’ve waited years for, and not even be able to touch or hold them!
This is our biggest accomplishment… and the only one that matters. We have our miracles.
More to come tomorrow.
Tristen says
Beautiful birth story. Brings tears to my eyes. Reminds me of my births of my miracle girls.
amanda says
I just found your blog and love it! I have 14month old twin girls and know what a
blessing they are. Thanks for sharing your story. I got goose bumps as I read it. 🙂
Bethany @ Sawdust and Embryos says
Awww you’re so sweet! Soon your girls will be playing house together and comforting each other when one gets hurt. Soooooo CUTE!
Kelli Le Lacheur@hotmail.com says
I am teary right now. I have twins too 🙂 A boy and a girl. I am so happy for you guys. We have ours at 35 weeks and 6 days. We had issues conceiving as well. I have a pituitary tumor and it has blocked my estrogen and progesterone so we had to try some other hormonal therapies to get pregnant.
Amazing. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Michelle says
Thanks for sharing your twin journey- it took me back to the birth of my own sweet twin girls, who just turned nine. I had my own pregnancy sorrows to cope with myself, but you are right. That first cry is amazingly beautiful. Congratulations.
PaperFlora2 says
Job well done!
Sharon says
I have been following your blog for some time and have loved every single post…but this one brought tears to my eyes to see you both with your beautiful baby girls! You both certainly deserve all the happiness in the world! This is better than any kitchen backsplash (even though I LOVE those) or any decorating transformation. This is life and it is beautiful. Thank you for letting us all be a part of the journey!
Anonymous says
Yes! I was on vacation and came back to see you have your miracles! Thank you for sharing your creativeness, your story and your lifes! Life will never be the same again, and it’s going to get better with every second you have to spend with your beautiful girls! So happy for you guys! Enjoy!
aliimberi says
Thanks for sharing!! Congrats on the girls! They are beautiful! As for the sangria, I bet it was much needed! I remember the looks I would get too after I had my baby! Forget them!
Devin and Haley Estes says
I just wanted to say congratulations! I had twin boys born January 22nd 20011. I had them at 34 weeks and 5 days. there is so much advice I could just throw at you but most of my journey is on my blog. Feel free to go look at my blog and read about my adventures as a new mom with twins at devinandhaley.blogspot.com I am so happy for you and your family. Your little girls are beautiful and well deserved!
Anonymous says
Congrats Congrats Congrats. I am so happy for the two of you! Or should I say the 4 of you. They are beautiful!
MrsTerri says
Well…I sobbed when I read your post about the endometriosis. That pain I read through your words was just heartbreaking. Today, I have sobbed as I looked through your family’s photos. I have even hauled my fat tush off this couch and danced a little.
I am beyond happy for you. Children are truly a heritage, and to see the fight and the work and the planning you have done in order to realize your heritage…well…it’s just amazing.
Blessings upon blessings upon blessings. We will continue to pray for you and your girlies.
Anonymous says
Congratulations!! (I realized that the comment that I was going to type was already said by anonymous #2, so I’ll just let you get back to spending time with your girls now.)
Anonymous says
oh my goodness . . . they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! i had twin girls born at 28 weeks, and they were red and wrinkly . . . definitely loved, but not too cute:) your girls look so kissably, snuggably, eat’em up-able-ly GORGEOUS. congratulations, congratulations! get some rest while you can:)
Katie says
You look so happy in that last picture. Just beautiful! Congratulations!
Anonymous says
Bethany congrats they are beutiful. You and Nick will make great parents. from one of your ex-coworkers. You will be missed but you also will be much happier your dreams have come true.
Anonymous says
This is so strange…I am child-free by choice and originally started reading your blog because of the awesome backsplashes. But, as time has gone along I’ve cheered for you to get pregnant and then to have healthy babies. I peeked onto your blog today and now I’m teary-eyed and have a happy heart. Congratulations to you both. How lucky your babies are to have parents who will love, cherish and support them. Best wishes to all four of y’all!
Ashley says
congratulations! I love that you were able to recover between your girls! So many women are separated from their miracles after a c-section! They’re beautiful little girls!
Heidi says
They’re here! Congratulations. . . you done good!
They are precious!
Lulu Lane Designs says
Oh my gosh! They are beautiful and perfect!! Congratulations!!!!!
Angie K. says
Congratulations on your new treasures!
Natalie says
Welcome to twin-mommyhood,it’s so special! You’re really lucky you made it to 35 weeks! That’s only two weeks shy of full term which officially starts at 37 weeks! They have such great weights too! Very healthy beautiful babies!
Congrats on your beautiful babies and for being able to carry them for that long! I’m sure their NICU stay will be super short, especially since one has already graduated from O2! If you have any NICU questions, let me know, but don’t pay attention to any alarms or it will drive you insane 🙂
I remember when they had to take my twins out too, at 33 weeks. I developed severe pre-e overnight. My little girl was 4lbs 1 oz, and my little boy was 3lbs 15oz, both 17in long. We had a long NICU stay of 4 and 5 weeks (my son has chronic lung disease so his stay was longer and had to come home on O2) but it was worth it. Your post definitely brings back memories 🙂
Anonymous says
You can long for a child … you can prepare for a child… but until that moment when you see that child for the first time you can’t truely understand that amazing, incredible, all encompassing love….you are twice blessed
Kelly says
I love that you are…. BUT how are you finding time to blog!!!
Miles is 2.5 yrs old and I’m struggling to find a free moment to post a few pictures! Well done!
Mandy says
You have a beautiful family! Congrats again and thanks for sharing 🙂
Beautiful Haven says
Congratulations. I’m so happy for you, I don’t even know you and the post made me tear up.
My husband and I are expecting our first baby in August and the doctor told us recently they may have to deliver early (I’m 35 weeks too) and its a relief to see your girls are doing ok 5 weeks early.
Renee' says
You both look so very happy! Unless you have had this experience, you can’t understand the love that you feel towards these tiny little beings. And that love is instant and forever!You have now ended one journey and started another! Oh, and what a ride it will be! Congratulations again to the both of you!
Kathy@ Gone North says
OH.. SOOoooo Beautiful!!!
(with tears in my eyes.. : )
Such gorgeous babies & with fabulous names…
Just pure joy…on your faces
It has been an absolute delight to follow on your journey with such a happy ending/beginning of a new life for you…
KT @ KT's Refinishing School says
Aww I’m so happy for you two! The girls look beautiful and you look so at peace, in love, all the positive adjectives in the world in the photos. Congratulations again!