We’ve been on ‘the farm’ (as we like to call it) now for 6 days, and it’s quite a lifestyle!! The first night, after spending a couple hours unpacking, we sat on our VERY OWN front porch and watched the sun set. It was such a surreal moment… one I may never forget… of realizing how far God has brought me, and how generous he’s been to me. I for one, am in my dream home, married to my dream man (who is far from perfect i might add), and tomorrow am starting a new job, which may very well be the perfect job! At least the schedule anyways… no more 12 hour shifts, or working weekends. Just Monday through Friday, off at 2! Which still gives me plenty of time to come home and be wifish. Wifish IS an actual word by the way. Wifish: adj. (Wife-ish) Definition: The act of being a good wife to one’s loving husband, including but not limited to: laundry, meal planning/preparation, house cleaning, having sex, etc. And we all know people that are more wifish than others. They are super sweet, with great skin, and always finding cool things on clearance. Their hair is flat-ironed (even if it’s just to make a trip to the post office). They never slouch, and always have fresh cookies on the counter when their husbands get home from work. AND, I’m not positive, but I think they probably have sexy underwear on pretty much all the time. Most days I feel like the opposite of w
Back to the house… on day 2, we woke up to a crop duster flying back and forth over our house (beings that we are surrounded by corn and bean fields). Super excitedly, we jumped out of bed and went out in our pajamas with a cup of coffee, and again, sat on OUR front porch and appreciated the beauty that is a crop duster. There is a chance that in the near future, such things will no longer catch our fancy, and instead be a bit of a nuisance so early in the morning on a Sunday. But for now, we fully appreciate all the beautiful and bizzare things that come with country life, as well as being new homeowners (and newlyweds for that matter). A brand new chapter in our lives is starting, and if I were writing the book, I would call it “The Life of a Country Girl.”
Magnífico blog.
For a first-ever-blog entry, you did a fantastic job! Way better than mine, I would be ashamed to link back to my first post. lol
Debbie 🙂
As a newlywed myself (as well as the annoyed owner of perpetually puffy hair), I would like to point out that though I flat iron my hair regularly, I haven’t worn sexy underwear since the honeymoon. And I most certainly do not sit up straight. Oh…and my husband cooks way better than I do. In fact, I’m pretty sure I married him for his lasagna and chicken enchiladas.
Your house and your life sounds amazing big Jill-I’m soooo happy for you!!!
Little D 🙂
1. It sounds like you may have someone particular in mind when you speak of going to the post office with flat-ironed hair.
2. If the definition of wifish includes flat ironed hair and not slouching (among several similar items), I’m officially screwed.
Super excited you have a blog!! I’ll miss ya in Ames, IA but am very happy for you 🙂